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Author Topic:   Which Faction?
Giant Squid posted 03-07-99 10:10 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Giant Squid  
I just completed a VERY LONG game on Librarian level. It was difficult, but I finally won. I'm going in order, so I have to try Thinker level next, and I'm wondering what people who have already passed this level recommend factionwise. I'm leaning between the Peacekeepers, UoP, and Gaians. Is any one faction better or worse, in the experience of people at higher levels?


Prerogative posted 03-07-99 10:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
This depends on your style, for pacifists, which I suppose is your lot from those you listed, I highly suggest trying Morgan, if you haven't. The AI may use him like a wuss, but in the right hands he can be real powerful

But for war mongers, it's a mixed bag. Hive is far more dangerous if you nurture them a little bit in the early game, but the Believers and Spartans can bonk people over the head pretty much right off the bat.

But I myself don't think any faction is particularly worse, it mostly depends on the user's leadership.

Freudianslip posted 03-07-99 11:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freudianslip  Click Here to Email Freudianslip     
I love the Gaians. However, I've noticed that the Believers tend to whip my behind every game (I've only played 2 so far though...) not sure why this is, what with their research penalty. Still, they, followed closely by the UoP, have been my most formidable foes.
Giant Squid posted 03-07-99 11:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Giant Squid    
Why Morgan? The economy doesn't mean much unless you can get one more extra point, and the Hab things are really stifling. My last game was as the Peacekeepers, and I found an extra two pop. very useful.
Prerogative posted 03-08-99 12:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
About Morgan, I'd think this is a little obvious, but, you can get +2 Econ with using Wealth. Which is an incredible bonus because that way you can get +1 Energy per square without getting the heavy hit of -5 Police and -3 Planet like with FME that other factions have to use if they want the same benefiet.

I myself don't care much for the hab thing. In difficulty over Librarian most of them are going to wind up as drones anyhow.

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