Topic: Wonders That Were Rejected For Call to Power:
yin26 |
posted 03-25-99 01:25 AM ET
Many people have expressed disapproval of some of the new Wonders that will be in Call to Power. Started me thinking (in another thread), if Contraception was kept as a Wonder, what Wonders were rejected? I propose the following: The Masturbation Wonder. [mooman] (again, in that same thread) vastly improved on the idea: Hey, good one yin. A breakthrough for modern science...late in the 19th century, after decades of backbreaking labor, physicists working out of Ball State University finally discover the theory of masturbation ... Mankind will never be the same again. [yin] ...I suggest a few seconds from a good '70's porno movie for the cut-scene... ----------- What are your ideas for rejected Wonders?
posted 03-25-99 01:37 AM ET
Cosmetic Engineering: Extra happy citizen in each city, double wives for evangelist.Jellystone Park: Improves effectiveness of Park Rangers. Starbucks: Counts as a cafe in all your cities |
posted 03-25-99 01:50 AM ET
[Thanks, Shiny, for the reminder...]Masturbation Wonder: *Two citizens per city permanently happy. *-10% population growth rate. *Effect cancelled by the discovery of the 24-Hour Sports Television Wonder. |
posted 03-25-99 02:24 AM ET
1)THE STRIP CLUB: 1+ content citizens (2+ if you have the MASTURBATION wonder) 2) ACTORS JAIL (enhances hollwood wonder and 1+ happy citizens by locking up crappy actors such as Pam Anderson, Bruce Willis, Jennifer Aniston, Jack Nicholson, etc. where they can't bother anyone.)
Imran Siddiqui
posted 03-25-99 02:42 AM ET
INSURANCE ABOLISHMENT-Prevents Lawyers from entering your civ -Because of above, happiness increases 40%  Imran Siddiqui Future-Lawyer |
posted 03-25-99 09:27 AM ET
The Trailer Park * +2 Population Growth * -2 ResearchAnheiser-Busch Brewery * Doubles the effects of The Trailer Park |
posted 03-25-99 09:55 AM ET
Shouldn't one of the effects of the Masturbation Wonder be a gradual blindness of your population? |
December Man
posted 03-25-99 09:58 AM ET
BEANIE BABIES*places a home shopping network in every city * +2 economy
posted 03-25-99 10:53 AM ET
SID MEIER LAWSUIT: Makes you able to steal all Sid's great ideas and make good games, and thereby making loads of cashDARTH VADER STATUE: Makes your units able to use the light sabre and doubles the good effects of any eco terrorist state LASER ARTILLERY WONDER: Makes you able to construct laser units that fire in a curved line INTERNET WONDER: automatically connects the player to the internet to send a wicked gleeful post to Firaxis management |
posted 03-25-99 11:15 AM ET
MONICA LEWINSKY SCANDAL* Increases your approval ratings * Gives your the ability to bomb other countries even under democracy, with no civil unrest
posted 03-25-99 01:24 PM ET
WRESTLING MEMORIAL + 3 happy citizens + 3 economy doubles the effect of entertainment counts as governor in city built
posted 03-25-99 01:34 PM ET
THE TOBACCO PLANT- Eliminates Drone Riots - Lose one population per ten turns until research hospital built - Effect nullified by discovery of The Longevity Vaccine |
posted 03-25-99 02:03 PM ET
You people crack me up!!  |
posted 03-25-99 02:32 PM ET
The SMAC Wonder - increased divorce rate - all production halted - induces coffee shortage
posted 03-25-99 04:50 PM ET
Yes, these are very funny! Wish I had the time to think of one of my own. Oh well here goes: ------------------------------------------- MENTAL MASTURBATION facilityPrerequisites: ONANOLOGY + NETWORK NODES Effects: Zero ECON, PSYCH, and LABS at base due to constant involvement with online games forums. Cumulative with The SMAC Wonder and The Masturbation wonder. ------------------------------------------- In the same vein, check out the "Brotherhood of Teamsters" faction under "Factions". |
posted 03-25-99 05:01 PM ET
THE YIN26 WONDER+2 Sarcasm 1/2 cost to incite drone riots at bases with a network node permanent trade sanctions  |
posted 03-25-99 06:15 PM ET
You missed an important benefit of THE YING26 WONDER:* PBing the wonder owner no longer considered an atrocity |
posted 03-25-99 06:18 PM ET
