Topic: FIRAXIS people, answer me please... CHEATS?
Darksunlight |
posted 02-15-99 07:39 PM ET
I am looking for a cheat option or cheats inserted troughout the game. Could anyone answer me please? Thank you in advance
Q Cubed
posted 02-15-99 09:01 PM ET
Can i ask what the point is?It's a strategy game, and the cheats would take all the fun out of it... Especially if you're using them on the Citizen level. |
posted 02-15-99 09:06 PM ET
I haven't played around with it, and I'm not at home so I can't check, but isn't 'scenario' mode during the game essentially the same as the old 'cheat' menu from (ahem) Civ II? You should be able to do anything you'd ever want to using the scenario mode. Change towns, kill an enemy faction, give yourself a free planetbuster.. etc. Course... I could be COMPLETELY wrong. (As for why he'd want to cheat? Hehe. well... remember.. not just anyone can beat the game at the easiest setting.. ) > -ThRiLL |
posted 02-15-99 09:10 PM ET
why the heck does anyone need to cheat? or do you want to post a topic concerning: i got 63817634 points in level xy??? ;-)
posted 02-15-99 09:10 PM ET
It was kind of cool having them cheats in civ2 but alas they were abused by even the best of players, or so I have heard. One easy way not so cheating was the 'save game - reveal entire map - load game' routine. To tell the truth I would not mind having cheats in AC, but hey they aren't there so I guess there is a reason for that.I'm cheating outtahere |
Dick Knisely
posted 02-16-99 10:28 AM ET
Look at the menu called scenario mode and edit map. I can't imagine what more you could want. You want to cheat--do just about anything you want. Whatever makes ya happy. |
Chris Pine FIRAXIS
posted 02-16-99 10:40 AM ET
To help avoid the "reveal map" cheat, we even added that as an option. Customize rules...But, as ThRiLL said, the scenario menu is effectively the "cheat" menu. |
posted 02-16-99 11:30 AM ET
There is a very legitimate reason for cheating, I beat the game quite a few times on civ2 before I ever really thought about using it but... I like incredibly long games, where you can actually preted you are running an empire. Some of my civ games went into the year 4000+ But i found that the most fun games that I have played I cheated to look at the map, if I did not like it I got another one. I don't give a rats @$$ about score, all your really trying to impress is your self. I bought the games because they are empire building games, so as such I would like to actually run an empire, not see how fast I can take the other guy out. Get involved where I can, provide support to my allies etc. I like a balance of power. If I like the map, but maybe not where the other players are positioned I pick them up and spread them out. So they can get a good foothold, and so they will be around for uite some time so that I can interact with them. Oh yeah, while I am thinking about it what is the largest map that you can safely built. I know what it tells you but I got a 300 by 300 map and it is working fine.I would eventually like to play long online games in this way eventually, like real life. So if any are interested in playing this way Please let me know. I know there are others out there because I have a list of civ2 multiplayers who play this way. |
posted 02-16-99 12:53 PM ET
effraides; Well, if the only 'cheat you are looking for is just to reveal the map, you can actually set that as an option when you customize the rules while setting up a game, However, yes... now that I had the chance to play with it, you can conceivably do anything with the scenario editor. Give yourself all techs, or maybe just a singularity engine Planet Buster... As for maximum map size, I think they've said that there is currently no limit to what you can choose, although the drain on your CPU increases exponentially, so a 1000x1000 map is pretty much out of the question unless you have a couple months to play and an SGI workstation to play it on... any word on map size vs performance? I'm afraid I'm not a very good measure, as I've only got a P200 with 64MB. Anyone with PII400 & Lotsa ram try a 500x500 or up? (hehe.. anyone have that much spare TIME?) -ThRiLL |
Chris Pine FIRAXIS
posted 02-16-99 03:54 PM ET
effraides:If you have a map that you like, you can save it from the scenario menu, then start as many games as you want on that map. You could even make your own. However, I also agree that the cheating/non-cheating distinction is awfully vague. You can edit the rules and the factions in such a way that Transcend is way too easy, or you could just edit the high score file, but we play for the FUN, not for the SCORE. |
posted 02-16-99 05:37 PM ET
"You can edit the rules and the factions in such a way that Transcend is way too easy, ..." You mean I shouldn't post the score I acheived on Transcend level with the slightly adjusted UoP (+10Planet, +10Growth, +10Research, +10Industry, +10Effic, +10Economy, 10 starting techs and 1Talent/citizen)? You're right ... that would probably count as cheating. James |
posted 02-16-99 05:53 PM ET
Only a P200? Cripes, I really need to update my corny ol' AMD K6200 with a lousy 32 megs (still running with a 1.1 gig HD too, yeah!)Anyway, I'm up for playing a long 200x200+ multiplayer game. Of course, it would take alot of planning since I don't think anyone has the patience to play through a game of that size in one sitting. But if it ever starts up I claim Morgan or Yang! ...I tried running a 1,000,000 (1000x1000) square game. But I couldn't get my clunker to ever get past the "Planetfall!" screen. |
posted 02-17-99 09:02 AM ET
'Cheats' menu in Civ2 was very useful for me to learning the game. <Pouf!> - and you understand what this building is need for...Format of .SAV files will be cracked in any case. So I think opening it will be better. |
posted 02-17-99 01:58 PM ET
Hi, my name is Rob, and I am a video game-aholic. THAT IS WHY I USE CHEATCODES. Cheat codes allow me to finish a game faster, hence ridding me of that monkey on my back (aka, the game I am currently in to). SMAC is a great game. I bought it yesterday and have already logged in 5 hours. I am at work now, and I want to leave early (feigning a sickness) so I can go home and play. I'll probably play until 2am. I'll probably call in sick tommorrow, and play all day (I have done it before with other games). This is my problem. And the only cure, at least for the moment, is cheat codes. See, when I cheat, I finish the game faster (and with a game like SMAC, which I could probably play for over 100+ hours, I can cut that down to like 25-40 hours). I usually don't play the game again (replay value means nothing to me, as long as I have the sense that I "won"). I am sick, and I need help. Problem is, when the next great game comes out (I am personally waiting for Tiberiun Sun and Ultima Ascension) the cycle will repeat itself. The most recent game I had trouble with was SimCity 3000. I ditched my fiancee on a Friday night, played until 6am, got up at 12pm and played straight through 2am (only stopping to eat and talk to my fiancee, who I ditched again that night). I played about 10 hours the day after (Sunday). Went to work on Monday, and came home early to play until 1am (my city was growing nicely). The next day, I ordered myself to get cheat codes, and Maxis was generous enough to supply them. I finished my city that week, and two others. The game is out of my system because of cheat codes. Now I am playing SMAC. I see the cycle viciously repeating itself. Cheat codes would end my nightmare, for now. There are only two cures I can think of: 1) Give up gaming and creat a Gamer's Anonymous (similar to AA), or 2) get a job in the gaming industry. As a lawyer, I think I could add great value to a software company or companies. See, I didn't even consider choice # 1. |