Topic: Tribute to Jeffery Morris!
Imran Siddiqui |
posted 02-14-99 02:30 AM ET
Thanks Jeffrey for you're tireless work on the boards. In almost all of the threads, where people have had problems with the game, you've been there helping out. You even told someone they could come to your office if wished to for help (lives only 5 minites away). So, Jeffrey, from us (even those pitiful folk, who haven't got the game yet ) to you, thanks for the help!Imran Siddiqui President of the Brotherhood of Sid Waiting for someone to drive him to a mall to get SMAC!
posted 02-14-99 05:19 AM ET
Yeah, It's not easy aswering our winey little questions.And Imran, GO TO THE MALL YOURSELF YOU LAZY BASTERED!!! |
posted 02-14-99 09:31 AM ET
All hail Jeffery Morris!!!YOU TOO DRONE BOY!! *ZAPPPPPPP!!*  |
posted 02-14-99 10:30 AM ET
I agree 100%! I have never seen this kind of support for a product after it was released. Jeffrey Morris, thanks for all the support!!!!! |
posted 02-14-99 11:23 AM ET
Imran, order the game off the internet. I saw it for $40 but shipping, which isn't too bad. I too am at college. The reason I don't have it yet is lack of time, but I plan on ordering it soon |
posted 02-14-99 12:27 PM ET
Mortis, What the hell is a 'bastered' again? Oh yeah, I already told Imran that over ICQ. He claims no one has a car! I found it hilarious.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 02-14-99 12:32 PM ET
I, too, wish to thank Jeff for his very quick help late Friday night (closer to Saturday, really) on the sound problem with the V2 update. This is the best tech support for a game I've ever seen. (psst... Sid, Brian, ... give this guy a *BIG* raise!)
posted 02-14-99 02:02 PM ET
Ditto from here.A **BIG** raise for Jeffrey Morris. **FANTASTIC** support! Likewise to Brian Reynolds himself who posts on the Newsgroup! Best Regards, CaptComal |
posted 02-14-99 04:21 PM ET
if they give him a raise SMAC2 will cost lots more........OH WELL IT WILL BE WORTH IT!most of the time game companies have really bad support (really dumb people at the other end of 800 numbers come to mind....) but not Firaxis. GREAT WORK!! KEEP IT UP!! |
posted 02-14-99 04:28 PM ET
I too wish to say "Thanks and God Bless" to Jeff for his help... Keep up the good work ;-) |
posted 02-14-99 05:29 PM ET
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto!!! |
posted 02-15-99 01:36 AM ET
Thanks to people like JM, I consider Firaxis to be the #1 company for BOTH games and customer support! Thanks for both! |
posted 02-15-99 01:43 AM ET
Same here Jeffrey got my vote.Seeing him posting often on this forum helping us fans out is incredible at most.I kindly ask Firaxis to give this guy a raise for keeping us guys informed and up to date with new patches and tips and stuff. Hail to Firaxis, Hail to Jeffrey Morris |
Dick Knisely
posted 02-15-99 11:08 AM ET
What you all may not realize is that Jeff is also the man most responsible for organizing and handling the Beta test. He did a terrific job herding the group of us and providing feedback to us and also needled us when necessary ;-)Firaxis has a number of great folks on the team and Jeff's one of them, agree with you all on that one! |
Audrey Two
posted 02-15-99 02:22 PM ET
I agree with everything everyone said (except for calling Imran a bastered).Firaxis rules! Jeffrey Morris kicks butt! Let's go eat some worms! --A2
MikeH II
posted 02-16-99 08:56 AM ET
I add my thanks, Jeffrey even responded to a couple of my old posts on the pre-crash forums.Thanks for listening, even to gibbering lunatics like me. MikeH |
Brother Lal
posted 02-16-99 09:07 AM ET
In the world of product support:JM = GOD, and GOD = JM  |
posted 02-16-99 10:12 AM ET
Intro, duc, ing, The one, the only. Man of the hour. Your fiend and mine. <bg> Thanks Jeff. PS Thanks Fraxis |
posted 02-16-99 12:44 PM ET
