Topic: first ironman
master k |
posted 03-25-99 04:38 AM ET
normally i dont "cheat" very much by loading/reloading a savegame, till the things went out as i wanted to. so i decided to play an ironman to get the x2 rating. but i've undderestimated the psychological effect: stress, stress, stress. knowing that every decision is irreversible, you suffer from the angst having overlook something. e.g. playing UoP, deirde finished that sp that could have make my free Network nods work as holo-theaters, 2 turns before i would have finished it. i played 2 more turns, but then stooped becaus i was so ... depressed. above all, i didnt find one of those tiny little free tech things, what makes my freee network nodes as useful as ..., well, just network nodes. but this afternoon she is going to regret this act of whatever ( at least i hope so)master k p.s.: using smac for recreation or to get exciting entertainment? now i know the answer and smac will never be the same it once used to be.
Gebhard Blucher
posted 03-25-99 05:32 AM ET
I have to agree. Just the other day, I played (and won! woo hoo!) my first complete transcend/ironman game (had a few false starts before then). Talk about intense... I was literally cursing Yang when he planetbusted Morgan Industries, which held three of my six wonders. Changed my whole gameplan in an instant.If anyone's been toying with the idea of playing ironman but haven't given it a go yet, then I heartily suggest trying it out. It's FUN! Really takes it to a whole new level. Have to thank the people in the TI thread for convincing me to give the ironman option a shot. GB |
posted 03-25-99 06:38 AM ET
IRONMAN is much more fun. (and stressing) Just finished my second game on ironman and boy it was tough. I (Gian) was in big trouble around 2300 by Spartans and Hive. (Two fronts) I lost some seabases and was litterally praying for more units. Finally I had to take a break in the game to get my heart beat normal again. Then back to game and after 150 more turns Belivers, Hive, UoP and Spartan was conqured. But it was fun!  IRONMAN is something. Cann't use the old cheat tactics. Good practise for multiplayer games also. |
MikeH II
posted 03-25-99 07:11 AM ET
I played my first two games and basically never saved except on exit so why not chose Iron Man? I never go back anyway, once you have made a decision I always think you have to live with the consequences. It'd be different if the game crashed but I haven't had that problem. BTW couldn't you cheat iron man by exiting and reloading the program from the previous save? I haven't tried it but it seems a bit pointless. |
The Panther
posted 03-25-99 07:21 AM ET
I never played anything else than Iron man, but I think it is the feeling, of not being able to just reload the game again.You could cheat him that way, but that would mean a lot of exiting, and restarting the game again, but normally people don't have the patience to do so!! Unless you have a freetime problem. |
posted 03-25-99 09:37 AM ET
Glad to hear there are more Ironmen out there! I think playing on Transcend is the only way to go; once you've got the AI figured out, its too easy on any other level. If anyone here is a virgin TI, or has some cool strategies to share, check out the Transcend Ironman thread. There's some great tips and a couple of heated debates going on, and all are welcome (except wimps, of course!)  |
posted 03-25-99 05:40 PM ET
Yeah, Iron Man is cool. Started using it myself recently, although I am not Transcending just yet!  That's because I am having way too much fun playing SMAC MP online which leaves too little time to play SP Iron Man. One word of caution if you do like Multi-player: be sure to turn your Iron Man setting off (i.e., load a new game and set it off), before you start an MP game. Otherwise Iron Man will sneak into the Multiplayer game as well, even though there is no setting for it in MP mode. And you won't be able to get rid of it. The first time I ran into this I was acting as host for an MP game and went to save it after a few turns just to keep the game current (as is my habit). I'll give you one guess what happened. Yep, save, exit, all the other players were dropped and we had to reload and resynchronize. Arggggh!  (and yes, I know autosave works for MP, but it is always a turn behind and with 56k connections, well turns can take a bit of time) |
posted 03-26-99 04:24 AM ET
In version 2.0, I began to play Ironman Librarian, but the game would crash. Oh, the pain!Now using version 3.0, on Thinker, the game has again crashed, at turn 2411, soon after the mighty expansionist Gaians have declared war on my resurgent Green University. Been so busy this week I haven't had time to check what the error message says; or whether erasing savefiles to get free space up to 100 MB will avoid the crash or not. Wish this great game weren't so finicky and flaky. |