Topic: Morganite's usless base facilites
Rafael |
posted 02-16-99 11:31 PM ET
I was playing a game as a Morganite, My sociel engineering settings: Democracy (policy), Free market (Economic) and wealth as my value choice. My base facilities included: holo theatre and a recreation commens However i don't believe that they are performing their duty of removing drones. If i'm not mistaken the holo theatre removes one drone. One other factor i must mention I had military vessels outside my borders. These military vessels of coarse originated from the base in question being crippled by drone riots. How effective are these two base facilities at removing drones ? do they fail to do their job if it's concerning military deployment ?
Brother Greg
posted 02-16-99 11:40 PM ET
If your support (I think it is support) is low enough - which it probably is with Democracy - then for units away from home you get Drones.You will find that your Facilities are still making "x" number of Drones content, however the military units away from home are too many for those facilities to overcome. Democracy is not a good choice to be at war in. I'd suggest changing temporarily, at least while you're at war. |
posted 02-16-99 11:54 PM ET
Maybe i should restate. Are Base facilities that reduce drone numbers and increase psyche Overidden entirely with 1 military unit outside of your borders. I have both rec commens and Holo theatre's And only one military unit has left my borders .All other settings are the same as the first message in this string. But just one miltary unit is out and it's crippling me i thought those two facilities would make up for that... |
posted 02-17-99 12:13 AM ET
Um.... no, BG. If your police rating is <=3, military units away from base can create discontent- that CAN'T be cured with hologram theatres/rec commons. You'll need to create doctors/empaths or allocate money to psych in order to alleviate the problem.Solutions: Fight your battle with only probe teams and independent units, or have a high enough energy production (like 2 boreholes) that you cure it with psych allocations. Better yet, since you're Morgan, drop the Free Market, and then your Police rating will be back to 0 again, and you can wage war. The Wealth option will still give you free-market like effects, as after +2 Economy the benefits start to decline a bit. And by the way, the theatre cures two drones. |
posted 02-17-99 12:39 AM ET
Hmmmm Okay if theaters cannot help reduce discontent civies while the military their taxes are paying for are outside doing god knows what then what good are these two facilities. When else are civies pisssed.Wait do you suggest i dismantle them(entertainment facilities) due to my -5 rating ? |
posted 02-17-99 01:25 AM ET
I can't find in anywhere that Recreation Commons or Hologram Theatres cannot affect drones created by military units outside your territory.In any case, drones also come from having a large population - this is dependent on your difficulty setting. For the hardest level, I believe your second citizen and onwards are drones. For the easiest, maybe 7th? |
posted 02-17-99 01:31 AM ET
Why are these two base facilities available so early and at such a cheap price if their not needed till later ? |
posted 02-17-99 01:56 AM ET
As SnowFire said, the Police rating is what determines your unrest because of military units outside of the city. You can see the effect in the little "support window" on the lower right of the base screen. I think that Rec Commons and Holos are effective against this, but with the -5 Police you get 2 drones for every unit outside the city, so your military unit is probably cancelling out the positive effects of your Rec Commons and Holo (how many drones do these reduce each?). You also get drones for other reasons, such as having a large empire, or a large city.These facilities ARE needed early, especially on higher difficulty levels. I was just playing a game and my cities were going into riots around pop 4 or 5. It would have been even worse playing as the UoP.
posted 02-17-99 01:57 AM ET
Actually, if you look at the "Psych" panel (I think that's what it is) in the Base screen it will show you the drone/talent breakdown of you base, and the effects. "Pacifism" is the increase in drones because of units outside the city.
posted 02-17-99 10:00 AM ET
Also, if you look at the psych screen, it also shows the order in which the effects are applied ( I think). Since Pacifism is at the bottom, its effects are applied after the facilities take off their number of drones.Usually you have to do something to increase the number of talents to counteract the number of drones |