Topic: Dork Fest
The Original Red Dog |
posted 03-10-99 12:29 AM ET
nuff said
posted 03-10-99 09:46 AM ET
Have fun in your career at the cash register of your local supermarket, Red Dog.It's amazing the kind of trash that blows in off the street. :-) |
posted 03-10-99 11:56 AM ET
Then that would make him a litterbug, right?-------driving the trashtruck 
posted 03-10-99 12:39 PM ET
Since you don't seem to have much to do with your time other than visit forums that you have no interest in, I'd say that the only dork here is YOU! Get a life, or at least go find a forum that fits your lifestyle (whatever that may be). I just wish I was as cool as you |
posted 03-10-99 03:57 PM ET
Folks, we've fought him before, and let me say that the only way to fight Red Dog is to ignore him. He thrives off attention. So this should be the last post in this thread, hopefully, and with any luck this thread will sink to the bottom of the pile faster than the Titanic. |
The Original Red Dog
posted 03-10-99 05:54 PM ET
No way |
posted 03-10-99 06:23 PM ET
Dork fest?Surely that would be the UNoriginal Red dog?
posted 03-10-99 07:27 PM ET
Deja vu...
Victor Galis
posted 03-10-99 07:49 PM ET
Dork fest, oh... I'm so insulted, maybe I should do something or get angry. Yes, get angry. Now you've done it now I am as angry as the man who just dropped a penny into the gutter, and didn't bother to pick it back up again. Wait, bad simile, ah well... |
posted 03-10-99 07:52 PM ET
I would be sorry as heck to have your life if you go in message boards you're bored with in your free time. |
posted 03-10-99 09:35 PM ET
seriously, just ignore him. Let him play with his "frisbee computers"(old joke). |
posted 03-10-99 09:39 PM ET
Ed: ?? Do tell. It is reddog, after all...  |
The Original Red Dog
posted 03-10-99 11:52 PM ET
Touche on the "frisbee computers"... but I can't be stopped
posted 03-11-99 04:07 AM ET
My friend says he knows who Red hog is. He said he knew him in high school and keeps in touch from time to time. This guy in his early 20's and works part time as a dishwasher in a Denny's. The most memorable thing he's done in recent memory was smash his mom's volvo though the front doors of a barber shop. He was apparantly distracted while driving because he was trying to load his pez dispenser and the candy fell on the floor. When he reached down to get them his foot pressed the accelerator and booom! From what i hear this guy is loser city and this is the last bit of attention he'll get from me. |