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  Wingame algorithim has more bugs than an ant-farm!

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Author Topic:   Wingame algorithim has more bugs than an ant-farm!
player1 posted 03-06-99 07:12 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for player1   Click Here to Email player1  
A few people in this forum have posted problems with the wingame conditions. Some reported that the game did not end when it was supposed to. Others encountered things that were just plain wierd. I'll list some of the things that I personally have encountered.

Transcend Victory: Wingame screen displays Transcend victory header as "0 objectives completed" though I was not playing a scenario, and gave me a strange number of points like 1304, even though I had no other pact brothers to share the victory with.

Economic Victory: Displayed the current year +20 instead of my current ammount of credits when i attempted to corner the global energy market. Example: "20254 credits required; you only have 2274" I actually had about 8000 credits, but the game year was 2254. In year 2255, the message said "20254(something slightly different, actually) credits required; you only have 2275" Diagnosis: your credit ammount identifier for your economic victory option is pointing to the memory address of the game year.

Diplomatic Victory: Voted supreme leader, but one faction defied the council; faction was destroyed a few turns later, but the game did not end.

Conquest Victory: No problems reported

I hope Firaxis can get these problems sorted out! Anyone else have anything to report?

brunoB posted 03-09-99 07:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for brunoB  Click Here to Email brunoB     
I think the manual is for victory condition to small.
I'm the leader (I think in english the suprem leader ?) and the game dosn't end.
I must lead the groups for some years ?

That must I do to win a game (Sorry is my first game!) as Diplomatic Victory.

Regards Bruno
from Germany

brunoB posted 03-09-99 08:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for brunoB  Click Here to Email brunoB     
Sorry I mean
"What must I do to win a game (Sorry is my first game!) as Diplomatic Victory.


player1 posted 03-09-99 11:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for player1  Click Here to Email player1     
BrunoB: Du bist die Planetary Governor, ja?
(Enschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut! ) Fur a diplomatic victory, du musst be the Supreme leader. There is a difference, so achtung!

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