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  Turn "Off" Planet"

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Author Topic:   Turn "Off" Planet"
Heckler D posted 02-14-99 08:58 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler D   Click Here to Email Heckler D  
Is there a way to completly shut down planet, stopping all destructive (annoying) fungal growth and the equally annoying mass-mind worm attacks that the game uses to punish me for creating a productive empire, regardless of all the forest I've planted, my green economy, all the centauri tech's I've learned, and all the many many MANY planet friendly base improvements I've built.
I'd like to have a nice, long leasurely conquest game without 6 to 10 of my lovingly crafted terrain improvements blowing up every f***ing turn faster than my super-fusion formers could ever, in thier wildest wettest dreams, dream about rebuilding.

So, sombody tell me how to turn off planet before I take this game back for store credit for Civ: CTP

And I dont mean "Rare Life Forms" either.

Heckler D

Pudz posted 02-14-99 09:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pudz  Click Here to Email Pudz     
i don't think the planet likes you planting forests
Xentropy posted 02-14-99 09:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Xentropy  Click Here to Email Xentropy     
Can't do better than setting them rare... Late game and during perihelions they're *supposed* to be annoyingly common...

Something's wrong, though, if you're having 6 fungal blooms a turn... keep an eye on your eco-damage indicator, build less boreholes and condensors if you are building them, and more farms and less mines, since lots of minerals will raise your eco-damage regardless of how you've terraformed the terrain...

Also socially engineering yourself some +planet helps a ton... +3 planet and you basically never get eco damage... It's the kind of hypocritical thing Skye's always up to... She doesn't *have* to practice what she preaches... I think she rolls around naked in the fungus at night... Planet must be male ;>

Possibility posted 02-14-99 09:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
Dude, mind worms are a god send. I jump for joy when my city that is producing 170 resources a turn gets 2 fungal blooms per turn, especially when each of them fungal blooms contains 20 mature boil mind worms. By now your thinking me crazy for wishing for this, but infact it is incredebly easy to kill them, one little scout rover will kill the whole stack with just one attack every time. And that means about 1000 bucks on average. The most I have gotten from a fungal bloom mind worm attack was 1760 bucks!!!!! so on average, at that point in the game I can get 1000 to 2000 bucks a turn. and not lose a single unit. Sure I lose a farm or mine, but at that point in the game, fungus is usually more productive anyways, especially when your the Gaians. Speaking of which, I just had my first massive mind worm attack while playing the Gaians and I captured the whole mind worm stack! It contained 12 mature boil mind worms. It was an instantaneous army! And thats the just the begining for this game. I estimate in the next 20 turns I will capture upwars of 100 to 200 mind worms! So all I have to say, is bring on the fungal blooms.
WolfLord posted 02-14-99 10:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WolfLord  Click Here to Email WolfLord     

Dude, a large percentage of the game is devising methods of coexisting with Chiron's ecology. If, you choose to "screw" coexistance then you are forced to defend yourself against Planet's "immune system". Turning off the ecology in SMAC is like turning off the enemies in just wouldnt be the same. CCTP is going to have its job cut out for it attempting to best SMAC.
Prerogative posted 02-14-99 10:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
Sorry, Heck-O, but either deal with problems or don't play.

If you could "turn planet off" I could use my Morganite savvy to the extreme. Free Marketed Democratic Wealth Eudamonia? Sure! And nobody could stop me! MWAHAHAHA!!


If you can't deal with Planet's meddelings, become more eco-friendly. If Planet still meddels with you, tough luck, things aren't SUPPOSED to always go your way, Heckler, otherwise the game would be deadly boring.

Learning to deal with situations, adapt to change, it's what this game is all about. And CTP is not going to make it better for you, because CTP will also involve the bads of pollution and involve conflict, within your empire and with others.

If you want a game where you can just build a perfect empire, I think you should get Sim City 3000 instead.

DAT posted 02-14-99 10:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DAT  Click Here to Email DAT     
Many valid points... except that at the end game, when Planet and I have "become one" (so to speak) the xenofungus damage is STILL happening!

At least in Civ2 there were improvements available that would enable you to eliminate any possibility of pollution (Mass Transit and Solar Plant, as I recall). I kept hoping for something like that in SMAC, but there doesn't appear to be any absolute prevention.

