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  Missile AI range bug is final straw - SMAC has been uninstalled

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Author Topic:   Missile AI range bug is final straw - SMAC has been uninstalled
CEO Benjamin posted 04-07-99 02:28 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for CEO Benjamin   Click Here to Email CEO Benjamin  
I am absolutely infuriated about this game-killing bug, and it is very well documented by tons of posters here on the SMAC forum.
This has been a bug since Civ II (and everybody knows Brian and Sid stole the source code for that to make SMAC) and has never been fixed.
In SMAC, if you are Planetary Governor, you can inspect all other cities, the units in those cities, and what each city is producing. In order to verify this bug, just keep an eye on enemy cities that it shows building missiles. I guarantee you that when they finish it and shoot it at you, that the missile came DIRECTLY from the city it was built in, whether it is 2 squares or 100 squares away from your city that was hit.
This is irrelevant anyways, since as Planetary Governor, you can monitor enemy production, and you KNOW when they finish that missile. I also had sensors all over the place, so no enemy units (especially naval units - since my navy is dominant) could have snuck in to shoot the missile from closer range.
This bug is extremely easy to duplicate and it is, quite frankly, appalling that it has not been fixed after all these years since it reared its ugly head in Civ II.
Thanks for your your time, and, I remain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

Chris Benjamin
State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser

P.S. Since Neither Brian nor Sid seem to give a crap about what anybody
thinks about SMAC (you notice ANY messages from either one of them on the
c.s.i..g.s. newsgroup or the SMAC forum since SMAC was released?). I have
seen 4-5 messages from Brian on the newsgroup, and NONE from Sid in either
place for the past 3-4 months! Due to this, and the insane bugs (as well as
Firaxis' condescending attitude in calling their multiple bug fixes
'enhancements'), SMAC has been uninstalled from my computer for over a week
now (this is really a tragedy, my friends, since I am MAJOR fan of strategy games and
always buy them as soon as they are released).

Frank Moore posted 04-07-99 02:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frank Moore  Click Here to Email Frank Moore     
Who cares?
Mortis posted 04-07-99 09:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
Damn straigh! They have not listened to a damn thing we said! We didn;t want borders, they put them in! We didn't want customizable units, the put them in! We didn;t want sea colonies, more ways to will or mulitplayer, but NO they just go a head and put them into the game. And now they keep releasing these so called enhacements, we have to download hundreds of kilobytes because they stuffed up!

Not to mentioned they stole source code from MicroProse, even though Civ2 runs on a totaly different engine, but that dosn't matter because its a TBS game and they are all exacly the same (especial CIV & SMAC)

And the fact that BR had better things to do then to defend his game from such great agruments as "SMAC sux cuz its gay!" is "quite frankly, appalling".

Firaxis better lift their game... This kind of customer support is unacceptable.

CEO Benjamin posted 04-07-99 10:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CEO Benjamin  Click Here to Email CEO Benjamin     
I'm kinda surprised that the first couple of responses to my missive (even though I didn't really care if I got any), have come from the 13-15 year old, publicly-educated, complete frigging moron crowd.

Really, children, keep the stupid comments to yourself if you don't have anything productive to say.

And BTW, they DID use the Civ2 code for SMAC (even public school 7th graders like you two should be able to see that), the AI missile bug HAS been there for years, Brian and Sid HAVE been almost completely absent from the post-game-release scene (even though I was incredibly impressed with Brian's support for Civ2 when it came out), and this stupid game is about 5,947,828 times less fun to play than:

1) Baldur's Gate
2) Imperialism 2
3) Western Front
4) Falcon 4.0
5) Unreal
6) Quake 2
7) Half-Life
8) Thief
9) Dark Omen
10) Sid Meier's Gettysburg!

and about 10 more games that still reside on my hard drive.

Thanks for your inane comments, kiddies!

Chris Benjamin
- State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser
- Survivor of the public school system
- Well-rounded despiser of teenybopper morons who post to newsgroups and forums

CyberSpyder posted 04-07-99 10:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CyberSpyder  Click Here to Email CyberSpyder     
Hmm, for someone who says they dislike condescending replies, you certainly seem to make enough of your own.
#1: What does it matter if Sid "stole" the code for Civ2? If it even is based on it, it has obviously been drastically modified for the differences in civ2. And it was his game in the first place!!!
#2: What exactly would you call a bug fix? Yes, there are bug fixes in those enhancements, but there are also new features, based on consumer feedback. God forbid that they have those! Those bug fixes means that it has to be called "Fixes for the stupid errors in this stupid game we made that satisfied hundreds of people, but still sucks terribly because Benjamin doesn't like it"
#3: I've never noticed that missle bug happening to me. And besides, how many turns does the computer skip this way. 1? 2? Does that really matter?

SMACademician CyberSpyder

P.S. Do you call Quake 2, Unreal, and Half-Life strategy games?

CEO Benjamin posted 04-07-99 11:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CEO Benjamin  Click Here to Email CEO Benjamin     
So, which public Middle School are you attending, CyberSpyder?


(If I can't have any fun with the piece of crap known as SMAC, I might as well have fun with you teenyboppers)

yin26 posted 04-07-99 11:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
CEO Benjamin,

I believe what you are experiencing is known in the trade as "Reverse Idiosmosis"--You leave enough blank slate morons to feed off each other and they can no longer tell a crippling game issue from the feeder tubes sustaining their nearly flat-lined brains.

You are right, good Sir, that the missle issue completely ruins the game. These other fools either never have a game last long enough for it to matter (they keep restarting so they can get that "thrill" of conquering empty land) or they get confused and think that the missles are actually being LAUNCHED from the cities in question.

Either way, lets hope patch 4 FINALLY fixes this issue.

(Where are you other people?)

Glak posted 04-07-99 11:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Glak  Click Here to Email Glak     
You're right CEO, this game is messed up. At first (like many of you) I thought it was great but now I'm not so sure. Calling the patches enhancements is such a joke. Sure they add features but those features should have been in the original game. As far as I know adding the borehole cluster was the only actual enhancement (adding hotseat after is such a joke!).

Another thing that I'm starting to realize is that SMAC isn't actually a strategy game except when played multiplayer. After playing Starcraft I'm used to real choices in what I do, not "well I have to build this and that and I have to put forest here, oh look enemies I guess I'll do the obvious". Heck even the Starcraft AI is way better than this piece of junk, especially since patch 1.04 (yeah they call it a patch even though it only had enhancements!).

I will continue to play SMAC but only when I don't have the energy to play SC or when I get my turn in the mail. Multiplayer SMAC is really good I must admit, probably because they didn't focus on it when they designed the game.

Well I brought Starcraft up because you didn't have it on your list. If you haven't tried it get it, if you have and didn't like it then umm... no need to buy another copy.

For any of those who played SC but got sick of all the idiots on bnet check out channel: nohunters, around 10pm eastern we often have 15 or more mature and skilled players ready for a friendly game.

