Topic: The Pholus Mutagen
benhsu |
posted 03-04-99 06:52 PM ET
What is the 'combat bonus normally reserved for native lifeforms' which the Mutagen provides? Is it the +50% bonus when attacking units in Xenofungus? I haven't had a chance to try it out.I also wish that the movie/voiceover for this Secret Project gave us more idea what it is about. I inferred that it might be a biology project trying to interbreed Earth-life with Planet-life, but it'll be nice if it had an interlude
posted 03-07-99 03:02 AM ET
Yes. Mindmorms get a +50% offensive bonus when attacking units in fungus (and the hapless victims don't receive their normal +50% defensive bonus for being in fungus). I really like this project, esp. when combined with the Xenoempathy Dome and when playing the Gaians. The Fungus is your friend! Just build it everywhere. Your units treat it like roads and get great combat bonuses, while your enemies have to wade slowly at about 1/2 sqaure or so per turn. |
Oleg Leschoff
posted 03-07-99 06:37 AM ET
As for me, the Pholus Mutagen is first of all is the great thing that reduces pollution (oops, ecodamage). Besides, if you play on abundant native life map, it's a great thing for land invasion. |
posted 03-07-99 09:42 AM ET
I'm playing a game right now as the Gaians...Xenoempathy Dome, Neural Amp, Pholus Mutagen, Dream Twister, Green economy, and discovery of the psi weapons.. Trained Psi Hovertanks are a lot of fun, and attack 3 times per turn! Wheeeee! |