VvGaMeRXvV posted 02-14-99 11:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for VvGaMeRXvV    
Anyone know how I can prevent global warming? Is it due to mineral productions?
Sianor posted 02-15-99 02:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sianor  Click Here to Email Sianor     
I had a similar problem with Planet. I was playing University, dominating (first game so was on citizen), had all the tech, had all the secret projects (in my HQ). Somewhere near the end Planet started going off on me: 10-12 fungal blooms almost always with large groups (seem like a dozen each) of mature/great boils of worms and locusts every turn. This was concentrated by my land bases (sea bases had no problems at all), most of my cities (and all involved) were 18 pop (30+ after Hab Domes completed), had all buildings except Punishment Sphere, were thoroughly terraformed (no boreholes, condensors, or echleons though) and I had ~40 of each resource satellite. My Planet rating was +4 (as high as non-Gaians can get, I believe) and the tree farm/hybrid forests negate terraforming eco-damage. My understanding is that the only remaining factor is mineral production, which I had in spades. My HQ had an eco-damage of 46, some others had more. My question is how does one build cities of that kind without massive eco-damage, if at all. The main reason being that watching 10 minutes of worms/locusts die attacking me every turn, however fun, is very time consuming (even with fast combat res, fast move, etc. on). I don't mind a challenge, but after seeing a single former successfully defend itself against 50+ mature boils (elite, armor for combatant, neural amp, sensors, etc.) it has become an annoyance. Something I would have liked to seen (but don't expect) is an option to "kill" Planet. If we can send the entire Datalinks through them with enough power to reach the whole globe then I think we could find some kind of energy/frequency to incapacitate/kill it. This would have enormous reprecussions of course, but at least it would be a change from hearing the psi combat sound for 10 min straight . Thank you for a) reading this and b) for any advice you may have.


Stormhound posted 02-15-99 08:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stormhound  Click Here to Email Stormhound     
Pretty much the entire POINT of this game, and what makes it different from the CIV series, is that Planet is essentially one big organism. Turn that off, and what's the use in playing SMAC instead of something else?

Besides, as others have noted, the big stacks can be useful for multiple reasons...I've had both the big payoffs and the big captures, and there's nothing quite like a dozen or so mature boils on your side to bring an enemy down, since the AI is so rarely prepared for it.

SMAC KAMI posted 02-15-99 12:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SMAC KAMI  Click Here to Email SMAC KAMI     
I have not had any real problems with mind worms. I guess my production is much less than your though. I only have one thermal bore hole per base so that I don't upset the worms. This has worked so far. Also, last night was the first time that I took over an enemy base using only worms. That was fun.


Wen_Amon posted 02-15-99 12:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wen_Amon  Click Here to Email Wen_Amon     
Cool. I didnt know all of these sweet mind worm strategies. I gotta try some!
Yrth posted 02-15-99 12:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yrth    
Planet was a much greater threat to me than any of the factions. I had about a dozen cities that were doing massive eco-damage. I think one was 64 (others may have been worse but I did not check).

Damn worms were wiping out my garrisons and eating up tons of my people. Of course, I'd counterattack on my turn, but by then lots of stuff was destroyed. It was getting so bad I rushed the last two projects to end the game.

Does anyone know if, regardless of your eco damage, there is some point in the game where Planet will start attacking regardless? And I don't mean the isolated worm hitting. I'm talking about the fungal blooms with dozens of the suckers. Because, if Planet attacks regardless, what is the point of trying to keep eco-damage down?

By the way, do the Nessus Mining stations, which are in orbit, cause eco-damage because they produce minerals? I was hoping they would be excluded since they are space produced (unless one assumes they are then shipped down to the factories).

UndertakerAPB posted 02-15-99 12:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for UndertakerAPB  Click Here to Email UndertakerAPB     
Hey Heckler I feel your problems dude.But I don't think Planet could be disabled.And talking about CIV:CTP this game has some very very interesting features.Some features which SMAC should have done.Graphics are alot more intense with 3DFX enable.And remember CTP is from 4000B.C. to the way advanced SPACE AGE of 3000A.D.This game SMAC ends at 2600AD that tells u something there.Though u can't customize your untis in CTP u can still enjoy strategical strikes and naval bombardments way more advanced than SMAC.I think when CTP comes out which I have reserved online.This forum will be flooded with suggestions for this game.Don't get me wrong this game does open the doors for future strategy games but you should look out for the games who tries to cretate new doors of excitement.....
dan posted 02-15-99 02:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dan  Click Here to Email dan     
I agree with Heckler. The mind worms are annoying. Dealing with them are not the point of the game. I like to kill other factions, build, run an economy, and take over the planet. Therefore, I would an option to turn Planet off. Failing that, it would be nice if they would save you some trouble and just emerge from fungus and join your side. This way, if you're good enough to the planet it would help you defeat the other factions. ie if you have a 0 planet there would be no attacks and if you had a +N they would join you voluntarily, although in either case they would appear less often.

