posted 03-26-99 10:08 PM ET
No, what I'd like to see in patch 4.0 are better movies when you destroy a faction! The ones they have right now just suck. I was thinking various methods of torture based ironically on what faction they are. Ideas:Skye: Have her placed on top of some really sharp plant, and watch a time lapse of them growing into her.
Zakharov: Used as a test subject for some science.
Lal: Make him official ambassador to the next demon boil. With no flame guns.
Morgan: Just take all his money and set him out in one of his former cities where capitalism still exists.
Miram: Crucify her.
Yang: Classify him as unfit and destroy him for the good of the state.
Santiago: Stick her in a 1-1-1 unit and send her off to war in the 26th century.