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Author Topic:   Things which would be nice.
benhsu posted 03-04-99 06:46 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for benhsu   Click Here to Email benhsu  
This is not a list of changes I want to see in the structure and rules of the game, but little things which would make gameplay easier.

It'll be nice if, when you play with 'auto-design' off, the game reminds you whenever you can design new units and asks you if you want to jump into the unit-design workshop, just like it prompts you when you discover a new Social Engineering choice.

It'll be nice if when you look at the Datalinks' tech section you get the 'big' picture of the technology, not just the little one. The 'big' picture is the one which shows up when you discover the tech, and tells you about the 'other effects' of the technology, like increasing the output of fungi.

Freddz posted 03-04-99 07:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freddz  Click Here to Email Freddz     
Or if it would ask if you would like to change that old cranky 1-2 defensive unit design with the newly discovered 1-3 design immediately... But then we have prototypes that has tp be made...sigh
afarrell posted 03-05-99 12:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for afarrell  Click Here to Email afarrell     
A few more things that either I can't do, or I haven't figured out how to do yet. Most of these, obviously, are things I miss from Civ II, but I don't see functional replacements in SMAC:

Being able to see the full explanation of a tech _at all_ except when I discover it, or have the opportunity to discover it. If
I don't know which advance allows me to have harvest more than three nutrients, I have to look it up on the wall chart (I may have this wrong, but I can supply a definite example if need be.)

Fully functional Datalinks. There are pages for each of the society models, but no link from the Tech Advance that makes them possible. Etc. for citizen types.

The old, beloved, "which techs should I research to attain this tech?". More necessary in SMAC, since even on the easiest setting, we don't get the full technology tree.

A simple, at-a-glance table that tells me how my cities are doing, including population.
I like being able to tell what the best city for materials is, but I can't find out the second best except by flicking through the city screens individually.

And (a longshot) while they're fixing the bug where you can click on an enemy mindworm to see the odds, and keep doing so until you capture it, what about a seperate key for attempt-capture-then-attack. Sometimes, it's very bad to capture something accidentally, for support reasons.

Of course, I'm still accidentally playing short seven-hour games

Dowdc posted 03-07-99 02:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dowdc  Click Here to Email Dowdc     
Something else which would be nice:

Being able to give loans to fellow human players in multiplayer. Or is this allowed, currently? I know you can give energy, but how about an actual loan, with payments every so often?

LackOfKnack posted 03-07-99 07:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LackOfKnack    
Also, it'd be nice if you could declare war on a human player or at least end a treaty... I think this is a major bug because you lose needless integrity by breaking a treaty when you should be able to cancel it from the diplomacy screen.


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