To summarize, I don't like to "get along," and I want to be rewarded when I do instead of just being penalized less.

Possibility posted 02-15-99 03:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
As I stated above, I find the mind worms very usefull. But, I do believe you should be allowed to kill them all. It is not realstic if you cant wipe them out completely. They should have possibly made it into a wonder, one that if built would have dissasterous concequences with the other factions, like having them all declare war on you even if you have the UN charter on atrocites is lifted. This would be fun, cause it would allow you to just concentrate on going full scale war on everyone.

Or why doesnt the planet leave you alone when you create the voice of planet project. It says its your friend now in the story message that pops up, but he continues to hound you.

Others talk about destroying the planet would be destroying the game. I dont agree, if you got rid of the planet, it would be like a new game, like civ2. And that is not bad. I mean, why not just have that option. It greatly improves the replayability. And for you whinners out there who say that is a bad thing, then just never turn the mind worms off or never make a secret project that would kill them. Now you cant argue with that!

Borodino posted 02-15-99 05:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
A possible solution [I've not yet tried it, so I don't know if it'll work.]

Start game as normal. Activate scenario mode. Go to "Edit Scenario Rules." The first option is "Turn Off Planet". Click on that option. Save scenario. Load from scenario menu.

Good Luck.

Sianor posted 02-15-99 09:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sianor  Click Here to Email Sianor     
I found that you can get planet to leave you alone mostly. Just build tree farm and hybrid forest to negate terraforming damage, and turn off either mineral squares or factories to get the eco damage to 0 (or whatever you can live with). However when a base grows it will probably start working the mines again, so you may have to take away any excess nutrients as well. This isn't a very good solution, as it really decreases mineral production, but it does get planet off your back. Having a high planet rating (use cybernetic and green for +4) helps, as do the various buildings. Also orbital mineral platforms do not contribute to eco damage, so you can get at least decent minerals.


IkshahI posted 02-15-99 09:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for IkshahI  Click Here to Email IkshahI     
my only problem with SMAC life forms are that there aren't enough of em! has directs to turn off mindworms or all planets lifeforms too
PawtheUnstuk posted 02-15-99 09:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PawtheUnstuk  Click Here to Email PawtheUnstuk     
Hybrid Forests+Tree Farm and terraforming causes no damage. In any event, Terraforming was never the big problem. The big problem is mineral production.

The eco-damage is a nessecary way of keeping mineral production under control. With a little doing, it is possible to get mineral production up to 100. This is insane. If fungus weren't around, it would be too powerful. Yes turning off planet would make the game easier. But wouldn't it also be easier if you had an option that made all your opponents surrendur to you immediately?

If you're being frustrated by the mindworms, maybe you just need to apply a little more creative thinking. Build some Empath gun Chopters, they can take out ALOT of mind worms.


Corwin posted 02-15-99 10:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Corwin  Click Here to Email Corwin     
I'd like to have some kind of an option to tell the governor to keep my eco-damage at some level by decreasing the production. Something like how it deals with drones, so that it will take off people from work to keep damage low.
Lone War posted 02-16-99 12:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lone War  Click Here to Email Lone War     
Ok, we still have a problem. The manual says that forests are good for the planet. That they don't cause eco damage, etc. etc. etc. Well, the ONLY thing that I build around my cities is Forests and roads (No mag tubes), I build tree farms, and Hybrid forests, and centauri preserves ect ad nausem, but somehow my cities are STILL causing eco damage. My planet rating is a +2 so that isn't it. Why oh why am I causing eco damage? Oh and I don't use supply trawlers. Darn it this is irritating. Please, make a way that the planet won't attack you if you are being a good boy. And then make a way to stop eco-damage when you are being a good boy.
Darien posted 02-16-99 12:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darien    
I agree that Planet adds some additional issues, but I'm having trouble keeping the eco damage down. One thing that really nailed me was building the Space Elevator which DOUBLES mineral production while building orbitals. This drove the eco damage so high you couldn't build any more. Which raises the other question, why should orbitals cause eco damage? I would have thought this was a way around the issue. I would also like an option to turn off Planet or at least more info on keeping eco damage down.
Heckler D posted 02-16-99 03:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler D  Click Here to Email Heckler D     
Thanks to Borodino for finding the answer, indeed, creating a scenario without the "8th Faction" is just as he described.