Let me add my praise for Jeff and Firaxis. Here, Here !!! Buy that man a Beer! Actually, I am very impressed with Firaxis as a whole. They really seem to be doing the things that I've always wished a game company would do. They are developing very cool games, and happen to be hitting some of my favorite topics. They are developing the games fully before releasing them, and not just releasina buggy version to make a deadline. And then they are providing wonderful tech support once the game gets out. Congratulations on a job well done. Keep up the good work and I'll keep sending you money  Marc |
posted 02-16-99 03:10 PM ET
I too am greatful to Jeff Morris and the rest of the gang at Firaxis. The one thing that impresses me the most(beside the fact that they produce great games and then stand behind them)is that the crew at Firaxis have kept us informed every step of the way. When the game got delayed, they didn't just keep their mouth shut and keep working. They told us the bad news. We may not have liked it but knowing something is better then knowing nothing at all!I vote for a big, fat raise AND a two week vacation for all. Great Job Guys!!!!!! |
posted 02-17-99 09:14 AM ET
En fran�ais et pourquoi pas, Firaxis doit avoir un bon traducteur. Eh oui, je me joins au reste du groupe pour remercier Jeffery pour ses bons conseils. Il est effectivement assez rare de voir qu'au fur et � mesure du d�veloppement d'un jeux aussi complexe et captivant que SMAC, qu'un membre aussi influent participe aussi activement aux craintes et attentes de ses futures clients. Pour dire la v�rit� c'est la premi�re fois que je vois une compagnie �tre aussi � l'�coute dans cette industrie. Je ne sais pas si Jeffery f�t mandat� par son employeur ou participait au forum volontairement, peu importe, il a r�alis� un EXCELLENT TRAVAIL. J'esp�re que ses patrons vont lui donner une bonne augmentation de salaire. He deserves it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BDgolf En passant est-ce-que quelqu'un a trouv� SMAC en fran�ais au Qu�bec?
Jason Beaudoin
posted 02-17-99 11:48 AM ET
Il n'y a pas encore une version en Fran�ais au Qu�bec? �a me surpris! En tous cas, il devrait y en avoir bient�t. Je sais que Firaxis a fait des copies en Fran�ais parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas lessez le jeux sortir afin de donner les traducteurs le temps n�cessaire pour traduire le jeux.J'ai une question: Sais-tu si c'est contre la loi de laisser les magasins vendrent des copie en anglais au Qu�bec? As-tu une copie d�j� en anglais? Veuillez me excuser, car mon fran�ais n'est pas parfait!  |
posted 02-17-99 12:36 PM ET
IMRAN, go to the mall. Lazy bastered  |
posted 02-17-99 03:58 PM ET
JASON:Salut pour r�pondre � tes questions, non il n'est pas interdit de vendre un produit de quelque nature que ce soit en anglais au Qu�bec. On peut acheter SMAC en anglais ou en fran�ais. Tout d�pend de ta pr�f�rence et des disponibilit�s. SMAC est d�j� arriv� au Qu�bec mais en anglais seulement. Alors je vais attendre la traduction. En passant ton fran�ais est tr�s lisible, F�LICITATION. BDGolf
MikeH II
posted 02-17-99 05:37 PM ET
Entshuldigung? Ich konne kein franz�rzich sprechen. |
posted 02-17-99 05:37 PM ET
I agree Jeffery Morris rules! I have never seen the kind of support for a game that you have displayed. Keep up the good work.Trevor Lange Shadowolf24 |
MikeH II
posted 02-17-99 05:48 PM ET
Same to the rest of FIRAXIS, great job guys. |
posted 02-17-99 06:32 PM ET
No se. Es un poco arriba mi cabesa...ahh, screw it. Spanish 1 is useless. YES, GIVE MR. MORRIS A RAISE!!! A BIG RAISE!! ~DHE |
posted 02-17-99 06:43 PM ET
To parrot everyone else: Thank you! I'm sure our world domination association will well reward all at Firaxis after the... um, forget I said that for now. |
posted 09-06-99 08:00 PM ET
another good title. how things change. |