Hehe, threads like this are the main reason I come here to Mentally Masturbate.How about: THE MICROSOFT WINDOWS WONDER Benefits -------- * +50 energy for constructing base ($$$ keep rolling in) * automatic HQ relocation to constructing base (domination via desktop OS) * constructing base is immune from drone riots (citizens of Seattle at least are happy ) Negative effects ---------------- * -1 research at each base with a Network Node (monolithic software stifling creativity) * -1 efficency at each base (too many bugs/constant crashes/rebooting) * 1 extra drone per city (aggravated gamers) * Enemy Probe Teams automatically succeed in stealing research of their choice from your bases (WinNT too easily hacked) *** Owner of MSWIN WONDER may spend 50 energy and 1 population (representing burned out programmers) once every 3 years to upgrade MSWIN WONDER thereby increasing the yearly energy output by +50 each time. However, for every upgrade, negative effects are doubled. *** MSWIN WONDER is nullified when an opposing faction builds the US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT while also having a +3 lawyer rating *** All positive effects of MSWIN WONDER can also be nullified through construction of the LINUX WONDER by an opposing faction that has a higher total population than your own. Negative effects remain due to large installed base. (I know it's SMAC style and not really CTP, but CTP isn't quite out yet! )
posted 03-25-99 06:40 PM ET
The ALPHA CENTAURI Wonder:- abolishes all stupid units and wonders - gameplay becomes somewhat serious - +2 to game enjoyability factor |
posted 03-25-99 08:50 PM ET
Thank god. No one's got to it yet.  TELETUBBIES WONDER - 3 extra happy citizens in EVERY city, doubled if your civilisation has discovered Marijana. - All other civilisations declare war on you. |
posted 03-25-99 09:22 PM ET
While we're bashing computer companies, let me add:The Pentium III Gives everybody your comlink frequency |
outermost nervepath
posted 03-25-99 09:45 PM ET
THE LINUX WONDER- the only options when you communicate with other factions are all insane babbling about how much you think Linux rules - subsequent calls to any faction results in them automatically ignoring you - halves the rate of technology advances due to increasing complexity of recompiling your kernel for every new discovery and the lack of anyone wanting to actually write the grunt-work code - automatically changes your faction name to Geek and your title to Schoolboy THE REDNECK WONDER: - +2 damage for all units bearing projectile weapons - automatic TRAILER PARK WONDER for all cities, as detailed previously - enables the Monster Truck chassis, the V8 powerplant, the Skoal Hawker Cannon weapon, and the CB Radio special ability - enables the Bass Boat unit: a Foil chassis with twin 175HP Johnson outboards, which triples the movement rate while sacrificing navigational accuracy during long-range Move To commands THE IRS WONDER: - cities producing 30% to 70% of your average city energy income can't produce any units because ALL income is committed to taxes - each city must generate one probe team for every other citizen, and the probe team is permanently assigned to the city - units who spend too much time away in Pact Brother cities are automatically arrested and disbanded upon return to one of your own cities on money laundering charges - any computer-related technologies in your faction immediately cease to operate properly
posted 03-25-99 11:40 PM ET
The Star Wars Wonder+1 happy citizen in each city (double for cities over 8)(its Star Wars!) -1 efficiency (everybody ditching work) -1 growth (everybody too busy watching to do it) +1 economy (lots of merchandising) If the "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" are built by the same faction, double the positive affects for each of these wonders built. There is a mandatory 50 turn delay, but if the faction can survive, they can try and create the "Phantom Menace" Wonder, quadrupling the above economy benefits, but negating any positive modifers to efficiency and growth. If the faction can NOT build the "Phantom Menace" wonder within 75 turns, drone riots break out in all cities and all production stops, with the factions demise soon thereafter.