Spider posted 04-07-99 11:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
CEO Ben: For someone who insults people who list their occupation as "Student", you need to learn something yourself. You are a "Real Estate Appraiser" by trade, and that may have something to do with this. Also, you may be harboring doubts about your own intelligence, and resort to calling other people "idiots" to prove your intelligence. My advice: give it a rest. Oh, and by the way, care to guess/say something about me?
TheClockKing posted 04-08-99 12:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing    
How can people steal what they invented? The missle bug is a problem and would REALLY bug me if it wasn't for the fact that you can use it to. Starcraft is a joke as it is the SAME as almost every RTS, shall I rush my enemy or shall I build up and then rush my enemy. No diplomacy, no strategy, just utter barbarianism. A fan of Quake 2 should be able to relate.
yin26 posted 04-08-99 01:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

I agree one can get used to it on smaller maps or in a quick game. But it's abolutely crippling on a 200 x 200 map, for example. So, depending on your style of play, it certainly makes the game virtually (if not in principle) unplayable.

Add that to the fact that Firaxis promised this was fixed in patch 3, and, well, this issue becomes a petri dish just waiting to hatch all kinds of evil sentiments.

wkehrman posted 04-08-99 01:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for wkehrman  Click Here to Email wkehrman     
I'm glad you found the time to uninstall a game you consider "buggy" to the point of unplayability, and you have my condolences (seriously and sincerely) for spending your money on such a game. There have been times in my own experience that I wish I could get an actual REFUND on a crappy game (did somebody say OUTPOST?!?) However, since you haven't had it on your system for a week, why are you still here? It was my impression that these forums were for SMAC PLAYERS. Not that you have to pass some entry requirement, but I'm just trying to understand WHY. However, I am a bit older than the average user and "un-hip" in the ways of game discussion forums. Does the term "trolling" no longer apply to posts intended to start problems? Or are "trollers" the new superheroes of the virtual world?

This is not to say I haven't had my problems with the game. Where are the freakin' underwater mag tubes or bridging units? Why can't I airdrop into a seabase with an Aerospace Complex?

Remember the quote "superior training and superior technology have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength"? The folks at Firaxis didn't pull that one out of thin air. It's one of those silly little principles that often govern the equipping and training of modern military forces, especially those in the West, and has, on occasion, been demonstrated in the history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The enemy cannot launch his missiles from cities he (or she) does not control. Think of it as a challenge until Sid and company clear their plate enough to deal with the problem. Do try to remember that real life is unfair, on occasions, and combat occasionally involves the mismatching of conventional forces. In fact, that's generally how you WIN!

I will not go into the complete hypocracy of your statement "keep your comments to yourself if you don't have anything productive to say." Except to say that the large majority of adults I know whould have found it sufficient to simply uninstall the game and use the disk, game manual and accompanying box as either a paperweight or a bookend, (as I have with Outpost). You don't like it, you have your reasons, that's fine. Uninstall, tell us why, then spend your time on more productive, and satisfying, pursuits--perhaps a few rounds of Half-Life? We'll be sure to pass your reasons on to those who do care.

Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. I tried some of the games on your list and guess what, I didn't like them! I tried others, and DID like them! My GOD! We have a difference of opinion. Whoops, I guess I've just pegged myself as a teenybopper!! You will notice, however, that you won't find my handle in any of the Half-Life discussion groups bemoaning the fact that I find it unenjoyable.

However, it is interesting to note that the same advice I gave to a High School Geography class today would apply to this thread:

If you stopped complaining and DID SOMETHING, you'd be done with it by now.

I also find it interesting that, based on my own limited background (as a public school teacher) that the only "childish", "teenybopper" posts in this thread come from some guy named CEO Benjamin. Oh, and yin26, who for some reason, is also unable to uninstall the game and go away.

Bill Kehrman
Licensed Secondary Social Studies Teacher

P.S. I WILL try to do something about the fact that public schools do not appear to be teaching their students the finer points of sarcasm and humor.

Shining1 posted 04-08-99 01:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
CEO: I more or less feel the same way (see ENOUGH).

But I disagree about Brian and Sid being present on these forums. If the game has problems, this ain't the place they should be spending their time.

Long, grovelling apologies are nice for the ego. But they don't actually FIX anything.

yin26 posted 04-08-99 01:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

Nice post. You almost sounded like you know what you are talking about. But, tf you have been keeping up with the story, as you claim, you would know why I deleted the game and why I am still here.

If you are content making silly excuses for flaws in the game (try your little theory on a 200 x 200 map and get back to me), then you deserve every piece of garbage game you buy. Bend over. Like it.

Some others here, and I am of the persistent, irritating type--I'll grant you that--are committed to two things: 1) NOT working around game-crippling issues 2) NOT bending down to touch our toes so the next shipment can arrive Firaxis Express.

Maybe your students can't see past your pseudo logic--which is the bane of the public school system: For every good teacher there are 50 like you telling them "Don't push the system." "Don't dare ask for better."--but some of us have moved on a demand a little better. I could grace you with my C.V., but what's the point.

PhysicsMan posted 04-08-99 05:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PhysicsMan  Click Here to Email PhysicsMan     
Unfortunately, this posts demonstrates the futility of arguing in a forum. Talk is cheap and opinions are a dime-a-dozen. How an opinion is interpreted by each individual is a personal matter. The underlying question posted here is whether our opinions matter to Firaxis. The answer is no. Firaxis really could care less about what we post in this foum. Here's why!

Regardless of anyone's opinion, the world of computer gaming revolves around MONEY!!! Firaxis is in business to make money, period. Anyone who doesn't believe this statement isn't trying to get ahead in this world. A company that can't make money either disappears or is purchased by a larger company (anybody remember Windward studios?? Virgin Interactive?? Avalon Hill??). In order to make a profit, Firaxis uses media hype (SMAC 98% - SMAC 5 stars - all cool people have SMAC), quality control, balanced gameplay, customer support, reputation, etc. to generate greater sales. Thus, the only interest Firaxis has in customers is the number of games we buy. Are we helpless? Can we do anything? Yes, we have two choices:

(1) If you want Firaxis to produce quality, balanced, bug-free games, then (if possible) return your copy of SMAC to the store immediately and DON'T purchase future games by Firaxis until the game is shipped with all patches included (I've found this to usually be about 3 to 6 months after initial release).

(2) If you want to be the first kid on your block to play a new Firaxis game and don't mind bugs, undocumented gameplay, or poor quality, then run out and purchase the game "hot off the presses". However, if you choose this method of buying games, don't get mad about the problems that follow.

We the consumers have far more control over the PC gaming industry that we think. We control the sales and ultimately profits of gaming companies. We vote for game quality with every game purchase we make. If we vote (1), then a lack of sales will force gaming companies to respond to our wishes. If we vote (2), then we leave quality issues in the hands of the developers. The bottom line is companies like Firaxis don't care about our opinions, complaints, suggestions, praises, or comments. We can sit here and belly-ache about all the woes in SMAC or argue over each others opinions. Firaxis only cares about the number of games they sell.
So if you are posting your comments on this forum in hopes of making a difference, save your time and energy; Firaxis doesn't care what you think. But if you returned your game to the store, tell others NOT to purchase the game, and wait on future purchases; Firaxis will get the message loud and clear. As for me, my copy of SMAC is sitting very comfortably on the self back at the store. How do you vote?


