posted 03-31-99 02:08 PM ET
Why is everybody so against playing as UoP? The downsides are easily countered, and the Upsides are great!Firstly, Probe Team troubles. You start out with the sole prerequisite for Planetery Datalinks, so if someone look likely to start harassing you at the start of the game, you can quickly get preventative probe teams in your bases. Later in the game, you will be first to Hunter-Seeker Algorith thro' research.
Drone trouble: a little harder to control, but using your other free tech to get Biogenetics, the Human Genome Project can be started ASAP. Also, Virtual World appears early, and the required Network Nodes are in place.
Research bonus: useful in almost all types of victory:
-Conquest - large superiority in weaponry
-Diplomatic - can trade techs for votes, and vote enhancing projects accessible by you first.
-Transcendence - hmmm, I wonder why research helps here :-)
Only economic isn't really benefitted.