I created a scenario on the Huge map of Planet, playing as the PK's (For big, smog chugging cities, only the Morganites are better) and so far, not a single fungal bloom, not a single mindworm either.. not even a Pod infestation.

At last, no I can get down to the fun job of killing humans.

To be honest, it was only the fungal blooms that pissed me off, I'm a "Former-Army" type of player, and go heavy on terrain improvements, and it was truly annoying to see 3-6 improvements destroyed by a enemy that you could in no way, shape, or form fight back against.

Imagine this on the back of the SMAC box:
Raise mountains and level hillsides to make the planet more habitable for your self or harsher for your opponents...

... Untill you've really put alot of work into it, then watch helplessly as it all is destroyed by a enemy you cant see, kill, of stop, unless you cheat. Be really annoyed and give up in frustration, only to come back again, start a new game, and watch it happen again. Develop a peptic ulcer and be unable to buy any other game ever again (Including Civ: CTP) because you've spent all your disposable income on anti-acids."

IMHO, If the fungus grew like forests did (Spreading from square to square, not popping up under some key mag-tube junction and laying waste to half a citys food supply in one turn) It'd be tolerable and this thread wouldent exist... we could benefit from pushing back the fungus, and we could see it come on and take PREMPTIVE action (Aside from hobbiling our production so we dont offend planets veggie-head sensabilities)

As it stands now, If I want a conquest fictory, I'll play with Planet "Off"

Thanks Borodino

-Heckler D

Borodino posted 02-16-99 06:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
It worked?


You're welcome.

Prerogative posted 02-16-99 09:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
Hmm, Heckler, I have one question.

What about game balance with Planet off?

Whether you think it's annoying or not, dealing with Planet is a big job and very important to the game.

With Planet off, players can pollute to their hearts content without being punished. You were being punished, Heckler, because you were just being too productive. You may not like it, but it's the truth.

And, with Planet off, how do you expect the Gaians to stand a chance? What good will a Green Market do? And one of the worst penalties of Free Market is lifted.

I don't care if Fungal Blooms and Mindworms get annoying, it's part of the game and it's there for a reason.

will posted 02-16-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for will  Click Here to Email will     
I would point out that effective enemies are almost always annoying in some sense. I suppose I can't hate anyone for wanting to turn off Planet, any more than I could fault someone for playing Monopoly without the "go to jail rule." It just seems kind of pointless. If that's what you want, play Civ2 and use the map editor to make the scenery prettier.

Prerogative is also right that any option that allowed you to turn off Planet, or kill all the worms, would make the Gaians kind of pointless.

VvGaMeRXvV posted 02-16-99 03:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for VvGaMeRXvV    
I don't think disabling the Planet is necessary. But they do need to decrease Mind Worm growth.. it is annoying and not too realistic either. When we cause ecological damage on Earth, do bears, monkeys and snakes storm our cities and kill our military? I guess Mind Worms aren't necessarily just animals but if they had any sense would they attack a large city with big guns and lots of psi power?? I somehow doubt it. There should atleast be a way to produce wormicide to keep them from coming near your units and cities.
I think Global Warming (water level rises) and Fungus growth are plenty to deal with tons of mind worms. But this is just my thoughts.
GreasyPig posted 02-16-99 03:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GreasyPig    
If they did would it be the monkeys with red asses or the regular brown hairy ones?


Lone War posted 02-19-99 12:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lone War  Click Here to Email Lone War     
You don't understand. I am glad there is a way to turn off the planet. Not because I can now build 4 Boreholes per city, but because when I am only building forests, have all of the preventative buildings and secret projects built, and have a few Nessus satellites up, with only roads, I am causing more eco damage then any of you have probably ever seen. And this is with a +4 planet rating. I mean, my Capital city once had 398 mineral production in one turn for a space based satellite, which came with a big 68 eco damage that turn. I mean come on, I am using all of the eco friendly stuff, leave me alone.
Pudz posted 02-19-99 01:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pudz  Click Here to Email Pudz     
hey VvGaMeRXvV
ever read the quotes, with the techs? something is controlling the fungus. oh no. some greater life form. hmm the 8th faction i belive. hehe. i would love to be able to play it.

oh, if you turned the planet off, where would everyone go? i mean if there is no planet where would they live? very confusing

Jason McCullough posted 02-19-99 01:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jason McCullough  Click Here to Email Jason McCullough     

With +3 or higher planet, you don't *ever* have to worry about pollution. It's nice, though only possible through green/cybernetic. Diedre can get it without cybernetic, but that's it.

