Topic: The Amazing Adult Whining Babies
Mind |
posted 03-01-99 05:56 PM ET
I'll get right to the point. Many of the people who write in this forum are Adult Whining Babies. There are over 11,000 submissions in the various forums here. Many are constructive and many are useless, yet a large amount of these writings are devoted to civil behavior, posting in the wrong forum and posting constructive criticisms. All I am here to say is that no matter how stupid you may think their emails are, dont cry about it like it is a personal insult. I have strong suspicions that by the quality of the letters written here that most are adults over the age of 21. You should be ashamed at yourselves for being so emotional in response to letters you disagree with or simply don't like. I would hope that you teach your kids about sticks and stones. Well if you do, then practice it. So much crying and whining because someone insulted your favorite game and didn't back it up with logical reasons. Wow, horrible. Waaaaaaaa!! Who the heck cares? Read something else. Does that honestly ruin the quality of the game for you because someon rips it? If you like it, that is enough. Some stupid idiot started a thread with Blah, Blah, Blah. No biggie I thought. But there were 100 responses to it! Now that is a giant group of dweebs there. Blah, blah, blah shouldnt be in this forum, but once again. Who cares? Read something else. Frankly I enjoy hearing most of what is said here, and if I don't ,I disregard it. As you all should be doing - also know as IGNORE. Instead you act like a bunch of teenage girls in a secret club. "ooh, he posted an article about CTP here". "If you don't like it, go somewhere else". "Oh my, they insulted Sid and Brian, we must not stand for that" and other such immature responses. Many of you need to devlop some thicker skin. This type of whimpering behavior is most distasteful coming from so-called adults. And yes, you can all rip me as much as you like. It is your right and I don't mind at all. Let the flames begin. Mind
posted 03-01-99 06:15 PM ET
"Uh, Lady Skye, ma'am, do you really think we should use the flame gun on this guy? He makes sense!""You're under the control of that evil earth-pillager Morgan again, aren't you, Anderson? I thought that you had enough of your mindless holovids to offset that influence!" |
posted 03-01-99 06:56 PM ET
No dude, you're right. |
Brother Greg
posted 03-01-99 10:04 PM ET
So, we're supposed to read something we don't agree with, and shut up, whereas you can read our comments, and tell us to shutup?Methinks your argument is a tad hypocritical... [And I don't _think_ I am one of those you are talking about, though who knows... ] |
posted 03-01-99 11:43 PM ET
Me thinks you need to get a life. |
Brother Greg
posted 03-01-99 11:50 PM ET
Oh, touche...  |
posted 03-01-99 11:59 PM ET
Nope, brother greg is not one |
Brother Greg
posted 03-02-99 12:03 AM ET
*SIGHS*Ah, forget it, it's not worth it... |
posted 03-02-99 12:14 AM ET
I agree with the overall premise that there are too many people out there that get insulted over little things and whine and cry about them but afterwards I would have to disagree. Just as it is person X's right to critize something it is person Y's right to make a counter arguement if they disagree with it. To refute something is not "whining" it is mearly stating your contrary opinion. Also it is quite logical to want people to give the rational they use to come to a certain conclusion. Statements like this game stinks do no one any good as they do not come the the core of the problem or help enlighten the reader as to how they came to that opinion. The same is true for positive statements about SMAC. If someone likes or dislikes something I honestly would like to know why. If they dislike something they may be missing something that I could shed light on. Finally if people expressing their views on issues really bothers you then go elsewhere and quit "whining" about it.  |
posted 03-02-99 12:15 AM ET
Oh but brother greg, I bestow upon you a compliment. You are one of the most dignified members of the forum. This without sarcasm. |
Brother Greg
posted 03-02-99 12:24 AM ET
So, your reply "Me thinks you need to get a life" wasn't aimed at me?!?My appologies if it wasn't, I thought it was... |
posted 03-02-99 12:27 AM ET
No I was only joking, testing shall we say your reponse in coorelation with the topic. Oh no psych experiments!!! |
Brother Greg
posted 03-02-99 12:31 AM ET
The problems of trying to convey sarcasm (or psych experiments) through text!?!Meanwhile, back at the farm... |
posted 03-02-99 12:33 AM ET
I always felt that there should be a symbol for conveying sarcasm, as it is widely used within text messages |
posted 03-02-99 12:38 AM ET
