Topic: Transcendence? How long do I go on?
simon99 |
posted 03-09-99 04:52 PM ET
I'm on my second game, the first I one by being voted supreme leader. This time I thought I'd transend to a higher plain, man, but I finally learn Transcendant Thought only to find out I have to learn it again, and again, and again. So far I'm upto Transcendental Thought 17! How far do I have to go, this is getting boring. I have no factions even close to threatening my power and all my cities are nearly complete. Please help.
posted 03-09-99 05:17 PM ET
Hey Simon,I'll just bet that you chose "play with current rules" when you started this game. Am I right? The reason I ask is that several, me included, people have found a bug in that if you do that it can sometimes turn off all victory conditions. This includes the Ascent to Transcendance. You need to change the rules you are playing under. I think I recall that changing the rules will hack your score up though. Check it out. Or resign yourself to not winning. BTW, if you look at your current rules, you probably can't win diplomatically, economically, or by conquest either. Sorry. -absimiliard |
posted 03-09-99 05:23 PM ET
Actually, I think the problem is more likely a misunderstanding about the nature of the "Transcendent Thought" advance. It is the equivilant of "Future Tech" in CivII, a meaningless tech worth only points. To transcend and win the game, there are a couple of Secret Projects you must build: The Voice of Planet & Ascent to Transcendence. |
posted 03-09-99 06:13 PM ET
Hmm, good point Borodino. I may have misread the question. If so I apologize Simon. I assumed cities being nearly complete meant you had nothing left to build, a common late game situation for me.Hope one of the two of us answered your question. -absimiliard |
posted 03-09-99 09:56 PM ET
Hmmmm. I missed that part about "all complete." Perhaps you answered correctly absimiliard. I also hope that between the two of us, we've helped simon. |