December Man
posted 03-26-99 05:00 PM ET
O.J. SIMPSON VERDICT-increases effectiveness of attorneys by 50% -makes court houses obsolete -past atrocities forgiven Quote: "If it doesn't fit you must aquit."
posted 03-27-99 12:04 AM ET
The Home Theater Wonder - Reflects the development of the VCR, Laserdisc, Universal Remote Control, Projection Screen TV, DVD, Cable, Satellite Dish and Surround Sound. Adds one happy citizen to each city. Adds +2 to each city of any opponent with and island economy. Project is cancelled by the HDTV Wonder. During development, the HDTV wonder add one unhappy citizen to each city. Once developed, it adds +3 to the economy to the island opponent's cities. After 10 years, HDTV will add one happy citizen to each city.
posted 03-27-99 11:58 AM ET
Player2> You forgot one thing for the ALPHA CENTAURI wonder.-1 efficiency due to induced -4 sleep factor. SMAC n ... Ted S. |
posted 03-29-99 06:58 AM ET
WCW Monday Nitro Wonder+2 happy people per city -1 research all infantry gain suplex ability, +50% attack bonus free 36-36-10*10 Goldberg unit, with 50% chance of performing Jackhammer move that instantly destroys enemy unit. starts as elite all other sides get 0-0-1 Bret Hart unit which automatically loses combat and causes two drones in every city until destroyed |
posted 03-29-99 01:38 PM ET
The Pamela Anderson Lee Wonder - Need I say more? |
posted 03-29-99 02:02 PM ET
FURBY WONDER- ability to build FURBY unit, psi +10 bonus - cumulative psi bonus with >1 FURBY - enemy units 50% psi penalty during combat - colony intelligence +50% - Makes TAMAGOTCHI wonder obsolete - drone riots +75% |
posted 03-29-99 02:26 PM ET
Damn you shining, you got my Teletubbies Wonder! (It's really the CVats/TelePathMatrix combo in the game). Only my version has only the Believers declare war on you, but they war against you forever and never declare war on anybody else. |
posted 03-29-99 04:21 PM ET
1. MARIJUANA WONDER -all unhappy citizens becomes content -all content citizens becomes happy -all happy citizens become happier -all specialist quit their jobs and join to the happy citizens 2. THE GREAT TIE WONDER -allows your units to wear a tie 3. BLAH BLAH SMAC BLAH CIV2 BLAH WONDER -blah blah blah -blah blah blalablah -yack yack yackette yack 4. THE ART OF SMART FART WONDER -allows your diplomats to unleash a loud farts w/o consequences CEO SmartFart |
posted 03-29-99 04:37 PM ET
Y2K wonder: All game bugs are considered acceptable.WebTV wonder: doesn't really do anything usefull. Lewinsky wonder: Free cigars in the base it is built in, but nobody smokes them cause they smell REAL bad (sorry). |
posted 03-29-99 05:19 PM ET
SF: No, I already claimed Marjiana as a technology advance - read the Teletubbies Wonder speel  "3 extra happy citizens in every city, doubled if your civilisation has discovered Marjiana". Come to think of it, how 'bout a "rejected technologies for Call to Power" thread. |
posted 03-29-99 07:20 PM ET
BEER WONDERNo drones, everyones happy half the production output twice the economy output (commercial sales) double population growth (I slept with who?) and +1 moisture around every city square! (nothing like a good beer squirt!) Burrrp! GreasyPig |
posted 03-29-99 07:27 PM ET
[Sorry, I should have put this here instead of in its own thread. Lame. Just lame.]THE BROTHER GREG WONDER The discoverer of this Wonder changes the game dramatically for all civilizations, although its effects are not immediately noticeable. Once any civilization is about to be conquered, however, the Wonder kicks in: At that point a 40 minute movie titled "Peace in Our Time" will begin to play. It is essentially an in-depth look at 40 minutes in the life of Ghandi walking his cow. There is no way to skip the movie. Upon finishing the movie, the computer will ask the player whether or not he would like to print the 16 page manifesto, "What's the Use in Winning?" written by Brother Greg, extolling the virtues of mutual understanding and verbosity. Whether the player clicks "yes" or "no" is irrelevant, as he will be locked out of his system until he prints the document. Upon printing, the player must then read, sign, send and have receipt confirmed by Activision, whose staff will then e-mail the player a pass code to unlock the game. After re-entering the game, the player will no longer be able to discern any apparent distinction between civilizations--they all share an akward putrid pink-colored banner and apparently have been drinking beer and eating hotdogs while the player was waiting for his pass code. They are, thus, too drunk and fat to do anything. The player can try to continue, but only one unit on the screen will respond to any commands. This unit, named "Yin," will spend the next 300 turns trying to convince the factions that war and animosity are far better than putrid pink banners and heart disease. This effectively ends the game, as nobody has ever waited the 300 turns to watch the outcome. [Please note: Brother Greg and I are good friends. I feed his cat when he goes on vacation.]