I wholeheartedly agree with Brother Greg, who is very likely the person who has been on these forums the longest of anyone here (with obvious exception of Firaxis employees). If I recall correctly, Brother Greg was here back in what...last June? May? The fact that such people as Brother Greg even exist (and that he is conciliatory and tollerant even after months of being here), should suggest that it is in fact only those will low levels of tollerance which seem to have a problem.  Ok, this is like the 10th bajillionth time this has come up on these forums. I'll try to address it in a manner consistent with what we've experience here for months: I would make the rather humble assertion that most of the people posting on these forums have little opportunity in their daily lives to discuss the matters that are typically discussed on these forums. The oportunity to actually discuss these types of things at all with other people that are capable of discussing them at all, is an oportunity that many have aparently taken. Although there are some posters who truly get somewhat immature at times (I would estimate the largest group posting here has an average age of about 17, not early 20's), this can be tollerated if one has a modicum of maturity oneself  Quite frankly, I don't think it's out of the question that a large number of the pre-university crowd here doesn't get it's chance to discuss such intellectual topics normally at all. If I was in their shoes, I certainly would jump at the chance to actually have the chance to challenge your own viewpoint and discuss things like this with other people. There are also those of us on these forums (such as myself) who just never loose appetite for having interesting political and philosophical discussions and I hope have the tollerance necessary to put up with what level of immaturity does exist here. This brings us to the next point about the types of people who enter these forums. There is another entirely different breed of person who enters these forums and they're the people who are just too prosaic to understand what's going on and find it annoying that anyone would even bother to discuss things in the first place. As strange as it sounds... These people apparently find the very fact that people are having intelligent conversation...offending... Posters like Red Dog and Domk come immediately to mind (for those of you out there who remember those particularly immature and prosaic types). As the personality theorist and psychological researcher Carl Gustav Jung once put it: "A man's hatred is always concentrated upon that which makes him conscious of his bad qualities." So: Calm down, take a deep breath, don't let the immaturity bother you so much (whining about whining isn't terribly productive anyhow), stay and chat if you have anything to share about your experiences playing SMAC, problems with the game, or just want to debate politics and philosophy. Thanks. Arnelos Peacekeeper Keeper of Wisdom |
Brother Greg
posted 03-02-99 12:48 AM ET
Mooman, there is. It is called a smiley.;-) means being sarcastic. Also, so does ;-) without the "-", but on this forum, that's converted to the winking face. aka:  Also (without the spaces): : ) =  ; ) =  : D =  : o =  : ( =  And Arnelos, I been here for more than a year now (Jan '98 or so). Occasionally I wonder why, but the friends I make, and the intellectual, thoughtful discussions bring me back. :-) |
posted 03-02-99 05:59 AM ET
Ahh a whine about the whiners, happens all the time on forums. As your argument is self perpatuating i.e. let's have another post whining about the whiners about the whiners, it is ultimatley pointless... Darkheart
posted 03-02-99 07:41 AM ET
How!, Conrad DarkHeart! Meta-whining!! Hhmmmmm, meta- is the sweetest and spiciest food that is given to imagine in this universe of the mind!Insane urge to pick down the shelf again that 'GEB, an EGB' (Goedel, Escher, Bach, an Eternal Golden Braid). Hmmm, the point of pointlessness.... Question is, was the Mind conscious of being meta-referencing himself? Oh, discussions about methods (of discussion (...) ) are always much tastier and self-indulging than those about points! Sorry for the auto-mind-erotism.... MariOne |
posted 03-02-99 07:47 AM ET
Hmmm.... The former was the post of mine I loved most to re-read.How long could I just go on (in my Mind) (cPost++) |
posted 03-02-99 04:58 PM ET
Hehe, at least I invoked some responses. As I suspected the obvious point of my initial thread was mostly missed. CLEARLY, the point was not to say nothing about something that you feel passionately about. Most of you who replied were obviously not the ones this was directed to, but since you "asked".I see many people get on here and rip SMAC. They dont understand it, dont' like it, can't get a feel for it, think Sid is a jerk, whatever. It is their right. To get personally insulted is rather childish. I never understood why an insult merits an insult in return. And no, I dont even have SMAC. By reading these forums, it gives me a feel for whether I want it or not. To be honest, people like me should be praised for voting with my dollars and not throwing good money after bad games thereby rewarding lousy game manufacturers. And here is another little tip. I learn far more about a game from the people who dislike it than the people who like it. I don't know why, but it seems to be the case. People like me want to here about CTP right here in fact because it is so closely related and I know nothing about it. By reading some of the few comments made about CTP, I have interest in a game that originally I didnt have. I guess the bottom line is that by flaming all the people who dont like it, dont belong or whatever, many of you do a giant disservice to the gaming community. I'm not going to kiss Greg's butt like you all love to do, but I have nothing against him and my original post obviously had nothing to do people like him who post constructive and instructive suggestions or comments. Further, to spell it all out. You twits out there who feel that cricizers and naysayers should leave the forum are dead wrong. They ARE the lifeblood of any forum. You want the sweet but can't stand the sour, or something like that. PS I want to buy SMAC, but I am concerned that it would run slowly on my computer. I play games very quickly and that might put me off although the game itself sounds very good. Flame On!!! for all you FF fans out there. Mind |
