Topic: nessus mines,hydo labs, orbital trans
borghese |
posted 03-30-99 12:16 AM ET
I'm currently playing a game on the huge map of planet as the morganites. the spartans are my puppets, the hive has one city left and everyone else is dead. i have version 3.0. the manual and the online help say all of the satellites can only be built by cities with aerospace complexes. i noticed all of my cities can build them. i've built the space elevator which helps cities build these things but it doesn't say you don't need to have an aerospace complex. is something wrong or am i missing something?
posted 03-30-99 02:08 AM ET
One of the secret projects (it could be Space Elevator) lifts any restrictions to building satellites so that any city can build them, even without an Aerospace Complex. This is documented in the Help menu that you can popup during the game, although maybe not in the paper manual. |
posted 03-30-99 02:32 AM ET
The secret project is The Cyborg Factory, which counts as a Bioenhancement Center in every city. Since a BC is in effect a Aerospace Complex, Command Center and Naval Yard all rolled into one, you can now build satellites in every city - provided you actually got the CF... |
Spencer Olson
posted 03-30-99 07:54 AM ET
Err, no, licha was right.. the Space Elevator removes all the of the Aerospace Center requirements for satellite building. The Bioenhancement Center is actually a morale supplement in addition to the morale boost added by the other base facilities.--sko |
posted 03-30-99 01:02 PM ET
It's definately the Space Elevator. |
posted 03-30-99 03:11 PM ET
i looked at the description for space elevator again. i wasn't reading it right i guess. it does say it lifts the restrictions for building orbital projects w/o an aeroscpace complex. time to get my eyes checked! thanks for the help everyone. |
posted 03-30-99 05:47 PM ET
Is the Bioenhancement Center supposed to help lifeforms as well? I'm pretty sure it did in my current game. |
posted 03-30-99 05:53 PM ET
No, morale refers to human units, lifecycle refers to alien units, they are not interchangable |
posted 03-30-99 08:54 PM ET
Except, of course, in terms of combat bonuses, in which they are exactly the same...SMACademician CyberSpyder |
posted 03-30-99 10:55 PM ET
The BC gives +2 Morale:All and +1 LifecycleJames |
posted 03-30-99 10:59 PM ET
Wow. BIONIC mindworms. Like with metal teeth or something. |