posted 03-22-99 05:56 AM ET
Stick to 1)When I read on the forum that comm.disruption meant not only that I couldn't speak whit other leaders, but that they would not know about my deeds, I went for growth & stapling at once! Oh, how cathartic(sp?)!!
Well, when sunspot ended:
Hive (with which I was at war, but not in contact with units at the moment) popped up just to tell me he'll make me pay for every and all etc. etc.
Lal, landlocked by my bases, waited just for the first physical contact to swear it against me (good excuse to seize his weather paradigm).
Gaia just showed obstinate still sticked to treaty, but few turns later I saved with the active unit adjacent to one of hers, and automatically at reload she first talked welcome, only to remind me of my past misbehavior and throw the treaty in the bin (OK, I was lingering to Planned a few more turns, but I swear I already planned to switch to Green after I topped the growth: how could I let her know?).
The other factions didn't care:
Sparta kept the Pact: only begged few techs, and in the moment she switchd back to treaty she didn't mention but the usual bible-thumping thing (Yess, I tried M'am o'Bel).
Zakh I avoided to test him (didn' want to lose still vital commerce) and Morgan even got into a Pact (I had 3 or 4 commerce, so I still gained more than he did).
It seemed as they came to know it after, but the commerce remained (no Sanctions), and the atrocities got mentioned just as excuse when they would have got (suicidally) belligerent anyway.
Strange thing in the base window Psych details:
sometimes, maybe as son as I did it, first line read 'Stapled' base. When I re-checked the same base few turns later, it said 'Unmodified', and I got all drones eased in the last line as 'Secret Projects' (got mad at first to try to figure what the *drone* coult it be)
2) when I tried Gaia, succeded to capture few locusts, made a widespread use of them, no one complained (except the dying ones, but not coz of the atrocity)