Topic: Aquifier
ViktorPregel |
posted 02-23-99 03:48 PM ET
I was considering having one of my formers drilling an aquifier in the middle of Garland crater. Now, my question is, wouldn't that create a lake, since the water can't run downhill to the sea ? Has anyone tried this ?
posted 02-23-99 04:51 PM ET
My physics might be screwy here but it could depend on the pressure of the water beneath as to whether it would fill the crater. Also the elevation of the lowest point of the crater relative to sea level? I don't think Firaxis coded in for the flooding of Garland Crater using an aquifer. But could it be done through terraforming the land lower to link with the sea? |
posted 02-23-99 05:20 PM ET
Whenever you run a river into a valley where it can't escape, it usually runs around in a circle and stops. It would be interesting if you could code the map to change a region of a 2x2 square of rivers into a small lake.On the other hand, there really isn't a "lake" feature in the map at all. Either something is above "sea-level" or its not. So I guess it wouldn't work very well. I think that above-sea-level water features would make a great addition. Imagine building a little valley, filling it with water, and then terraforming a hole in one end to inundate enemy cities in lower-lying areas with giant floods.  |
posted 02-23-99 05:35 PM ET
That'd be really cool! I think they should add it. /  |
Audrey Two
posted 02-23-99 06:02 PM ET
I think notionally, you can regard "river running in a four-square circle" as being the graphic way of representing "swamps/lots of little lakes". Units can get around on land, and move quickly from one square to another on streams, and you can build a city on land instead of on floats-- i.e. in game terms, it's "land", not "water".--A2 |
posted 02-23-99 06:03 PM ET
Way, way back, when SMAC was still on the drawing boards, diverting a river to flood an opponent was mentioned on the Firaxis site.Alas, it was never implemented. However, is it possible to use elevation to divert a river? (towards your colony, away from an opponent) I notice that rivers sometimes move on their own... |
Dan Scheltema
posted 02-24-99 04:45 AM ET
Yes, altering elevation will divert riverbeds. Not always in the way you might expect, however (eyes a river running up and over a hill...) |
posted 02-24-99 07:36 PM ET
The main reason I was concerned about this was because my city in Garland Crater didn't have a pressure dome, so I didn't want to wipe it out by digging an aquifier.Kind of irrelevant now. I've got the space elevator and a bunch of sattelites, so earth-based resources aren't as important anymore. |