Topic: Color Blind Art
TheClockKing |
posted 03-01-99 04:17 PM ET
I noticed that there is a new art scheme and would like to know from those who got it if it is worth downloading. It is touted as being for red-green color blind people which I am not. The regular color scheme is a little hard on my eyes, and I was wondering if the new one is any easier. Thank you in advance for any advice.
posted 03-01-99 04:45 PM ET
Well, they didn't change the color fo the fungus (which I was expecting, hoping for) they instead changed the color of the natural plants like grassy rainy squares ect. I am not color blind, but downloaded the new color scheme just to see what it looked like and if it was 'better' for me. Well not being color blind I see that the new rainy, grassy suqres look sliek yellow splotchy snot is devouring the land > I am biased though, since I see it as it is, my friend who IS color blind loves the new colors simply because he CAN easily tell the difference. If you aren't color blind you probably won't like it (if you're like me) But if you have a fast fast connection, and time to reinstall the game after installing the new colors mabee you can try it. |
a gagne
posted 03-03-99 06:48 PM ET
Two points before i answer your question regarding the new color-blind tile set: i am color-blind (some shades of green/red/browns seem the same color to me) and i am very greatfull of Firaxis for addressing what some might call a 'minor' problem.When i first played the game, i had a hard time seeing the fungus which became apparent whenever i would try to setup a new base :-/ I downloaded the new tile-set (10MB) and restarted the game - it solved my problem but, unless your color-blind, stick to the existing tiles, my friend says they're alot nicer /ag