posted 03-16-99 09:16 PM ET
Ok, I was challenged to spell out some ways that SMAC could have (and SHOULD have) been better. Well, I've been on vacation so it's taken me a while to get back to this. I strongly feel that SMAC is no more that Civ II with different graphics. If that is all I really wanted, I would have bought Civ II, Fantastic Worlds.Diplomacy: Allow santions (trade, research, etc)and embargos. These would have mildly negative effects on the target country and little effect on the acting country. Strongly negative relations would result, but not generally enough to go to war over.
Allow specific relationships to develop, joint development agreements that would have mildly positive effects on both nations for resource, research, or food trade.
Allow trade of "surplus" food, mineral, energy for comodities, units, or break-thrus.
The previous post about the map orientation is dead on. Units passing over the top or bottom of the glob should re-appear exactly 1/2 'global unit' away.
Cities should automatically share resources. This is not 15th century Italy. The game continues the odious Civ tradtion of treating each city like a city state, not a population center of a nation.
The animations for the 'wounders' are really cool, why not write them for the supposidly more important story aspects instead of the bland text based cut-screens.
With the ability to modify units, quit creating generic unit types. They all SUCK. Everybody immdiatly creates a small number of specailized units that they use for everything (photon shielded, quark cannon, clean fusion, drop tanks)
Strategic movement!!!!! Navel units, not in a combat mode should be allowed to move to any previously explored hex that is not blockaded by enemies in one turn! same with Cruis missiles, push a button, they fly across the planet and blow something up. Even the movement rates of land assests should be greatly increased when they are not in a direct threat situation. Exxentially this would require either a "teleport" movement system or differing modes of "deployed - combat ready" and "transit" - combat vulnerable.
Drone riots are dumb, lame, and stupid. Another artificail hold over from Civ-land. Dump them. Use the efficiencty rating as a limiting growth and development factor.
Either dump the story or make it have some real effect on the game. I have used the same exact strategy to win with three differnt factions. The game should be very different for each faction, but it's not. If the story is so damn deep and enveloping, then why doesn't effect the outcome of the game?
Social engineering is cute, but too limiting. Allow players to directly influence things like moral or efficincy in addition to balancing artificial contratinas like green or free market...
Get a faster server! This BB is crawling on a T1!, I can only imagine how awful it must be with a dial up ISP.
Also, some people took personal pot-shots earlier about my technical back ground and capablities. For the record, I hold a Masters degree from a top 20 university in IS/IT. My computer is personally assembled (as were my last 6 or 7) and there is nothing lagging about it.