Topic: Horrific random events
DerekM |
posted 03-25-99 05:15 PM ET
Some of the random events in SMAC are truely horrifying. Other than having -1 nutrients from crop failure or having ALL of a city's solar collectors destroyed by hail, at one point I got hit with a solar flare.I was playing Lal, and doing pretty well. I had built about a dozen energy satellites so far. Suddenly, the flare hit and wiped them ALL out. I had to cut research to pump up the energy receipts and ended the game in a draw.
posted 03-25-99 05:22 PM ET
Once, one took out all my orbital defense sattelites, next turn yang PB'd me. |
posted 03-25-99 05:27 PM ET
I once had a massive meteorite strike on my best city. In 2250 Monitoring Station had four secret projects, many facilities, lots of terraforming, etc. Then a large crater replaced Monitoring Station. It was the same shape and size as Garland Crater, and was named, . . . Garland Crater. The map had two Garland Craters. I was somewhat upset. |
posted 03-25-99 06:06 PM ET
Yeah, that happened to yang on the map I'm playing now, I was not upset. |
posted 03-25-99 06:08 PM ET
I was playing Morgan once, and I had a financial market crash. I lost 5000 energy. I was QUITE upset, as I had planned to buy a special project with the cash... |
posted 03-25-99 06:29 PM ET
5000 is nothing. I've lost tens of thousands to Energy Crashes while trying for an Economic Victory. |
Tin Cow
posted 03-25-99 06:36 PM ET
None of you have mentioned the random volcano eruptions. Same basic catasrophic effects of a meteor creating a crater, but in mountain form. Had one of those erupt under 2 of my decent cities early in one game. Needless to say I was so pissed I leveled the thing with my terraformers. That relieved my stress greatly. |
posted 03-25-99 06:39 PM ET
You mean you leveled the WHOLE mountain? That's a lot of terraforming.Actually I like volcanos. Give you extra energy credits. |
posted 03-25-99 07:00 PM ET
Did the volcano that spewed out of the ground give +1 mineral around its rim like Mt.Planet?
posted 03-25-99 07:17 PM ET
The new volcanoes are identical to Mt. Planet in appearance and bonuses. I had one appear just outside my current territory, and immediately crash-built half a dozen formers and colony pods. The new volcano is mine, all mine....  |
posted 03-25-99 07:22 PM ET
I LOVE the Volcanoes; I've had 2 games where they erupted nearby, and you have your choice of 8 awesome 6-mineral squares w/ roads & mines or 4 x 5 and 4 x 6 energy squares with solars & 4 Ech Mirrors. (That would be 4 6's and 4 7's if Econ > 1).Based on your description of "lowering" a volcano, I think I'll try lowering just the mouth, to see if I can get it to become "normal land", so that I can build an Ech Mirror on it! That would give me 4 x 6 and 4 x 7 squares (7 & 8 with Econ > 1)! |
posted 03-25-99 07:26 PM ET
Try just leveling (reducing rockiness) on the mouth... it might turn it into a non-volcano tile. I love volcanoes too... lots of rainy squares on one side and energy + mineral bonuses. |
posted 03-25-99 07:40 PM ET
Oh yeah, some "Random Events" bite, especially the extinction-level global-killer that seems to hit Nessus every 30 years.I thought the scientists agreed that binary systems would have LESS space junk in them!! A major flaw in the random events, besides not being able to individually turn them on and off in Alpha.Txt, is that when you are under the early-game "2-resource restriction" the Random Event penalty is applied AFTER the restriction, so that a rainy square that could produce 3 is restricted to 2 then penalized by the Event down to 1. C'mon, play fair! If a square "naturally" produces 3; penalize that, and give me 2! (I haven't had this happen since the demo, so it might already have been changed. In version 3, on a square with potential of more than 8 of a resource, the Event penalty is applied BEFORE the 8-unit max, so that the square remains at 8 units.) Given the catastrophic results of having all of your satellites wiped out, I think the game should allow you to build satellites & mining stations "in reserve" so that they can be deployed immediately should a random event occur. (More like when an inevitable event occurs.) We should at least be allowed to build reserve satellites after the first extinction-level-event occurs, the colonists having learned just how fickle the Centauri solar system is. |
posted 03-25-99 08:24 PM ET
How about the messages for "You have completed the Empath Guild" and "Solar Flares disrupting communications" right after each other...I was in need of tech too. |
posted 03-25-99 11:32 PM ET
Do volcanos erupting have anything to do with pbusting, becasue once after cheating and trying out the ole planet busters, the turn after, the volcano popped up out of the ocean |
posted 03-26-99 03:57 AM ET
I have only had a volcano pop up twice. the first time, was about 4 turns before conquest, so I was not able to exploit it. the second time was about halfway through a game, but the ENTIRE thing was covered in very THICK fungus. and it was about a 6 turn journey one way just to get to. I landmarked it Deidre's Breast and left it alone.  |