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Author Topic:   How did you beat the game for the first time?
JT posted 02-14-99 09:12 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for JT   Click Here to Email JT  
Ascent to Trancendence. 1851 points! (all you braggers of 10000+ points, this was my FIRST game)
Cat posted 02-14-99 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cat    
First game. Ascent to Transcendence. 2086 points. Specialist level. Practically all of the Secret projects completed by my faction. I don't know how people get monster scores on more difficult settings. Must make the game awfully boring for them!
Possibility posted 02-14-99 09:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
Sorry to say you rookies, but you cant compare scores, you have to compare percentage ratings. Anyone on Talent diffuculty can get a million points, but it is something when you get 1000 points on thinker or Transcender, and the percentage takes this into account. My highest percentage was a little over 60%, but i had not yet gotton close to finishing the game.
JT posted 02-14-99 09:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT  Click Here to Email JT     
Okay, my percentage rating was 81%
Cat posted 02-14-99 09:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cat    
Hmmm, will have to check. Can't remember. By the time I do (the game's not on this machine) the thread will be old and buried!
TheClockKing posted 02-14-99 09:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing    
Transcendence with about 2563 points in the end.
Laakshmii posted 02-15-99 03:32 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Laakshmii  Click Here to Email Laakshmii     
Ascent to Transcendence year 2450, 2666 points on Citizen (first game), playing the Gaians... 99%
Lone War posted 02-15-99 05:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lone War  Click Here to Email Lone War     
Ascent to Transcendance, Specialist Level, 2363 year, EVERY Secret Project built by me, score 93%. UoP of course.
Stormhound posted 02-15-99 08:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stormhound  Click Here to Email Stormhound     
Heh...didn't do AtT until my second game (as UP). The first one I won by getting elected supreme leader (as the Gaians!). I'm presently playing PKs, and may end up going for Conquest or Economic just because I'm wanting to see how difficult each one is.
Catbert posted 02-15-99 08:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Catbert    
My first game I won by Conquest. I hadn't even discovered the entire tech tree (the best tech I got was Industrial Nanorobotics).

However, I got quite a lousy percentage score (it's so embarrasing I'm not even putting it up here).

I was playing UoP, for those who interested.

Did anyone corner the global energy market yet? Just curious.

- Catbert

JSan posted 02-15-99 09:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JSan  Click Here to Email JSan     
Well, I gave up on my first (I tried to play Civ-style, so Yang overran my defensive positions by pounding my units with a LOT of arty). My second, Ascent to Transcendence, 181%. I don't quite remember the points. UoP (what else?)
Lee Johnson posted 02-15-99 10:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lee Johnson  Click Here to Email Lee Johnson     
Finally managed to finish my first game last night, playing as the Peacekeepers at Talent level. I completed the Ascent and ended up with a final rating of 114%.

The game gets... interesting... at the end. Planet was chucking hordes of demon boils at me from every direction, while I scrambled to build the Voice of Planet and then the Ascent. I was hauling new tech down every other turn; so fast, in fact, that I didn't really spend much time improving my unit designs.

I saved mid-game and lit off a singularity planet buster, just to see what would happen. It was properly impressive. ;-)

