Topic: Recon Rover Rick
Shining1 |
posted 03-23-99 10:35 PM ET
Does anyone know what a fungal vortex is, actually?
posted 03-23-99 10:41 PM ET
Hmmm.. perhaps it refers to the drain in my bathroom sink?Pax webguy - <a href="">The Weather Paradigm</a> - hope that worked, other wise I'll look pretty stupid (more so ) |
posted 03-23-99 10:42 PM ET
Guess I look stupid then . |
posted 03-24-99 04:05 AM ET
I have an idea. Maybe Firaxis could actually start producing Recon Rover Rick toys????  |
MikeH II
posted 03-24-99 06:20 AM ET
I'd buy one. As long as they were available in the UK that is.Perhaps the next Firaxis game could be a no-brain 3D shooter based on the adventures of Recon Rover Rick. (Joke) |
posted 03-24-99 06:48 AM ET
How about a terraforming Action Game for kids called "The little terraformer that could"? |
posted 03-24-99 08:44 AM ET
tOFfGI: There wouldnt even be enough time in that movie to eat a decent amount of popcorn...I can see it now, after opening credits, here's our cute friend Terra, the former, then the music begins...a haunting passage from days gone by...what is that? I recognize that tune from somewhere...and as you realize its the theme from Jaws, a mindworm boil pops up and our movie hero has just become 'boil-breakfast'. Closing credits. |
posted 03-24-99 08:45 AM ET
Dang, why did I think you said it would be a movie...perhaps it was ME that was boil breakfast.... |
posted 03-25-99 12:45 AM ET
I wonder, can you eat mindworms? Like as a Gaian delicacy or something. With the poison sac (hopefully) removed. If so, would you boil them?  Menu SIDE DISHES Fungus Salad Planet Pearl Soup Locust shells Razorbeak wings MAINS Mind worm (boil) Mind worm (fried) Isle of the Day Hatchling bites Leg of the Locust DESSERT Pholus Mutagen Crater Crystals SWEET TROLLEY Fungus Surprise |
posted 03-25-99 01:05 AM ET
Speaking of formers, late in my current game I was experimenting with unit design, and put my best armor on one former. The Gaians suddenly declared Vendetta, and among other things sent one of their best troops to beat up whatever they found in the open. Guess which former they picked on? What a shock they must have got when after they'd fired all their clips, the badly damaged former rolled over them! (Or so I imagine the scene.) |
MikeH II
posted 03-25-99 03:55 AM ET
Nice idea, I've been trying the same thing, I hate losing my formers to enemy incursions, it's expensive but what the hell. |
Q Cubed
posted 03-25-99 05:00 PM ET
There's another kind of Pholus Mutagen.In the I Club, it's a drink whose flavor is carried by vapors, because the fluid it set to evaporate a half degree below the person's body temperature. And, it glows. |
posted 03-26-99 04:12 AM ET
An has various tentacly bits. |
posted 03-26-99 04:59 AM ET
Well, if you want to see a fungal vortex, build the Space Elevater. First time I ever did that, my Space Facs suddenly had 50-200 Ecodam, and stacks of 20 or so mindworms popped out of fungal blooms. I was greener than green at the time, and recieved a message about the worms being under control of a superior mind. So, I ditched all my Space Facs, got rid of all the Ecodam, and the superior mind went away...It was pretty damn scary, but a happy ending nontheless. Have a nice day! |
posted 03-26-99 04:59 AM ET
Well, if you want to see a fungal vortex, build the Space Elevater. First time I ever did that, my Space Facs suddenly had 50-200 Ecodam, and stacks of 20 or so mindworms popped out of fungal blooms. I was greener than green at the time, and recieved a message about the worms being under control of a superior mind. So, I ditched all my Space Facs, got rid of all the Ecodam, and the superior mind went away...It was pretty damn scary, but a happy ending nontheless. Have a nice day! |
posted 03-26-99 07:32 AM ET
I was a bit dissapointed that they didn't ahve faction leader action figures inculded in the box. Or better yet, the talking ones, pull the string and they say a random quote. |
posted 03-26-99 01:09 PM ET
ROFL! I had this image of Mommy and Daddy putting their little angel into the creche for the night. The poppet clutches his/her Chairman Yang doll. Mommy pulls the string and scratchy but strangely soothing voice says "What do I care for your suffering." |
posted 03-29-99 01:50 AM ET
Or how about a Recon Rover Rick toy, while they're at it.Seriously, has anyone seen any of those Blizzard Action figures? The shot of the Hydralisks looked quite cool... |
posted 03-29-99 10:23 PM ET
Let's not forget Manny the Mindworm teaching Peacekeeper children about right and wrong. That's the next new hot market item right there.I think the Xenoempathy Dome movie has the Fungal Vortex- if Recon Rover Rick shrunk and went through the individual tubules of the fungus killing Mindworms, perhaps? |