P.S. Wkehrman, since I now have time on my hands, I would like to hear your comments on public schools over in the NON-SMAC forum.

Aredhran posted 04-08-99 05:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
You guys should consider yourselves lucky to have the *possibility* to return a game to the store at all.

Here in Switzerland, most places won't take any game back (unless it's still shrink-wrapped), so once you shell out the $$$ and install your new baby, it's too late even if you don't like it.

Not that I would return SMAC anyway... It has some flaws, a few *really* annoying bugs I must agree, but I'm still having a LOT of fun with it.

Hold on to your kimono, Yang, my Shard Choppers are coming down your way

Mortis posted 04-08-99 05:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
CEO Benjamin - I am 14 and I go to a state school in a suburb with the highest amount of drugs and break-ins in Victoria. So it is safe to assume that my opinion is no where near is important as that of a "State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser". But there are people in this forum who judge others by what they say rather then what is written in their profile.

People like you make me laugh! I have serious trouble believing that you are who you say you are and you do what you say you do. I cannot see how anyone can possibly be so hypocritical�
� "So, which public Middle School are you attending, CyberSpyder? Idiot."
� "Even public school 7th graders like you two should be able to see that."
� "And this stupid game is about 5,947,828 times less fun to play than:"
� "Thanks for your inane comments, kiddies!"
� "- Well-rounded despiser of teenybopper morons who post to newsgroups and forums"

"5,947,828 times less fun�" And YOU are calling US kiddies. CyberSpyder argued against your comment and all you can say is "So, which public Middle School are you attending, CyberSpyder? Idiot." I'm sorry buy I don't know of any person over the age of 12 who would talk like that, certainly not a "State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser". I assume you must have learnt that from the Quake 2 community.

So your pissed about the unlimited range missile bug� IT'S A GAME! GAMES HAVE BUGS! The bug will get fixed in the next "Patch" "Enhancement" "Bug Fix" what ever you want to call it. Call it a ****ing sequel if you want to! If you posted the problem then FIRAXIS would happily fix it, but you have to go around shouting, "I found a bug! I found a BUG! I found something wrong with the game!" Like you just found buried treasure. Do you crave attention so badly that you need to proclaim to the whole world that your un-instaling the game, and then making fun of people for pointing out the stupidity of your post in the first place.

The other "Great tragedy" that you point out if Sid & Brian's lack of posting, both on the forums and on "". Firstly, can you imagine what would happen if Sid posted here? Hundreds of people like you would run up and say things like "I'm your biggest fan, I love your games you are the greatest!" I don't think that anyone really needs that, plus Sid had little to do with the actual making of SMAC. From what I can tell, there has not been too many important SMAC threads in that require BR's attention. The same goes for these forums, the whole FIRAXIS team would be very tried and looking forward to a well deserved holiday after the last patch goes out. They don't want to spend hours here replying to "SMAC sux coz i sayz so!" threads, and they don't want to post in your thread begging you to reinstall the game and promise a fix for the bug.

Now if your going to play SMAC then report you bug and wait for the next patch, if not go back you the Quake 2 forums� Or better yet, go back to your work. I'm sure the Real Estate industry need someone with your expertise and ego.

Frank Moore posted 04-08-99 06:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frank Moore  Click Here to Email Frank Moore     
CEO Benjamin:
To set the record straight, even though I did go to a public school, I haven't attended one since 1982, unless you count my time at a public university. I am currently an electrical engineer working for a large engineering firm.
Excuse me for having a real job (real estate appraiser?, excuse me STATE LICENSED REAL ESTATE APPRAISER). Oh, and BTW FY!
Aredhran posted 04-08-99 07:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
[Just thought I'd try to get this thread back on topic, ie. the Missile Range Bug - All this name calling leads nowhere. Where's Brother Greg when we need Peace ?]

Mortis, you said "If you posted the problem then FIRAXIS would happily fix it"

This has been posted and discussed many times before, as you probably know. Firaxis said it was fixed in 3.0 (check the README), but it's not. So I understand that some people can get mad (even if I have to agree with you on one point: who cares if they uninstall the game ?)


yin26 posted 04-08-99 07:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
I've never actually tried to STOP a flame war before! It's giving me the shivers as I type.

O.K. Let's assume the worse about CEO Benjamin. Let's say he's evil for being in real estate (we all hate those bastards don't we?) and deserves to die. Let's admit he called some people idiots and touched some public school sore spots (I was raised on public school lunches--remember the little square pizzas and jello?--but look how great I turned out: I'm a God damn genius!).

Forget all that for a second. Honestly. Just rewind this for a moment. Please.

CEO Benjamin is obviously a hard core gamer. He loves his games. He loves SMAC. Yes. I said it. He loves SMAC. He wants nothing more than to play it to the blood shot, gotta piss now or I'm gonna die, blissful image of watching that commie bitch Yang roast in his own burning headquarters end.

For some, games are a diversion. For CEO Benjamin, games are a way of life. Now don't pass judgement--some of you wear little plastic gloves on your hands and pick up dog **** so you won't get fined by the city while you're walking your dog. You know who you are. Is being a hard core gamer somehow worse than scooping up warm canine fecal matter with nothing but millimeter thin plastic to keep you from becoming One With Nature?

You see my point. We all have our loves.

In that respect, the respect that should matter to us most here, he is like us. "If you cut him, does he not bleed?"

I beg of you guys to look at how all this started. He simply made the very valid point that the unlimited missle range problem ruined the game he spent hours building. Hell, this might as well have been a system crash. No, a system crash would have been even better! At least in that case he could rationalize that it was his drivers or his BIOS--some lame ass excuse at any rate. But this issue is clearly one of the glaring faults of the Firaxis team. They promised a fix for this in 3.0. They even said in the text file it was fixed. It's not fixed.

Screw Firaxis and whether or not they are listening. That's not the point, believe it or not.

O.K. We've heard the argument a million times, sure. You might be sick of it. Sure. But were you tricked into coming into the thread? Was, "Missile AI range bug is final straw - SMAC has been uninstalled" somehow misleading to you?

But what does he get as the first response?

"Who cares?"

This is supposed to be a place, if not of mutual support, at least of not going out of one's way to ridicule another person's valid point. Maybe you guys didn't like the way he talked about Sid and Brian. O.K. He was pissed off at the time. Give him a break.

I truly admire all you people who don't let things like unlimited enemy missle range turn you off or make you mad. It must be great to live in that mindset. No doubt Firaxis made this game just for you then.

But call us psychotic, call us no-life sonofabitches for wanting the game to work properly, but that's our sad little corner of the world. Let us live there in peace. Let us write infinite sob stories about this and that bug. Don't ethnic cleanse CEO Benjamin and Yin, I beg of you. There is no gamer's NATO to save us--though I'm working on one now, so watch yourselves!

It releases tension--for me, anyway. You think my wife would stand my talking about SMAC even for a second? I tried. She started blaring old Bee Gees albums and scratching her finger nails on the wall.

Don't you see? As gamers, all we have is each other (I actually just gagged--isn't that funny? .

God bless this buggy game.

