posted 02-15-99 11:03 PM ET I thought this game was supposed to be called "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - a Brian Reynolds Design".
If that's the case, why does the version I have right here in front of me (well, beside me) make no mention of the "ABRD" part. I have even leafed through the manual, and I can't see it there either. Was this some marketing decision?
Poor old Brian. Doesn't even get his name on the box...
posted 02-15-99 11:58 PM ET
How bout writing his name in with a pen... The ABRD definitely should be there.
posted 02-16-99 01:46 AM ET
This is a good thing - nuff of the hollywood 'a so-and-so movie' stuff. SMAC was produced by a hardworking, talented team - of which Brian Reynolds was a big part. But that doesn't justify splashing his name all over it.
As far as I know, the 'Sid Meier's' bit is just marketing - enough to say that the game was influenced by Sid and therefore is good (- so go buy it!)
posted 02-16-99 07:03 AM ET
It seems in hollywood the only movies with names splashes all over them tend to be cheesy horror movies "John Carpenters Vampires" "Stephgen Kings Sleepwalkers" "Elmer Fudds Wascawy adventures"
In video games I only see this done in strategy games "Seven Kingdoms: A tim Tran Production (or something) and the Sid Meier stuff. Luckily these are great games so when you DO see these names on the box at least you know you are in for a treat.. Gee I can't wait for "John Romero's: Diakatana" Then we'll see the cheese start to ooze into the gaming industry as it has in hollywood for years heh.
posted 02-16-99 07:41 AM ET
I agree iratheos. Have you ever noticed that pretty much every Stephen King movie with his name in the title sucks, and the ones without his name are great... The shining, Shawshank Redemption, both great.
posted 02-16-99 08:12 AM ET
Don't forget "Stand By Me " was also a King book heh
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