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  unrealistic in some aspects.

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Author Topic:   unrealistic in some aspects.
Xotor posted 04-05-99 05:03 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Xotor  
The fact that Jets and Copters need to refuel every other turn seems realistic but in reality it isn't.

Let's face it, if a Jet or Copter is even able to HAUL a fission reactor, then that fission reactor SHOULD have enough power to keep that Jet or Copter in the air for FIFTY years before resupplying the uranium. In CIV it was plausible, seeing that units actually used fossil fuels.

And if Jets and Copters need to refuel, why don't any other vehicles need to refuel?
Also with the cities supplying the units, how the hell do those cities on one side of the planet supply units on the other side? It makes no sense. In reality the troops would have to scrounge off the land and stop at cities to get food or ammo.

What happened to the good ol' tactical nuclear missile? I know there are planet busters, but those things are APOCALYPTIC class nuclear missiles. I'm looking for a good ol' nuke which would knock out all infantry units and some buildings but not create a nice artificial crater.

Last, by this time there has GOT to be some oribital laser batteries allowed in the game. What about orbital lenses which could focus sun rays (offensively) on a city? Or even just building nuclear reactors to create energy?


Goobmeister posted 04-05-99 05:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
On a light note, the needlejets don't need to refuel, it is the pilots who after being airborne for a year need to return to there base, take a leak and get more coffee before heading out for another year long sortie.

It is way too scary to start picking on the realism of movement and the year long turns.

outermost nervepath posted 04-08-99 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for outermost nervepath  Click Here to Email outermost nervepath     
Unrealistic in some aspects?

Do you suppose that's because...
it's a GAME???

charybidis posted 04-08-99 07:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for charybidis  Click Here to Email charybidis     
Don't be pedantic, Nervepath :-)

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