God bless the public schools and all the idiots who attend them.


Let the flames begin.

P.S. Sorry to get in the way here. I'd actually prefer to see somebody die in this little battle. My apologies. As you were, men. By the way, how way my first attempt at peace?

Mortis posted 04-08-99 08:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
Yin, *ahem* "complete frigging moron crowd."
"I might as well have fun with you eenyboppers"

Now we can't let "Mr. State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser" walk all over us "13-15 year old, publicly-educated, complete frigging morons"! Emagine what it would do to his already bloated ego!

HMFIC posted 04-08-99 09:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HMFIC  Click Here to Email HMFIC     
Once again, I find I must declare Vendetta on whoever it was that nerve stapled Yin.
jig posted 04-08-99 09:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jig  Click Here to Email jig     

<i>feeling cowish</i>

jig posted 04-08-99 09:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jig  Click Here to Email jig     

feeling stupid (HTML is OFF)

Glak posted 04-08-99 10:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Glak  Click Here to Email Glak     
ClockKing: it would be best if you stuck to discussing topics that you know. All
because you only know two strategies doesn't mean that there aren't actually hundreds,
each with a dozen variations. I guess you just didn't have the patience to actually
try learning any. Oh, and did you notice that your two strategies correspond nicely
with the "build" and "conquer" strategies?
Rong posted 04-08-99 11:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rong  Click Here to Email Rong     
Actually, I thought Frank's "Who cares" response was quite hilarious. I couldn't have said it better. So you found this "bug" in this game you were playing, you were infuriated enough to uninstall it. But do you really have to run around and tell the world about it? As Frank said, no one cares what is on your hard disk. This may be very hard to get into your head, but the world does not evolve around you.

A simple bug report would have sufficed.

Darkstar posted 04-08-99 01:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
*Pulls out DNA Sampler, scans Yin26*
"Yep. Just as we thought. This Yin26 clone has gotten Brother Gregg DNA mixed into him. Didn't I tell you guys to clean those tanks between clones? Damn, now we have to make another Yin, and destroy this one. What a shame."


Now, I have to say... I think we haven't heard from Brian for one simple reason... embarassment. The kind that gives 13 year old teens heart attacks. To publicly *state* that you have finally fixed that bug that has caused so much moaning, groaning, cussing, and cursing of the next 10 generations in your family, and then have it shown that WASN'T fixed... We might not EVER here from Brian until his NEXT Development Project is nearing Gold.

I do think that CEO Benjamin was a little over the top in his comments about the maturity and career capacity, etc etc etc. But, having had many an enjoyable games of SMAC ruined, I can understand jumping on the board and blowing off steam.

Word to the wise Benj, when you start insulting other people, it tends to make you look like someone who is emotionally and mentally immature as well. You should keep that in mind (I try, but no one is perfect )

Most stores don't refund games because they don't want to give you your money back. It has nothing to do with Piracy, it just makes a good excuse. Its like how women aren't paid the same wages as men (for the same job/work) here in the USofA. It's all about Money, and the fact that they can get away with it. On Piracy, the biggest pirates I have know in the last ten years are invariably store employees.

Now, as long as you buy the buggy games, the Gaming Industry has little reason to treat you like a rational, respectable consumer. This is the main reason that 9 out of 10 games I buy are of the Clearance shelf. Shelling out 5 to 15 dollars, I don't feel bad if the game is a dried up piece of dog doo. For those very rare games that I thought it would be worth the price (SMAC, for example), I tend to get VERY upset about getting ripped.

Tired of being ripped? Stop supporting the Gaming Industry. Read a book. Watch a movie. Go out and have a life of recreation outside the computer. But as long as we, the consumers, pay for the latest and greatest at the greatest of sums, the industry will continue to release products before their time....

Next Game I'm paying Premium for? Dungeon Keeper II. Why? Popoulous 3 (Bullfrog's previous release that I purchased) has played well on my system (no apparent bugs for me) and they have only patched it *once*. (that was a MP issue, I think). Other games I will pay Premium for? Railroad Tycoon II : Second Century - PopTop might have patched it *4* times (and one of those because they rushed a patch out that didn't have the AI in it, talk about embarassing...) but they have been KILLER on their support, and the patches have for the most part been within the first 6 weeks of release. No new ones. Nice stable product that hasn't any game play show stopper bugs that have affect ME.

Will I pay Premium prices for something with Firaxis name on the box? Probably not.

Aside from voicing our opinions (which, contrary to the feel of this thread, they do care about as its legitimate customer feedback, and gives them a feel for WHAT you are telling your friends and associates) on forums and in public, the only other way you can express yourself is spending money on their products. If you aren't in that mad first rush to buy the product, but wait until its at the half price mark, you expressed yourself. If you NEVER buy another of that company's products again, you have TRULY expressed yourself.

So the next time you are contemplating buying that Software Program, remember... you are using your power to guide the industry. Make the choice that will please you the most...

(Starting to feel that I should get a job with the SAP press core...)

Possibility posted 04-08-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
Glak: where is this no hunters channel at? is it on IRC? Thanks


Glak posted 04-08-99 01:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Glak  Click Here to Email Glak     
no it is a channel. When on hit the channel button and type "nohunters" in. It is one word without the qoutes. You could type "/join nohunters" instead. The channel is fairly empty in the afternoon but you can usually find five or so in the channel around 8:00 eastern. 9:00 to 11:00 is the time that most people are on. Once I saw 28 people in there.

Also you might encounter a few idiots because people have been advertising the channel in the forums lately. We try to keep them out and if you don't like someone just use the /squelch command

We mostly play 2v2 or 3v3 but you can get 1v1 and other types of games. We have a wide variety of skill levels, all the way from newbie to the winner of the Brood War beta tournament.

micje posted 04-08-99 05:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for micje  Click Here to Email micje     
Now HOW ON EARTH can this missile bug ruin your game??? They're not PBs, right? They don't have nerve gas, right? The worst thing that can happen is that you lose all your units in a big city of yours. Is that bad? NO! Because that big city is a long way removed from any enemy cities, or more accurately, any near enemy cities have long since been forcefully removed. So there are no hovertanks that can conquer your city. Nor can an enemy make insertions in your city, because you have an aerospace complex in all your cities, and both SPs that allow orbital insertions are either in your possession, or they have sadly been PBed by an evil dictator. Mindworms are not a problem, since you have very little eco-damage, and no fungus around your cities. In cities that you do keep units in, you either have lots of drop scouts, produced in your more useless perimeter bases, designated as defender, or a tachyon field, an aerospace complex, and a lot of AAA Stasis Infantry with the Sing. engine. Now, you can call this a work-around. Well, it is. But just try to imagine that missiles really HAVE inlimited range. Why not after all. Lack of fuel? Even fission power gives enough energy to go around the world several times. Of course, in that case, you could make missiles with unlimited range too. But would you? NFW!!! Complete waste of taxpayers' money. You're a responsible leader. You INVEST in people. You THINK before you launch. A few tactical missiles, OK. But NO shower of expensive missiles to kill scout patrols like there is no tomorrow.

Because there IS a tomorrow.

