Topic: SMAC Dreamtime
jsorense |
posted 03-03-99 12:33 PM ET
Hi everyone.If I recall correctly, in the very first SMAC Addiction tread either Brother Greg or Thomas A. Stobie said that they had a dream about SMAC. This was way back in June. I must say that I came down pretty hard on this confession indicating the person was already too far gone to be treated by regular means for their obvious sorry state. Well, last night I had a dream with SMAC elements in it too. In the dream I was in a room full of people and before I could start a conversation the SMAC interface popped up in order to help me (micro)manage my life (or dream at least). Pretty weird, huh? Well, I don't want to delve into the realm of what this says about my life but I am curious if other people have had SMAC dreams. Or, am I the only total nut case?
posted 03-03-99 01:17 PM ET
... had a dream about that Deirdre Skye once ... |
posted 03-03-99 01:58 PM ET
You're all nuts. I personally only have those odd visual dreams about Zork 
posted 03-03-99 02:24 PM ET
Hehe, yes, I have several times now... common problem for me for long games like Civ, SMAC, Imperialism, etc that are played long into the morning hours and induce sleep depravation.The worst for SMAC was recently when I did something to piss Deirdre off in a dream and she and Miriam were like bestest pals for some reason and they both started sending chopper after chopper and killing all my people and they would not stop, Zakharov and Lal would not help... they were just laughing, aagh. Yang was cooking the environment just to piss me off too. The water was rising, my peoples were dying, everyone was vendetta against me, lions and tigers and bears oh no... (I was not a faction... all existing factions were against me so I must have been some "dreamland" custom faction LOL), I was pleading with Planet to help me... desparately... too funny it was. Planet did agree to finally help me but I dont' remember what happened after that... my GF said I was talking in my sleep and wanted to know who this "Diedre" person was... LOL... OUCH! Where is Dr. Freud when you need him... -=Hammer |
Brother Greg
posted 03-04-99 12:05 AM ET
Yeah, it was me actually. Now I'm just too tired from playing late to have dreams.  |
Giant Squid
posted 03-04-99 01:06 AM ET
Seriously, I had a nightmare with Chairman Yang as the villain. Shouldn't be surprised; I stayed up until 11 fighting the Hive.<=O=E |
posted 03-09-99 03:37 PM ET
Once after playing for 12 hours straight with no food or water, dizzy with a touch of nausea, I went to bed only to see, think, and dream everything in SMAC graphics. It not only was ABOUT SMAC, but my personal life as well. Or as that boy in South Park says, "That's f***** up there dude!" |
posted 03-10-99 01:00 PM ET
Ack... I played SMAC yesterday for Way Too Long and remember SMAC-related dreams when I finally slept. |
posted 03-10-99 01:01 PM ET
Just remembered that I've had dreams based on other games too. Mainly X-Com Apocalypse. Ick, brainsuckers were everywhere. |
posted 03-24-99 11:04 AM ET
I thought I would dredge this thread up since I have seen a couple of new SMACdream references. You are not alone. |