Vader_Flag posted 02-15-99 10:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Vader_Flag  Click Here to Email Vader_Flag     
Lord Vader of the Hive Transcended on, appropriately, Transcendent difficulty with a 496% rating.
RobKid posted 02-15-99 10:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RobKid  Click Here to Email RobKid     
My first real game was as the Peacekeepers. It was pretty funny. It was approaching 5:00 PM so I had to quit soon to make dinner, and my wife's movie was going to be over in about 15 min, so I only had a little longer to play. I thought I'd just get one more tech and then save. However, that tech wound up being Mind/Machine Interface. I thought about it for a second (having already built Empath Guild) and realized I easily had more than enough votes by myself to overwhelm everyone. I clicked on Commlink, then Council then Unite behind me, yea and won. It was so quick I was stunned. The vote was something like 173 to 40 (including only 3 votes from the Believers who had surrendered to me). The diplomatic and economic victories certainly can be completed more quickly than transcendance. It makes me think that at higher levels of difficulty, part of winning by transcendance will be stopping anyone else from winning by any other method. With all the techs to get, UoP certainly has an edge.
Beldar posted 02-15-99 01:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Beldar  Click Here to Email Beldar     
My first win was as UoP, Thinker level. Trancended with a 396%, I think. But I'm not going to take too much credit, since a couple of the AI factions snarled up the game for themselves and the other AIs.
I was playing on the standard map of Planet. My lander came down just north of the Freshwater Sea, near the mineral resource. Miriam landed near the other minerals and Deirdre was near Mount Planet. Morgan landed near the Uranium Flats, the PK were based near Garland Crater, Yang had the Isle of Deianeira, and the Spartans had the remaining continent.
In the early game, I was able to tech trade with the Gaians, and got to Democratic and Green pretty quickly. Miriam wasn't too fond of this, and we went to war around 2145. I had better tech, but what really made the difference was captured mindworms. Miriam didn't have any command centers yet, and green troops can't hold off a worm rush. The Gaians came into the war too, which gave me an opportunity to form an alliance. I wiped the Believers out completely (though later, I wished that I'd let them surrender).
After that, it was time to expand and build infrastructure, boreholes, Secret Projects, etc. My end of the map was peaceful. Meanwhile, Yang had managed to pick a fight with the Spartans (probably because he didn't have anywhere to expand to). Pretty soon Yang was at war with everyone. Then the PKs started fighting the Spartans, and actually took a few bases. Then the PKs declared Vendetta on the Gaians - for some reason, Deirdre was very unpopular in this game, ending up at war with everyone but my UoP. Then Morgan declared war on me and the Gaians (Green economics, you know); it didn't matter, since all he had near me was some sea colonies, and he had his hands full with Yang anyway.
The upshot was that everyone but me was fighting a serious war, which meant that all I had to do was keep the war going to win the game - I was starting to build up a massive infrastructure lead, with everyone else making weapons. I didn't really start to pull away in techs until I got to Cybernetic society, but after that I was unstoppable. I tossed the weapons techs to the Gaians (I tried to get them to make peace with the PK, but nobody wanted peace).
The war was mostly fought at sea, where there were a lot of colonies by now. The Gaians built a lot of helicopter units, and kept knocking out the Morganite defenders in the sea colonies - but they never actually brought up a unit to *take* the bases - an AI bug, I guess. Yang started tossing the occasional Planet Buster around. Cleverly, he blew the Spartan base with the Citizen's Defense Force out of existence, and Santiago lost all her Perimeter Defenses. But nobody was able to gain a clear advantage - the problem with fighting over sea bases is that they're too resource-poor until the late game, so taking one doesn't really help much. I got the distinct impression that the AIs aren't penalized as much for using Planet Busters as a human would be - when Deirdre used one on Yang, Morgan broke off his treaty, but did not declare Vendetta. Then again, the AIs don't seem to know how to use them properly. If you're going to use them, use enough to finish the job. (Not to mention that I was attacking the base that the Gaians destroyed - it would have fallen next turn, but instead, we didn't get the base, and I lost half my navy in the blast. Really ticked me off.)
Around this time ecological damage was causing the seas to rise. The council deadlocked on launching a solar shade (this is when I wished I had left Miriam in the game) - in fact, Yang, Santiago, and Morgan wanted to melt the polar caps instead. I think it's because they had more sea bases than land at this point. It was all my Super Formers could do to keep my continent from sinking into the sea (and watch for border adjustments when a land base turns into a sea base - the land squares belong to whoever has the closest *land* base).
Eventually Deirdre demanded that I help her out against Lal. By then I had Quantum engines, Shard weapons, and some Demon Boil worms. I upgraded the few Elite units I had, and overran the main PK bases very quickly. This ended any possible threat to the Gaians, which meant that I could sit back and go back to concentrating on Trancendence, while Deirdre kept the other factions off my back.
Really, the things that determined the outcome of the game were Yang's crazed agggression, and the PK-Gaian vendetta. I don't know why they fought each other instead of finishing Yang off. but it worked for me.
Singularity posted 09-06-99 06:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Singularity    
Diplomatic victory.
Krushala posted 09-06-99 06:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Yall suk. I can say that because none of these guys post here anymore.

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