I have never understood this emphasis on such a minor bug.

There are more bugs in SMAC than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

dbrodale posted 04-08-99 05:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dbrodale  Click Here to Email dbrodale     
micje -

I understand your point, and actually, I agree with the implication of your tagline - there are many "bugs" and inconsistencies in SMAC more deserving of an immediate fix.

Anyway ... the reason for the attention paid this "bug" [at least for myself, I dare not speak for all] is sheer annoyance factor. If it were one "mystery missile", I could live with it. But turn after turn, missile after missile ... the time I have to spend micromanaging to build up new scouts to be blown the following turn at a new conquest ... well, it get annoying.

I've found that I now play SMAC to diplomatic victory instead of transcendence victory, to limit exposure to the bug. Which, I guess, is fine, as the end-game can get a bit tedious.

Hope my thoughts were worth at least a penny,


Mortis posted 04-08-99 09:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
People are expecting SMAC to be bug-free simply because it's a Sid & Brian game... You find me another game that have about the same amount of bugs, or less then SMAC has. I don't think your going to find too many games.
Mortis posted 04-08-99 09:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     

This bug in an abomination! I was using Windows 98, when suddenly an error poped up saying "Explorer is not responding"! I had to reset my computer! That's right, reset the computer. Now can you imagine the mental pain and agony that has caused me! Not to mention the valuable seconds lost! MS have gone too far, I am uninstalling Windows this second, how can they exepect us to work under these conditions.
This bug is extremely easy to duplicate and it is, quite frankly, appalling that it has not been fixed after all these years since it reared its ugly head in Win 95.
Thanks for your your time, and, I remain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

14 year old, publicly educated teenybopping moron!

PS When the last time that Bill Gates posted something in a forum or newsgroup! I haven't heard anything from him for years, how dare he do that. Due to his choice in naming his patches, and this horrible horrible bug (WHICH I FOUND!) I am unable to continue using Windows!

micje posted 04-08-99 10:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for micje  Click Here to Email micje     
Bill has a monopoly. That's why I use Windows.

Firaxis hasn't got a ... wait


Firaxis has a monopoly. That's why I play SMAC.

Coconut posted 04-08-99 10:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Coconut  Click Here to Email Coconut     
Although I would normally avoid a discussion such as this one that involves such virulent name calling like the plague I do want to mention one thing. The Missile AI bug was fixed in my copy; perhaps another examination is in order?
yin26 posted 04-08-99 10:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
Sarcasm is a dying art, it seems.

Here's how the missle bug can ruin a game:

First, the game has to be a rather long and involved one; that was my experience at any rate.

Second, Yang has to be left unmolested long enough to amass several dozen missles and have enough production power to keep cranking them out.

Third, the player has to be in such a position that reaching Yang by any reasonable means to stop the missles from coming is out of the question for at least several turns.

Under those conditions--as I have said many times for me it was on a 200 x 200 map--Yang has enough missles to completely empty a half dozen of your cities of ALL units in ONE turn. And no, he doesn't always hit your HQ behind your front lines. In the game that caused me to delete SMAC, he emptied four of my coastal cities in one turn and Santiago--who had a Vendetta on Yang--just cruised up the coast and took three cities in two turns.

I tried to keep going, thinking, "Hey, now this could be a real challenge, albeit not a fair one." But the missles kept coming until I was very close to have not even ONE unit in any of my 20 or so cities.

So, you tell me the difference between a crater in the ground and cities that can't be fortified for at least 1-4 turns and will be bombarded again as soon as even the weakest unit is produced.

One of the sickest aspects of human nature is the blatant inability at times to even TRY to understand another person's situation. All you ignorant bastards who yell "It works on MY machine!" "The bug doesn't bother ME!" should all just get together, link in one big anal daisy chain of love and screw yourselves.

Your kind are sick, weak little f*cks who think "I'm O.K. so you're O.K." is some kind of higher thought process.

You're tired of hearing about the problem? Well, I'm about to kill the next person who says it ISN'T a problem. Any takers?

Smeagol posted 04-08-99 11:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Smeagol  Click Here to Email Smeagol     
Personally I don't see how anyone can fault CEO Benjamin for posting a negative comment about the game. When I check online sites to get some opinions on a game I want, I check reviews from both "professionals" and regular gamers. For the latter, I never read the positive reviews, because they tell me little more than useless comments like "this game is the best!!!" or "you must buy this game!!!" (note the gratuitous overuse of exclamation points).

I haven't gotten deeply enough into this game to confront the missile problem, but I am disturbed to hear about it. This could easily be the best strategy game I've ever played, and I don't want something that really should be a trivial matter to fix to be a game-killer.

So don't respond with insulting comments like "who cares?"-- why further provoke someone who is already clearly upset?

Maheno posted 04-08-99 11:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maheno    

Alleluia, there's hope in the public shools. For a 14 year old, I find you quite articulate (at least from your second post on), unless you're lying of course or worse your mother wrote them for you.

But if you truly are 14 then, kudos, go get these self-centered heavyweights, opinions are opinions, and people who feel like venting will always collide with those in a praising mode. Your last post was hilarious, unfortunately, CEO Benjamin seems to be busy appraising estate elsewhere. Yin, who initially wanted to stop the flames, is back in shape though.:-)

As for myself, I will watch and enjoy. English is only my third language...sigh

mooman posted 04-08-99 11:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mooman  Click Here to Email mooman     
I never "took" to SMAC. I have played it only a couple of times. In fact I would rather post on this forum. I don't dislike it for its missile bug (hell I haven't even played enough to be attacked by missiles). I dislike it for various reasons that are in my opinion unexplainable. CEO, you don't like the game because of the missile glitch, that is fine. I personally do not care to hear your incesent whining on the matter, but it is a free forum so bitch all you want. I draw the line when you begin stereotyping and insulting a group of people, myself included. Yes, I am a (proud?) product of James Madison Junior High School, a public school in my hometown of Appleton. I am currently enjoying the fact that I have had a much greater success than the majority of the privately educated snots from Appleton, and looking forward to running circles around a certain real estate agent within the next couple of years. Adieu
TheClockKing posted 04-08-99 11:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing    
Gak: Stick with things that I understand, I do. I have played Starcraft and other real-time strategy games and I find that most revolve around the strategies that I listed. Of course there are more I never said there weren't, all I said is that those seem to be the norm. and the tactics that most people I encountered use.

Yin26: Actually I always play on a huge map, the bug is an annoyance yes, but I do not find it to be as debilitating a factor as CEO Ben is claiming. First off as stated above they are just missles and can't take my city, second I can use the ability too. That said this problem still needs to be fixed ASAP, and if they promised that they would fix it in 3.0 then there needs to be an explaination as to why this was not done. I happen to take a promise seriously and always come through when I make them or I have a darn good explination why I didn't.

CyberSpyder posted 04-09-99 12:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CyberSpyder  Click Here to Email CyberSpyder     
Hmm, Benjy seems to be ignoring this huge thread he created, but just in case he stops in, I believe I'll respond to his insult about me.

