Topic: An idea------
mooman |
posted 03-02-99 12:57 AM ET
Since it appears that the two factions of smac players, those who like it, and those who hate it will continue to argue on and on for eternity, how about creating a special section for people to vent their complaints. That way, those who love the game can avoid these posts, and maybe then this ridiculous back and forth goings on will end. This way, firaxis can still get the likes and dislikes of the game, and the masses may live together in peace and harmony.
posted 03-02-99 01:12 AM ET
Sounds good at first, but I don't think it's necessarily a two-factioned thing. There ARE problems with the game. There are ALSO great things about it. It's the negotiation between those bad and good elements that makes for lively, constructive (well, not always, sure) discussion.We can always ignore posts, too. Bashers and Fanatics tend to go away if left alone.
posted 03-02-99 01:16 AM ET
I disagree, the arguements are always the same, the arguements are pointless and serve no purpose, and the same effect could be accomplished by creating seperate sections. I would think that it would also be easier for firaxis to read through the critisisms and compliments, instead of having to deal with 100 posts of drivel |
posted 03-02-99 05:53 PM ET
Mooman,Perhaps it is your attitude that keeps you from finding enjoyment in constructive discourse between opposing views. Your statements make you seem about as open minded as the vaults at Fort Knox and it is no wonder to me that this pisses you off. I have had some great discussions with the likes of BG, Lightwing and many others without flames scorching our fannies. As a matter of fact, you will constantly find that we concede countless points as our eyes are opened to new experiences. It's kind of like the taste of Brocoli. Try it, you'll like it after a while and it's good for you. |
posted 03-02-99 05:58 PM ET
Ummm... that's what this section is for. Complaints, Bouquets, what's cool, what's not.To be honest the idea of having a 'Bitching about SMAC' forum is a little dumb. |
posted 03-02-99 06:03 PM ET
I still hate broccoli. |
posted 03-02-99 06:57 PM ET
If you don't like the idea, thats fine, just for the love of God quit bitching about people bitching!!!! I am open minded, but am getting tired of countless, "smac sux," "smac doesn't suck, back this up," "smac sux...." I still hate brocolli too, though brocoflower is another story....mmmmm yummy |
posted 03-02-99 07:04 PM ET
Brocolli is great! What the hell is the matter with you people?!! Are you mad?!! Brocolli is the best vegetable ever designed!!Huh. Stupid newbies... |
posted 03-02-99 07:17 PM ET
Perhaps it is you who is closed minded uncleroggy, and you who has the bad attitude. Critisizing me for my ideas. If you don't like my idea fine, but don't you dare insult me. I despise people like you. |
posted 03-02-99 07:33 PM ET
Mooman, I'm surprised you found my posting insulting. I have tried to limit my observations to statments of fact and not to fall off the deep end emotionally. However, upon further reflection, it was perhaps a bit condescending and I did not intend that. I was merely pointing out that your distaste of the issue causes you to lump every dissenter into the "SMAC SUCS" crowd. Your overtly hostile response only proves my point. |
posted 03-02-99 09:49 PM ET
Yes, there are certainly good arguements posted on the negatives of smac. I agree with many of them. But if you look back I would say a good half or more of the posts and topics are of the "smac sux dude" sort of variety, which begins a flame war and frustration among the so called "vets." I am not a smac fanatic, in fact do to school work i have had little time to even play the game. I just enjoy reading theses forumns, and dislike seeing the ignorant and immature bashing and counterbashing of smac. Let us call off this little disagreement uncleroggy. I would like to close though by questioning how my distaste for insulting persons makes me closed minded or paints me with the label of "bad attitude." Your logic defies me, but oh well, you're entitled to your own opinion of myself. |
posted 03-02-99 11:37 PM ET
Mooman,Thanks for responding. An unfortunate side effect of the internet is that many of us cannot succinctly state what is in our hearts & minds. As a result, well intentioned comments are easily misconstrued. If you couple this with a person who is finding a particular idea objectionable, voila we have the flamethrowers in bloom. There has been certainly too much of that in these forums. I will submit to you the following. I think i can honestly say that I have never, nor will I ever flame someone over something as trivial as a game. However, we all come from different walks of life and have different experiences. Therefore, we also have different expectations as well. As a result many of us feel that SMAC falls short in many ways and we choose to post our criticisms within these forums because Firaxis has said "tell us what's cool, what's not". If we then have someone who opens a thread or makes postings that bashes people for all solicited criticisms(well founded or mindless), the only fair conclusion that can be made is the said individual has closed their mind to the opposing point of view. This isn't an insult to point this out, but rather a fair evaluation of someone else's perception of your words and deeds. In short, people perceive you for what you say and do and will react to it. Please do not take the following remarks as condescending as I do not intend this. When you respond to postings with inflammatory language, gross generalizations and statements like "I despise you", you in effect become exactly what you find objectionable in these forums. Instead, I would direct you to postings by people like BG, Lightwing, Shining1 and even myself and you will see that although we disagree on many issues, we still keep a civil tongue and accept each other's points for what they are. I look forward to your responses. |
posted 03-02-99 11:44 PM ET
Mooman,I forgot one additional point. I just read your post and you say that your school schedule prevents you from SMACing too much. Many of us have played 100+ hours since the release and we have found many of the bugs, glitches and poor game design after playing a number of games. In fact, many of us have started & restarted a number of games to check out differing opinions as directed by other players. As a result, I would very much appreciate how you differentiate what is "drivel" and what is constructive criticism if your game experience has been somewhat limited. Thanks again. |
posted 03-03-99 01:40 PM ET
As I said in the post prior, I have nothing against valid critisism and I agree with much people say negative about the game. I am not a smac obsessive, in fact from what i have played, (which has not been a lot yet), I think I prefer civII. I am more of a history buff myself than a sci fi fan, though I like turn based strategy games. My suggesting for a seperate forum section was not meant to completely get rid of critisisms. My goal in suggesting, was to perhaps limit the number of unconstructive "smac sux" posts. If you read through many of the posts, you find numerous of these types of posts popping up, followed immediately by smac fans yelling back. This is not constructive in the least. It is fairly obvious that many of these posts are meant simply to bother smac fans, especially those bringing down smac in order to promote CTP. I felt that by perhaps creating a special section dedicated to complaints, constructive debate could still continue, perhaps minus the deflamatory posts intended to annoy the general smac readership. A separate forumn would not end productive conversation, and that is not my intentions. In addition, I believe that it would make it easier for firaxis to take in critisism without useless "drivel." Useless drivel defined as "smac sux dude, because it does man..." This is the drivel I speak about, and if you read the posts many consists of such base arguements. In my first post I refer to the ridiculous goings back in forth. By this I mean the "smac sux dude," remark counter remark. I enjoy reading constructive critisism, but that is the key word, constructive.You also question my post perhaps using the word "bitch." In essence this was in response to the previous post, which completely misrepresented my idea. In addition you question my lashing out by saying I despise you. Well, if you reread my post I do not say that I specifically despise you. I am merely saying that I despise the sort of person who would chastize a person they do not even know for there ideas. These sort of people give the forumns a bad name. I will end by saying that one game (or in the case of CTP 2), doesn't warrant much of the violent and cruel critisisms and remarks I read in this forumn. |