posted 03-29-99 08:20 PM ET
Hey guys, dont forget the "CTP Release Party" tomorrow! Also, "Part 2" of our preview will be posted tomorrow... Markos, apolyton CS |
posted 03-29-99 08:26 PM ET
Yin: Private joke? |
posted 03-29-99 09:15 PM ET
Wife wondernegates Beer wonder GreasyPig |
posted 03-29-99 09:39 PM ET
Shiny,Semi-private, I guess. Brother Greg has foiled more than a few really nasty wars on this board by posting a peace treaty, which generally sees most people flocking to show support. But sometimes, there should only be one faction left standing. I mean, how rewarding is a diplomatic victory? Tell the truth people. You all want to be the undisputed rulers of your hard-built worlds, don't you? I don't believe in transcendence and I don't believe money can rule the world. Might has the final word--always. It's the sinister peaceful tactics of Brother Greg and Ghandi that make us lose focus as a species. It's crazy peace talk that leaves countries wide open to take overs and rampant drug abuse. Look at America. It doesn't want peace. It's economy was built on war. Without war, the U.S. would soon crumble. It would become some fat bitch to a middle eastern pimp. As such, I hereby declare Brother Greg and his ilk the anti-Christ.  |
posted 03-30-99 07:00 PM ET
*sigh* I made reference in one of the Kosovo threads to the 'oppressive feeling that war is inevitible'. One of the main reasons that the public should be kept as far away from the controls of the war machine as possible.I don't know about other nations, but it does seem to affect the European races a little more than most - the 'I don't like you, you don't like me, let's get it on,' mentality. And while the wonderful image of seeing your tanks steamrolling across the border and your armies smashing the enemy to smitherines (what is a Smitherine, anyway?) never fails to delight, the reality is usually very different. America, in my opinion, is founded on an absence of war more than anything. No brutal neighbours ('cept the Indians, but that's a different story). Afghanistan is a country that is founded on war, from what I've read and seen, a nation of hardassed, realistic sons of bitches who've survived through sheer fury and toughness. That's a nation that knows about war. America is the opposite, and has only ever gone to war when absolutely necessary - and made damn sure the odds were in their favour when they did. P.S You're obviously not talking about the CivII Ghandi, are you? |
posted 03-30-99 07:21 PM ET
Unfortunately, as long as the most primitive parts of our brains still exist, there will be war. Its really frightening that inside each of our heads are buried the longheld urges to hurt, kill, rape, and plunder all for our own self interest. Lets all be thankful for the development of reason and consciousness, or we'd really be in trouble. At least 1 million years ago the only thing resembling a nuclear missle was a thrown chunk of basalt  |
posted 03-30-99 07:37 PM ET
Mooman: Actually it's been proven that a bunch of cavemen actually set off a primitive nuclear device near South Africa. "Ohhhh, shiny rock. Lot of shiny rock. Ugh ugh ugh." BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!! "Ugh. NEVER do that again. BAD ROCKS. Bad." |
posted 03-30-99 07:46 PM ET
Yes they took a chunk of uranium, made it into a ball, smacked it with a club, then BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!, nuclear fusion. Geez, what took Fermi and the gang so long??? |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 03-31-99 03:28 AM ET
Actually Moo, Fermi and Co. did FISSION! FUSION has not been made in a controlled setting as of yet.Other wonders! SMAC Forums: -2 industry (ain't doing anything, just posting) +5 happyness! Imran Siddiqui
posted 03-31-99 01:11 PM ET
Hey sorry, i feel like such a fool. nuclear fusion, where is my head??!!! good catch imran |
posted 03-31-99 01:20 PM ET
Actually, fusion has been performed in the lab. The problem is generating more power than you put into sustaining the reaction, if I remember correctly. |
posted 03-31-99 09:58 PM ET