Yes, Benjamin, I am 14 years old. Yes, I do go to public schools. No, I do not go to middle school, I go to high school. Now, how exactly do you fault me for this? Does the fact that I have not yet graduated high school mean that I have no brain, and/or my opinions on this game are worthless? I'm fairly sure I could hold up in a debate with you, especially with you constantly resorting to ad hominem attacks. That has been my reply.

Now for the rest of what I was going to say.

Yin, yin, yin. What happened? You started being a much more civil poster, now you're back to this! Oh well. Apparently, this bug affects different people differently. Since my strategy is "Make friends with everyone and pound everyone who doesn't want to be friends into oblivion early on," I never have a problem with end-game missle attacks. Maybe Benjamin and Yin have long conflicts with approximately equal enemies? I do not deny that this is a bug, but it doesn't seem to me to be a particularly bad one, and frankly I've never encountered it.

NOTE: PLEASE do not send in thousands of replies about how this bug destroys the entire game! I've heard it already, and what I just said is that it doesn't for me!

yin26 posted 04-09-99 12:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
O.K., O.K., my threat to "kill" has been downgraded to "pester"--which is worse than death if you ask Brother Greg. (Anybody seen him around by the way? I'm getting really worried. His cats are crying.)

Maybe I just got REALLY unlucky in my last game. To tell the truth, I needed time away from the game anyway--but I hope patch 4 comes soon, because I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

CEO Benjamin--if you read this thread ever again, I tried to e-mail you but it won't send for some reason. Do you have another one I can try? I need your advice on Baldur's Gate.

yin26 posted 04-09-99 12:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

Sorry for the ugliness. I don't think you realize just how hard it is for me to keep the Old Yin in the closet. My deepest apologies to the Queen, Tim Cullen (he's just some guy I know), and the Easter Bunny--I tried, Mr. Bunny, Lord knows I tried.

wkehrman posted 04-09-99 01:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for wkehrman  Click Here to Email wkehrman     

Just out of curiousity, is this occurrence exclusive to Yang? If so, I just realized why I may not have encountered the problem....he's usually one of the first to go! He's the only one I've ever "ethnically cleansed." (Dierdre's the only one I ever "nuked") Since he's one of the "aggressive" factions, I don't like letting him get TOO strong, especially behind those instant perimiter defenses he has. It may, however, not fall into a standard "bug fix" test scenario. (Custom planet, allow some or all factions to grow unchallenged, etc.) I don't know, I admit my test knowledge is lacking.

I did NOT suggest to CEO Ben not to complain and seek improvement. I told him that, after registering his complaint, he ought to move on to something more positive. Goodness knows we all have too much stress in our lives as it is. I believe in petitioning for the redress of grievances, but there IS a point after which it becomes bitching and moaning. You will notice that I accept, tacitly, the claim that the missile range bug DOES exist and needs to be eliminated. I believe I said, "Think of it as a challenge UNTIL [emphasis added] Sid and company clear their plate enough to deal with the problem." To this I would append the word "correctly."

Constructive criticism directed at those who can actually DO something is usually most effective, I've found. Clearly, CEO Ben does not expect to find anyone here who actually REPRESENTS Firaxis, in particular Sid or Brian ("Since Neither Brian nor Sid seem to give a crap about what anybody thinks about SMAC (you notice ANY messages from either one of them on the c.s.i..g.s. newsgroup or the SMAC forum since SMAC was released?)"). The question then remains, why continue to post to the forums?

FYI, a student DID speak up in my class, demanding better, and GOT IT, to the point that I had to back up and apologize for the confusion in two other sections. That lesson plan has red ink all over it. Moreover, it has become the lead experience I describe while job hunting (graduating in the middle of a school year is a bummer). To accuse me of being incompetent ("For every good teacher there are 50 like you telling them "Don't push the system." "Don't dare ask for better."--but some of us have moved on a demand a little better. I could grace you with my C.V., but what's the point.") without adequate evidence is, at best, irresponsible. If you have a C.V., you would already know that. I am glad you have sought the upper limits of your potential in spite of public schooling.

Also, did you know that shifting from the subject of the debate to a personal attack on your opponent also qualifies as "pseudo-logic?" More accurately, it is a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem attack. You can't give good response to the arguement (which I define as "why are you still here?") so you take it out on the person or persons who ask the question. I do recognize, however, that in impassioned discussions, particularly those involving persons of the "persistent, irritating" type, we tend to forget these little details. I have, from time to time, fallen into the trap myself. (Generally with the arguement "does his/her opinion really matter to me?")

Finally, do remember that "Democracy in Education" and "Anarchy in Education" are fundamentally different things; the former is a good idea, the latter is what many people are asking for. There is a point after which the guy/gal responsible for educating the students has to make a decision and run with it.

As to the original problem of why CEO Ben chooses to remain in contact with players of a game he no longer enjoys, I offer this:

Clog the [email protected] e-mail, for crying out loud!!! Do something PROACTIVE! Get after FIRAXIS WHERE THEY ARE!!! If you have, to no avail, use your power as a consumer and refuse to buy Firaxis products! Coming to the forum accomplishes what?

In the mean time, show Yang no mercy, capture and interrogate him. Pronounce Vendetta! Personally, I'd just as soon string him from the yardarm at the Maritime Center. No muss, no fuss, and I can reuse the rope. (on Godwinson, preferably)

And I will do as you suggest, and try this on a 200x200 map board. Do I have to set aside my strategy as well, though?

yin26 posted 04-09-99 01:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

You just pulled a Brother Greg--curse you! Now I have to kiss and make up. Actually, you deserve it.

Of course I have no idea what kind of teacher you are. I am quite aware of the "at the man" argument style. I think I invented it. I try to avoid it--it's kind of like a Planet Buster: Once you launch it, it's gonna take a whole lot of terraforming to get things back to square one.

Believe me, I know. I had to write Brother Greg a 6 page apology e-mail after my Brother Greg Interview parody. (I think it might be WAY WAY down on the posts--set the filter to go back at least a few weeks--I thought it was funny. But boy did it cost me.)

Funny that you should post this, actually, because Brian Reynolds just e-mailed me a fix for the missle problem.

(you might want to use it BEFORE you start that 200 x 200 game )

Keep pushing your students. The need it. They want it.

Frank Moore posted 04-09-99 07:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frank Moore  Click Here to Email Frank Moore     

You wrote:
So don't respond with insulting comments like "who cares?"-- why further provoke someone who is already clearly upset?

Why further provoke someone who is clearly upset? Because I thought that he was an idiot. Really a very simple answer! Oh, and notice no gratuitous overuse of exclamation points.

Lee Johnson posted 04-09-99 09:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lee Johnson  Click Here to Email Lee Johnson     
"Funny that you should post this, actually, because Brian Reynolds just e-mailed me a fix for the missle problem."

