posted 03-15-99 02:08 PM ET Is there a way of doing this? In a recent game I wanted to hand over a transport foil to a landlocked ally so that he could attack our mutual enemy.
posted 03-15-99 02:25 PM ET
You sure can. Just move your foil to one of his cities, right click on it, and select "Turn over unit...".
You can even turn over mindworms back to the wild, which is kinda cool.
posted 03-16-99 02:30 PM ET
Thanks. Lal soved the problem of being land locked by bridging to my continent. Last thing he did!
posted 03-16-99 07:25 PM ET
Rong ... kinda difficult for a land-locked person isn't it? Moving a foil into one of his (landlocked) cities?
posted 03-16-99 07:37 PM ET
I believe it'll work as soon as your unit is in his territory.
posted 03-17-99 05:33 AM ET
I tried it ... would not let me until I was actually IN HIS CITY. (though I sure wish it was only within his borders or at least city limits).
posted 03-17-99 05:39 AM ET
A more extreme idea could be to give him one of your cities or make a sea colony pod, make the city near his borders and then give it to him. Conversely, put a regular pod in the foil, and set it on a beach in his territory. Give him the city and the foil!
Jasper McChesney
posted 03-17-99 06:16 AM ET
Hmm... That's funny, Yang has been giving me unit continually across our border in my last game and they've never reached a city to do it. Bug?
posted 03-17-99 06:19 AM ET
As soon as you reach the city's supply area you can "turn over unit...".
So two (2) squares from a city it can be done
posted 03-17-99 09:44 PM ET
Maybe in theory,
But this was not the case in the game I was playing (ver 2) a day ago. It would not let me turn over the unit until I was actually inside the city.
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