Control is definately the issue with fusion reactions. Not the fact that power consumed is less than power supplied. Taking one look at an H-bomb tells you that you're getting plenty of power _OUT_.I was an Astronomy major in college, but that was a looooong time ago, so please don't beat me up for an amateurish post. Last I heard scientists were trying to contain the super-heated plasma generated by the fusion reaction with electro-magnetic fields. Perhaps the problem is the power required to produce the field is more than the power obtained from the reaction itself. Another problem I heard was that of "igniting" a "controlled" reaction in the first place. My brother (nuclear physics major from Cornell) told me a story once about using high energy lasers to pour enough energy into a compressed "glob" of deuterium. The only problem was that when the reaction fired, it generated too much energy and fried the lasers and their housings. Anyway ... isn't anybody else going to post another CTP Wonder/SMAC Secret Project to keep us ForumAddicts from going _DRONE_?!? SMAC ... Ted S. |
posted 04-01-99 12:36 AM ET
You're absolutely correct about the electromagnets, they use a torus shape. (thats a donut)Right now they are trying to sustain the reaction for long enough for it to basically sustain itself, without outside heat being introduced to keep the reaction going. There's the problem, its costing a lot to get the bugger going, but it wont stay lit. Advances in metalurgy and chemistry should take care of this in 10 years easy. |
posted 04-01-99 12:48 AM ET
Yes, nuclear FUSION (i got it right this time) is very much possible, just inefficient at this point. It is cold fussion that does not exist. |
posted 04-01-99 12:51 AM ET
mooman: Do you say the word 'doh' a lot? |
posted 04-01-99 01:02 AM ET
THE EASTER BUNNY WONDERThis Wonder is not discovered but is triggered automatically by the fertile smells and sounds of a particularly lush spring (eco-damage, however, can cancel the event). * Sometime at the turn of an unusually good spring, an enormous white bunny, filling approximately 1/4 the screen, will bounce across the terrain, squashing anything it lands on. The bonus? * The bunny will drop city-sized Easter eggs behind him. These eggs truly add a new element to the game. * Assuming your civilization has the manpower/technology to open one of these huge treasures before it rots, any number of things can happen. * Some eggs contain a recipe for cooking wonderful Italian pasta dishes and Danish muffins. * Others contain up-to-the minute stock quotes and the current value of your car. * Still others tweak your hardware in the background to leave your system that fresh, just-booted feeling. The news isn't always good, however: * Some eggs release a hundred minature Brian Reynoldses that chant and carry posters saying, "You stole our game! Prepare to feel the pain!" After a few turns of chanting, these little demons begin dismantling your cities at will. A truly nasty occurence. * Others--affectionally called the "Sunny SMAC Up"--cause your system simply to crash, set your BIOS back a random number of years, and display the message: "Enhancement Coming Soon!" |
posted 04-01-99 01:12 AM ET
Yes as a matter of fact I do like the word. But, why do you ask shining1? Are you implying that i make a lot of errors? |
posted 04-01-99 01:14 AM ET
fussion? I'm not being picky. Just asking if you're having a bad day. |
posted 04-01-99 01:19 AM ET
I'm having a bad life  I am a physics major, not an english major!!! Thats the thing I like about college, I haven't written a paper in a year. How nice!! Sorry if I am a bit rusty. Also, I am usually in a hurry, so I write the posts quickly with lots of mistakes. Adieu |
posted 04-06-99 04:20 AM ET