Really? Tell us more! :-)

Lee Johnson posted 04-09-99 09:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lee Johnson  Click Here to Email Lee Johnson     
Ah, never mind. I just found the other thread. :-)
Coconut posted 04-09-99 09:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Coconut  Click Here to Email Coconut     
Before you go off on a rant about certain posts you should think about whether or not you misunderstand what is being said. I was not chanting "It works on my machine. The bug doesn't bother me" like a puerile infant; I was attempting to point out that if it works on my machine and not yours perhaps you should attempt to figure out why if this bug bothers you that much. I'm not saying that the bug doesn't bother you or shouldn't bother you but I am saying that if the bug was fixed with my copy then there is a reason why it was fixed and there is a solution out there. Perhaps a call to Firaxis technical support with that question could facilitate matters.
yin26 posted 04-09-99 10:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

To tell you the truth, I wasn't referring to you, but I didn't post a name so you rightfully thought I was. Actually, I wrote you off entirely because you said the problem is fixed in your copy. Such a copy doesn't exist--not even at Firaxis, apparently. They SAID it was fixed with the 3.0 patch, but somebody missed something somewhere.

By the way, if I'm STILL wrong, and you DO HAVE the winning copy of SMAC--what's your price?

Leave the forum, you say? Too steep. Shoot lower, like, agree with every post you make. Hmmm. Could be fun, actually, but I think Yin on your side is the last thing you want in this lifetime. How about DISagree with everything you post. No. No. We are already doing that now for free. O.K. I got it! I'll send you MY copy of SMAC, you send me YOUR fixed copy, you test it just to see what I mean, and then we'll switch right back. Promise.

Bossman posted 04-09-99 10:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bossman  Click Here to Email Bossman     

How are you I see that you are jibbering on as usual about your life story and when the world is going to end. Like old times hey. Listen, Yin, How would you like a job at FIRAXIS for a year or so. Your contributions on this website along with some other people are quite outstanding.

Other people on my list:


All have contributed outstandingly to this forum, Thanks people.

Bryan Reynolds FIRAXIS posted 04-09-99 10:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bryan Reynolds FIRAXIS    

How are you I see that you are jibbering on as usual about your life story and when the world is going to end. Like old times hey. Listen, Yin, How would you like a job at FIRAXIS for a year or so. Your contributions on this website along with some other people are quite outstanding.

Other people on my list:


All have contributed outstandingly to this forum, Thanks people.

Bossman posted 04-09-99 10:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bossman  Click Here to Email Bossman     
Where the hell did that string come from above I didnt write that! Is it possible to have two people called Bossman, and nice try other guy Brian reynolds is spelt BRIAN not BRYAN.
Mortis posted 04-09-99 11:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
Maheno - Yes I am 14, lying about my age would make me no bettet then CEO Ben... It's nice to know that my efforts are apreciated.

Did somebody say something about "Bryan" not posting enough?

bchampion posted 04-09-99 12:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bchampion    
This thread has digressed a bit, but I'd like to make a comment on the original topic: the seriousness missile range issue.

Up until last night, I'd never had any major problems with it. Oh sure, I'd have the odd city get nailed by a couple of conventional missiles, but it was usually nothing serious. Usually I'd think, "now where did they come from?" and assume some nearby ship had launched them.

So last night I'm working on my first Ironman game, and feeling all very proud of myself, when out of nowhere comes a planet buster and takes out my best city! You know the one I'm talking about: WonderWorld, the production capital of your empire, where you build all your wonders.

Immediately I'm suspicious. It was nailed by the Spartans, who are waaaaay on the other side of the globe - and I've never seen a Spartan naval unit. Suddenly I realize that I'm a victim of the infinite range missile "feature"!

It's then that I remember playing Ironman. My last save game would be quitting time the night before, maybe 40 years ago. Now I'm faced with the dilemma: play on or restore?

Restoring would defeat the purpose of Ironman, not to mention having to replay 40 game turns just to compensate for one grossly unfair (not to mention tactically impossible) event. But wait, I say to myself, just grit your teeth and play on. After all, they had ICBMs in the 60s that could nuke a city from the other side of the world. All right, I say, but then I should be able to nuke their cities from infinite range too! Good point, I concede to myself.

It is at this point that two more options present themselves. Firstly, I can stop playing this &*%#ing game altogether. The appeal of this option is surprising. Secondly, I can run my OWN "Ironman" game. I'll just turn the Ironman feature off in the game and let the autosave proceed. I will then ONLY restore if something grossly unfair like this happens.

Right now I'm stuck between the final two options, leaning towards an uninstall.

Anyhow, to those who have never experienced the infinite range missile "feature", let me give you fair warning: if it happens to you in Ironman mode, you will NOT be happy. Take it from me, run your OWN Ironman game by exercising self-discipline with your saved games, only restoring when presented with a gross travesty of injustice.

Which, sooner or later, WILL happen.

Smeagol posted 04-09-99 01:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Smeagol  Click Here to Email Smeagol     
Frank Moore: That wasn't a personal attack on you... this is a posting forum and I believe a certain level of respect should remain here. That's why I found nothing wrong with CEO Benjamin getting upset about your comments, because you showed him no respect at all. And then you guys get angry when he fights back. Kinda silly when you think about it.

Zero posted 04-09-99 05:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zero  Click Here to Email Zero     
bchampion, I thought the infinite range thing only happened with normal missiles now, not PBs. Do you have the 3.0 patch?

(And yes, it's a patch, not an enhancement.)

Goobmeister posted 04-09-99 06:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
Yin26, you have mentioned many times the story of Yang busting your cities open with missiles and Santiago strolling into occupy them.
Argh, My monitor would have a forehead size dent in it(and since my hairline has been receding quite nicely for over ten years now that would be quite the dent) Obviously except for the cheat aspect that was a fairly cool AI coup.
While I have not experienced the cheat (most likely for the same reason as Wkehrman, Yang is the first to go...)
My question for you is what are the other circustances that you have felt the wrath of unlimited range missiles? Have they come from factions other than Yang? Have missile storms come from other than Yang?
So far I consider it a minor Bug , we'll see if I change my tune some game, if I lord forbid let Yang live (I sweat just thinking about that) and then he "rains on my parade".

p.s. your posts do make crack up, and since I am usually sitting in my little cube "working", that can be embarrassing.

yin26 posted 04-09-99 06:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     

As has been pointed out by the more astute people on the board, perhaps it is ONLY Yang who does this, as I personally haven't had it happen otherwise. If that's true for some odd reason, then it will only affect certain games. Is it just that HE loves missles or was this some strange faction-specific programming oversight?

P.S. Absolutely none of my posts were ever intended to be funny. This is serious work for me, and I'd appreciate it if you just kindly get back to work.

yin26 posted 04-09-99 06:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
Wait! Are happy faces turned off today? I stuck one in there, Goob (can I call you Goob?) :0 [I inserted happy faces, I promise!]
Shining1 posted 04-10-99 01:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     

Some stuff on missiles and SMAC (no idea if you know any of this or not)

Missiles kill a single unit. Stocking your cities with a bunch (2-3 each town) of clean scout infantry (add police or trance ability if you like them to be useful), and setting those units to Designated Defender (ctrl-d, I believe) will soak up the bulk of any unexpected missile or airforce attacks.

This is a reliable method that will save you a lot of heartache, especially if you are seeing expensive AAA probability drop sentinels going down like flies. It's also economically viable, in that you build two or three 10/20 mineral units, while the A.I builds an equivilent number of 40(?) mineral missiles.