PlanetRuler posted 02-19-99 02:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for PlanetRuler  Click Here to Email PlanetRuler     
Well, I must say reading all these arguements for and against Planet... I think and this is only my opinion, that we should have been able to at least have the option to turn off Planet and play SMAC like a conquest game against only the other factions. But also it is fun to play against the 8th "faction" but it does get annoying after a while and i fear if this is the way every game is going to be, I will be bored of this game inside a month. Where is the randomness, like Planet offering to help destroy another faction or offering to help you increase your production rates only if you provide a technology... ie., One of the green technologies that Planet requires if you don't have it, beg borrow, conquer or steal it and then build the Secret Project that goes along with it or conquer the city that has it.... and then Planet helps you. Killing Planet would be acceptable also. What about Planet capturing cities and utterly destroying you........ Jut some thoughts.
Russ Greene posted 02-19-99 04:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Russ Greene    
I agree with Heckler D, it would be great to be able to turn the planet off for the odd game.
Prerogative posted 02-19-99 06:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
Hmm, okay, let me see this from both sides:

Hecklerites say:
"Planet is annoying, let's turn it off."

In turn, I already responded telling the Hecklerites about balance. Without Planet, players can (and for a truly evil player such as yours truly) WILL pollute planet and then laugh at the destruction. You MUST have a safety guard against rampant production and pollution. Besides, the Gaians would really be in a tight spot, right?

However, I can understand the plight of the anti-planetites, and so I've thought up a quick compromise:

Every Planet (Preserve, Temple) structure reduces the chance of Fungi/Worms from popping up by X%. And should the player also have a +3 or higher Planet rating, every city with a planet structure has zero chance of any fungi or worms in the area.

The way it works is pretty simple, for one, the Gaians can gain immunity from Planet very early. Which fits with them well enough. Wheras the other 'facs will have to wait for Cybernetic FS, which is late enough for players to still have a few bouts with Planet. Plus, this makes the industrialist players work for their immunity and not just get a quick fix "planet is off" deal.

I'm no programming genius (only picked up C++ a month ago) but I don't think this would be TOO hard to write up. Somebody, or better yet, Firaxis could probably do it. And, just for people like myself, it could be optional.


Audrey Two posted 02-19-99 07:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Audrey Two  Click Here to Email Audrey Two     
Well, just in case UndertakerAPB is busy, I thought I would answer on his or her behalf:

Yeah, but if you play Civ:CTP it's REALLY COOL and it flosses your teeth for you and does your taxes! I love Sid Meier and I think he's great, but why do his games always SUCK when compared to the greatest human achievement ever that humans have ever done, which is Civ:CTP which will be out REAL SOON NOW!?

Spoe posted 02-19-99 09:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spoe  Click Here to Email Spoe     
I like playing with Planet. It makes thing a bit more challenging. But, since YMMV always applies and in view of the multitude of other customization options, I think an option for turning Planet off(as in the Scenario workaround), is a Good Thing(tm).

Think of it as an alternate history version of the game where the fungus never developed.

FelixPrimus posted 02-20-99 10:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for FelixPrimus  Click Here to Email FelixPrimus     
Planet sucks, but I agree that the game is not right without it, there needs to be some penalty for polluting ect. The planets aggressiveness needs to be tuned down, especially at lower difficulty levels. I think there should be some point when you've built all the eco friendly improvements when planet no longer bothers you.
Mephistopheles posted 02-21-99 03:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mephistopheles  Click Here to Email Mephistopheles     
I have no advice to give, or suggestions. I merely wish to tell tall tales of worm blooms aplenty. Once, when I was playin with the Hive, I built about 50 mineral satellites, and I had cities on the order of about 25 or so... probably higher, as I had about 50 nutrients satellites too, and I had a total of 89 cities. But my really big cities were producing 300 or 400 minerals a turn. So I began to receive really powerful worm attacks and the world started to melt. I went to the biggest city I had and my eco-damage was at a stupendous 350!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!