posted 03-02-99 05:11 PM ET
Hehe, I forgot to make an important point.How many of you have seen a movie and was asked about it afterwards? Many times my reply is that I didnt like it but couldnt really say why. Well computer games can be just like that. I can think of many that I simply hated but couldn't put my finger on why. I just know that it wasn't fun. And that is the point. If it isn't fun, then it simply isn't fun. A long time ago I posted some simpleton remark on Compuserve about the 2nd Elder Scrolls game. Can't recall the name. I played it and didnt like it. Damn, you should have seen the insults come flying afer I made that remark. Not everyone knows why they dislike a game, it is a feeling in many cases. I , a prospective buyer, want to hear from those people just as much as any of the others and in some cases more so. Nuff said. Mind |
posted 03-02-99 05:11 PM ET
"I want to buy SMAC, but I am concerned that it would run slowly on my computer. "What sort of system do you have? I've seen reports from people claiming it runs well on a P90... "I play games very quickly and that might put me off although the game itself sounds very good." I don't understand. Do you mean you move about very rapidly while playing games, or that you tend to get through games very fast? I garrr-on-teeee, you'll have a time of it dealing the crushing blow to the factions in SMAC on Ironman level. I just got the game 2 days ago, and couldn't even beat it on Talent. I had to drop down to specialist, and am now finally peering victory in its meaty eye. For a real challenge, try just hitting "turn complete" for the first 20 turns, THEN start your actual "playing". Talk about a quick way to a butt-whipping! Has anyone else here tried that?
posted 03-02-99 05:21 PM ET
By playing quickly I meant gameplay, not gametime. To give you an example, people have mentioned that later in the game, the computer turns bog down when there are many units to consider. Also, something about how their own units move when they try to move them. This sort of slowness tends to bore me as I like the computer's response to be quick. In other words, I am very impatient. Someone posted a comment in which they described their system which is very similar to mine. He said it ran slowly on his and that is a concern of mine. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 03-02-99 11:10 PM ET
Ah BG from Jan. I was here in June, and Brother Greg already had an immense presence in the forums. Ah, these whiners can have this month. By April, most of them will probably leave, and let us discuss the game in peace. After all, the same arguements were made about StarCraft (too similar to predessors, etc.)Imran Siddiqui |
Brother Greg
posted 03-02-99 11:19 PM ET
Imran, life would be so dull without a little competition, somebody to argue with, and so on. I remember when people such as YYYH weren't liked, cos of their whingeing, and yet now, we've brainwashed him into one of us - the Firaxis Borg! We will assimilate the whiners!  |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 03-03-99 02:29 AM ET
Ah yes, BG! I remember think what a punk this kid [YYYH] was! Then, of course, the brainwash machine has made him into my best online friend! God! I love technology .Imran Siddiqui |
posted 03-03-99 03:04 AM ET
although I do not have a problem with the speed of the unit movement, if you make the option selection "move all units quickly", you should not have a problem with moving quickly through the for your interest in CCTP because of the posts made here, keep in mind that all those post are based on what?? that game has not even been released yet. i question where they are getting their conclusions from. not to dis' CCTP, it may turn out to be a fine game (or not), but how can someone compare a released game to one still in the production stage. |
posted 03-03-99 06:41 AM ET
Mind:Personal experience; demos, full, patch, all the same in comparison terms. Home: PII 333, 128Mb, ATI Xpert@work AGP 8Mb (card). Win 95 OSR2b Worksite: P133, 32Mb, ATI Rage II (on board). NT 4.0 workstation SP3. At home: not really jiffy, but pretty reactive (can lightheartedly Save, Exit & reload in IronMan). @ Worksite: M o r t a l P l o d d i n g |
posted 03-05-99 03:07 AM ET
Mind,That's the main drawback of the typed word. There's very little room for NUANCE, unless you write a novel. I plead guilty to the crime of taking more offense than necessary on more than one occassion, simply because I didn't get the nuanced emotion that a voice can offer. That's my main bitch about email and forums in general... good, reasoned discussion can be too easily misinterpreted without knowing what frame of mind the writer was in. Now THERE'S a billion-dollar internet start-up waiting to happen -- a way to express nuance in email/forums without or or . It's almost impossible to be a gentle smart-ass without being seen as a raving, angry lunatic. Hey, I know! That said, a LOT of humor in a post that might be construed as plainly angry (or whiny) can help elucidate (ooh, big word) how you really feel about a topic, without looking like a meanie. That said, why did the Cloning Vat chicken cross the road? To get out of that vicious chicken-funnel! Now screw off! JAFO |