Actually, fairly "realistic" marijuana SMAC effects (haven't played CTP to do effects for it):+1 economy (taxes on sales to public) +2 morale (troops don't care about piles of dead bodies about) +1 planet (stuff grows like crazy and enriches the soil;really fast growing forest) -1 support (need to supply marijuana to the troops) -2 efficiency (no one cares how smoothly the gears turn) -2 research (general dumbing down of population) Halve (rounded up) the number of drones at any base. Formers plant hemp forests. Double speed of "plant forest" operation, and forests twice as likely to spread to adjacent squares each turn. May not use any "value" settings in social engineering. No one cares enough about anything to have any sort of moral basis. Ya know, this is complex enough to do a whole faction on :> hmmmmmm I just might! |
posted 04-06-99 05:53 PM ET
SMACALYPSE WONDER: Completely uninstalls SMAC on your computer while your cities celebrate for 5 turns.BUGSWARM WONDER: I have seen the wonder movie on this one(an infinite bug swarm appear out of a SMAC box while you hear some dude singing "That crap stinks"). The PR department decided the better of it, and removed this wonder after their Beta testers reported the number of bugs they wanted fixed... UN-UNCONVENTIONAL WONDER: You will be able to create Un-unconventional units that are so invisible you can't find them yourself. |
Corvus Corax
posted 04-07-99 11:06 AM ET
The 'SMAC vs. CTP Flame Wars' WonderAll enemy cities that have built WWW forums automatically revolt every turn, unless they a) build a forum moderator unit or b) build the... 'Instant Patch-o-Rama' Wonder Eliminates all negative side effects brought about by other computer-based wonders. For realism, however, it also slows down gameplay (to reflect patch download times) & calls random numbers somewhere in North Korea or Burma all the time while you are playing (to reflect connection costs). |
December Man
posted 04-08-99 09:19 AM ET
Yin26: This was a funny thread. Have you posted it on the CTP forum? They could use it over there. They're a tight wounded bunch. |
posted 04-08-99 12:07 PM ET
Here are a couple more wonders (but sod CTP, over here in Europe we won't be getting that for another 6 months)...Diana Memorial Wonder +2 Economy - Loads of money from visiting tourists looking at the lunatics having hysterics. -1 Industry - Industrial capacity redirected to making mugs, plates and small dolls. +25% Trade - Flogging off of industrial output to the more gullible tourists for fat profits A turn of drone riots followed by all drones turning to contented peeps when they realise what an awful spectacle they've made of themselves. The NATO Wonder Can attack other factions with impunity and not have any damage to reputation or have defending factions allies declare vendetta. Can only use Air and Water units and probe teams. The moment any of your units are defeated there is a drone riot in it's supporting city. All your units positions are known at all times and suffer a 25% defence hit 'looking after the bl*!dy camera crews!' |
December Man
posted 04-20-99 04:57 PM ET
. . .the humorous side to yin26. . .king of his castle???? |
posted 04-25-99 02:53 AM ET
The 2001 wonder. Since i haven't actually played ctp i dont know all the socio economic settings like smac. so ill do it for smac----economy (time is spent trying to figure out the point of star child) ----industry " ----support " ----police " ---- everything else. Get a message: congradulations you have just contiplated transcendence. game ends to the 2001 music. Horribly the program starts up again with the begining to 2010: the second odessy.
posted 04-25-99 01:43 PM ET
Posted this in a Civ I forum a while back:The Great Society Wonder All citizens demand 10% more than the civilization's total annual economic output every turn. Its effects are cancelled by constructing The Balanced Budget Amendment. |
posted 04-30-99 05:23 PM ET
This has got to be the funniest forum. Trying to keep it to the top. -Parker |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-02-99 02:28 AM ET
The Rosewell Wonder+2 economy in the base where it is built -1 industry in the base where it is built +2 Probe ("Men-in-black") 50% reseach in all bases in a 10 sequare radius No drone riots in the base where it is built
posted 05-06-99 03:57 PM ET
Getting it back up there |
posted 09-06-99 06:59 PM ET
Another good one. |