Topic: New Social Engineering Idea
The Black Knight |
posted 03-01-99 10:31 PM ET
Okay, how about have a constitution instead of the current Social Engineering. It would be devided up in to sections, similar to the current system, but with more options. Some sections you could only select one option. Example: Government: Democratic, Dictatorship, Fundamentalism, Buerucacy Economy: Free, Planned, Government owned, Fuedalism Other sections you would have various sections some or all of which you could select. IE Science restrictions: Religion, Environment, public health. Garranteed rights: Bear arms, Pursue happyness, use drugs. And science could upgrade previous options. I.E. For police choices one could be Armed Guards, which would be replaced by drugged populace, and finally mind control. What do you think?
Mostly Harmless
posted 03-02-99 06:16 AM ET
-=SDN Soldier's Fortune=-"Overlord! Our scouts have reported a stoned poster in sector 7-G!" "Excelent. Prepare to launch the SPB on my mark. Two... One... MARK!" WHOOSH!! "SPB away sir!" "Onscreen, now!" -=The viewscreen alights with the image of a barren landscape turned into Lucifer's kitchen. As the sky clears, little bits of The Black Knight can be seen falling from above.=- |
posted 03-02-99 03:56 PM ET
I don't know why anyone would chose beauracracy as a governement choice, and goverment owned is essentially a planned economyu. Drugged populace is essential mind control, and armed guards is basically police state. I think SMAC designer's did a good job in social engineering, although CiII gave you more choice in government types. |
posted 03-02-99 08:54 PM ET
Ummm? CivII had 6 governments, each with fixed effects on trade, efficience (err... corruption), tax/luxury/research rates, etc. SMAC has 4 lots of 4 choices resulting in 256 different combinations with different effects on 10 social factors(although each faction has one ruled out so there are only 192 available to any faction). Further to this each faction is different and affected by social choices differently (eg. Free Market is no-where near as powerful a choice for Yang as it is for anyone else). I suppose you could argue that CivII had 6 government types where SMAC only has 4 but then CivII just doesn't have the economic/value/future society choices at all.James |