That is all.

cousLee posted 02-21-99 03:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
LMAO! quote:"I am using all of the eco friendly stuff, leave me alone" in the same post as using 4 bore holes per city., umm , all the friendly stuff?????? yea, here is an idea, make 4 boreholes, open a bait shop.

LackOfKnack posted 02-21-99 08:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LackOfKnack    
Hey Audrey Two, do you know if and when the C:CTP demo will be released?
Vger posted 02-23-99 01:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Vger  Click Here to Email Vger     

Arty kills mindworms dead. For whatever reason it will out and out kill worms, not just knock them back to 50%. I don't know what it will do to locusts. I haven't had a locust invasion since I built some arty.

Until the last decade or so of my UoP game I didn't see the planet as being that big a deal, but now getting mulple stacks of 50+ worms a turn gets old. I can kill them all, but I'm tired of it.

My planet rating is +4 and I've built every good planet thing known to man except for temples because I'm not sure I want to win by trancend. Yes, I have lots of bore holes. I have about 6 cities that have 8 or more and my eco damage is staggering there.

I'd like to turn it the planet WAAAY down because it's become so annoying. I'm getting tons of money, but I don't care and I turned this game to low planet activity. I'd actually like a score, just for grins. If I turn planet off it's considered cheating.

I'd hate to see what happens if you set the planet at party time.

Must go faster,
V'ger gone

Afterburner posted 02-23-99 07:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Afterburner  Click Here to Email Afterburner     
I don't get it.

I see all these posts which, except for one, seem to believe that there are only two possible choices: The planet as is, or no planet interference at all. That's a lame choice.

What *I'd* like to see (and what I scoured the alpha.txt file in vain to find) was a way to adjust the amount by which the various planet techs, facilities, and Secret Projects reduced the Eco-Damage. I think that the Planet invasions should be lurking in the background as a possibility, just like pollution was always lurking around the corner in Civ/Civ II. But just like you could eventually, with the right tech and subsequent base improvements, completely eliminate pollution from your cities in Civ/Civ II, it should likewise be possible to completely eliminate eco-damage, at least from ground-based industry. (It should still be in effect for orbital industry -- call it thermal pollution or something -- so you can't just keep cranking out Mining Satellites and get 400+ minerals in every base.)

If I don't have any boreholes, echelon mirrors, or condensers around a city, and if that city builds all the planet-friendly tech improvements, then IMHO that city shouldn't generate any Eco-Damage from the ground-based terraforming. And it would be *very* nice if Firaxis could give us control over that with an ecology entry in alpha.txt.


Ender4000 posted 02-23-99 08:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ender4000  Click Here to Email Ender4000     
I think people misunderstand how eco damage works... or maybe I misunderstand? I'm pretty sure its not the bad enhancements causing you problems, with the proper facilities boreholes etc stop causing problems. Its the amount of minerals being produced that is causing your problems. If you build tons of mineral satelites you will get eco damage, period. The planet doesn't like you taking all its minerals, no matter what way you are doing it... you will eventually strip the planet of all useful minerals and move on to another planet.
Vger posted 02-24-99 12:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Vger  Click Here to Email Vger     

Welllllllll it gets worse. I now have 6-8 groups of 30+ mind worms attacking each turn. I also have a notice that the water will right 1400 meters in the next 20 years. The price, I suppose, for having 8-10 cities with 6+ boreholes going full blast. I have more cities then that, I've just been too busy fighting the freaking planet and raising the ground to turn up the production at any more cities.

I know I'm being a bad boy, but I don't really care. I have all the green improvements going except temples and my planet rating is +4. I've decided to turn off building sats because of the double damage done from the space elevator.

I've decided to ride out the rising water because I'm on mostly high ground (c3000 meters) and the cps don't terraform like I do. If I don't give in and do trancendant then I can vote myself supreme ruller before the clock runs out.

I definitely want more settings for the planet and life than there are now. And I think I'm going to change the global warming variable in alpha next time I play someone other than Deidre.

I sort of like the challenge, but... I don't think I'd do this again and I certainly don't want to play at the highest two levels because then the cps pollution counts too.

All this PC stuff should have an off switch. In real life I try to be a conscientious person, but sometimes when I play games I just want to kill things and be ruthless.

Is that so wrong? <g>
V'ger gone

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