posted 02-17-99 03:06 PM ET
Ok, I must admit, automated formers have a much better AI than automated settlers and engineers did in Civ 2, but they're still buggy as hell. Here's the problems I have found:1) For some reason, I am NEVER able to give them the automated Build Tube To... command, it is always greyed out and I have to manually tell them to build the mag tube.
2) Automated Formers will NEVER work on the terrain at the very top and bottom of the map, I'm talking about the squares that are bordered by 3 black squares at the extreme ends of the map.
3) Automated formers seem to have an extreme allergy to boreholes. Over about 10 games I've played, I've only ever seen an automated former build ONE borehole.
4) Many formers which are set to Automate Home Base tend to stop and 'pretend' they are done with the base when there is still a lot more they can do to it.
PLEASE make automated formers more intelligent, because it's a pain in the ass to have to build every farm, road, condensor, etc yourself. If we had to do that in multiplayer, the game would take twice as long as it does now, which is long enough.