The alternative is a hard defense, building AAA units with Aerospace complexes and sensor arrays, which with a command centre and Bioenchancement centre wil give you +250% on a garrision. Silksteel becomes *just* survivable against missiles this level, unless the missile gets a morale upgrade. Hint: Don't do this. It's not cheap, and you will still lose expensive defenders.

Not that I'm not pissed at the bug, but there are viable tactics to counter it, and not merely ones that will be useless when the enhancement comes.

P.S Go the Hive!

Coconut posted 04-10-99 03:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Coconut  Click Here to Email Coconut     
Thanks for the prompt response. Anyway, I find the fact that Firaxis doesn't really have a fixed copy to be interesting as the missile bug manifested in one of my early games when the Spartans tried to bomb Gaia's Landing. I didn't really worry about it too much as I then decided it was best to suck up to any other factions with missiles or planet busters to such a degree that a diabetic would have probably fell into an insulin coma if said diabetic was watching (yes, Chairman Yang, you may have three techs, 1000 energy credits, and my first-born child) until as such time as I had gained orbital dominance and quite vindictively punished any previous attempts at extortion. After I downloaded patch 3.0 the problem disappeared. I didn't notice it in any other game and in one recent game in which I played the Hive the UoP developed a few planet busters but didn't use them until I dropped about fifty to one hundred graviton hovertank behemoths and drop troops into his territory and took over some of his bases. Then, the planet busters started flying all over his territory but never in my home territory. As well, the atrocity restrictions didn't prevent any previous bombing as one of the first things I did was repeal the UN charter and fight like mad to keep it repealed. I have no idea if this bug is specific to the Hive and simply hasn't shown up yet or if my copy is fixed for some strange reason but other copies did not respond to the missile fix. By the way, thanks for the offer but I think I'll pass
on trading copies.
trippin daily posted 04-10-99 03:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
some people r saying they r deleting the game cause of the bug... do u think firaxes cares.. they already made money off of it, they don't care what u do after u buy it.. if u want them to do something, email the hell out of them, there are plenty of email bomber utilities out there, just get ahold of one of them, and spread it around, and then maybe.. and i say maybe, cause firaxis tech support just plain sucks, they will start to "care" about their customers after having a few hundred emails in there mailbox.
Mortis posted 04-10-99 05:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
- That's why they've released 3 patches within 2 months of shipping, and more are on the way. They don't give a **** about us, they just release a buggy game before it's finnished, just to stick to the original deadline...
Goobmeister posted 04-10-99 06:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
It is interesting to me that some people take the fact that we are up to "enhancement 3.0" after only two months as sign of quality customer service, while others blast Firaxis for needing to patch a game twice within two months, and don't even fully fix it at that.
A rhetorical question on this subject( a rhetorical question on a forum, yeah right )What if movies or books were released this way.
Matrix was released last week to positive reviews, next we Matrix with the 2.0 enhancement will hit the theaters, The director promises that the continuity problems will be fixed, but that he can not do anything about Keanu Reeves, it seems that he is a feature of the movie...

Yin26, friends call me Goob, so you'll have to decide what you want to call me.

Mortis posted 04-10-99 06:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
That's an old argument. The fact is that books & movies don't respond to your actions, which is what patches are for, fixing problems which where unforseen, since you cant tell what the user will do and how the game will respond.

I'm sure when interactive TV becomes standard, NBC will be putting "Seinfeld V1.03" put for download... It fixes the "Jerry's girlfriend" bug..

Hot Dog posted 04-10-99 07:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hot Dog  Click Here to Email Hot Dog     
I may be in the minority here but for crying out loud it's only a damn game. It's not life or death. The Missile range bug is not that big a deal. Some of you guys act like it's a life threatening situation. As long as Firaxis makes an effort to correct the problems, what more could you ask? I've witnessed many a pissing match on these forums and I can't believe some of the things I've read. Who cares if you're going to stop playing SMAC? Why do you find the need to announce it to the world? If the game is unplayable for you because of a so-called bug then don't play it. Don't waste time bitching and complaining about it. Maybe I'm missing something but my whole purpose in getting the game was for enjoyment. Even though there are a few bugs, I still enjoy it. The way some of you guys talk it's as if the whole world is going to come crashing down just because of some little thing that upsets you with the game. Well my friends there is such a thing called life. There are places in the world where people are living and dying. This game and it's bugs are nothing compared to that. That's my two cents worth. Any comments?
trippin daily posted 04-10-99 07:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
really? people are living in places in this world, and dying? youve got to be kidding me. The reason why people r upset is because they play lets say for 3 r 4 hours, and then have it all been for nothing because of a couple of planet busters from Lord knows where. I never had it happen until tonight after readin all these post about it.. i started up a REALLY old game that i was the UoP... i messed around, got the hive mad at me, put a couple of planet busters on a sub, and sent them over there, i launched a few at him, next turn, my continent was GONE... i had all of 3 bases, out of my original 25 r so. that is what can piss someone off... I opened up the scenario editor, looked around.. the only place the those pbs could have come from was yang, beacuse everyone else... meaning morgan and i, were at war with him... and if you play iron man, this can be a VERY morbid experience to see all you worked for disappear in a few short minutes. With not a thing u can do about it. I'm no where near the point of getting rid of the game... they have me hooked, cause it is a GREAT game... it just has one REALLY annoying bug to some people... and they really need to fix it... cause this is the one bug they haven't gotten around to fixing that really needs to be fixed. You play transend iron man, r even thinker iron man at that, if u get pb'd from across planet, you would be pretty pissed to, since it shouldn't happen. until then, orbital defense pods come right when the pbs do for me... that at least mitigates the effect, thats one good thing about aplha.txt u can make a make do patch while they come up with the real one.. i'm just waiting for the real one, and no longer playing iron man until they put out a patch to fix this problem.
Mortis posted 04-10-99 07:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
Don;t play Ironman, then.
Hot Dog posted 04-11-99 02:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hot Dog  Click Here to Email Hot Dog     
My point exactly. It is a GREAT game but still only a game. The bug may be annoying to some but the game is still playable and can still be won. It's not life or death. I sympathize with those who have played for 3 or 4 hours only to have the bug crop up and cause problems with all their careful planning. Reading some of the posts on this forum one would think that you just can't beat the AI because of this bug. Not true.

Personally I don't actually look at it as a bug at all. I look on it as more of a challenge that makes the game more enjoyable for me. That's one opinion. I understand that some people think it ruins the game for them. What I don't understand is their need to announce to the rest of the world that they deleted SMAC from their hard drive because of the bug. I would much rather see a discussion of the bug and maybe some sort of workaround prior to another patch.

Imran Siddiqui posted 04-11-99 05:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Uh, trip? The bug (from what I know) deosn't affect PBs. It is about convential missles. PBs are fixed!

Imran Siddiqui

Mortis posted 04-11-99 08:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
That's what I heard...
micje posted 04-11-99 09:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for micje  Click Here to Email micje     
Why not try tiny and small maps until the bug is fixed? You'll never make it to O. Space. then.
Krushala posted 09-06-99 08:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I remember the days. Although it wasn't much of a problem for me

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