Topic: So many Inconsistencies
Rafael |
posted 02-14-99 01:10 AM ET
I've been really trying to learn this game. It's almost like a foreign langauge. I was surveying lad outside of my base and i saw that a specific patch of land was pointed out by the tutor to build a farm on. When i hit shift + Right click i recieved information that a farm would give no nutrient benifit. I was just curious so i built one anyway and sure enough it violated the data provided by the shift + right button. My question is is how can i get accurate data concerning potential regions for teraforming when i'm instructed to do one thing and recieve conflicting data.
posted 02-14-99 01:35 AM ET
hmmm....your probably doing something wrong, I've never gotten bad data from something like that. Are you sure it is shift-right click?
posted 02-14-99 02:09 PM ET
Yes ...Shift + Right Click on a map square on the big map. Then look at the section under the map ... over near the left side is the small area where they show the current map square. By default it also tells you its elevation and if it is Rainy, Rocky,etc. HOWEVER ... just right click on that small area and you get THREE choices ... choose the second one to see the resources for the square ... it will tell you what nutrients are there plus how much you will get if you add a farm (etc). Is this accurate? Don't know ... I have not analyzed it closely yet. But give it a try and reply here with what you find out. |
posted 02-14-99 03:35 PM ET
yes captain that's exactly what i'm talking about Shift Right click.... When i do this i look over at the information concerning the square. if you click on the square it ppresnts info on different aspects of the square liek how many nutrients it produces with and without farms. This is where the program confuses me because it will usually say a square will yeild 1 nutrient normally, and only 1 nutrient wiht a farm on it. However if you build a farm and tell you workers to extract stuff you will seee that you will recieve 2 nutrients which conflicts everything. Doesn't anybody else notice this ? |
posted 02-14-99 06:25 PM ET
I haven't got the game here to check it, but I think it's telling you how much _extra_ a farm will give you, not just how much a farm will give you (have you tried shift-right-clicking on a rainy square (2 nutrients / 3 with farm?))James |
posted 02-14-99 07:33 PM ET
Hmm I just checked it and it does seems that the 'with farm', 'with mine' are the *additional* elements what would be reaped from a square, however the rainy squares don't seem accurate. I get a reading of '2' nutrients, but there's not even an entry of 'with farm', as if no extra nutrients would be gained from building a farm. |
posted 02-14-99 07:42 PM ET
Yes Gregs that's exactly what i'm talking about. so lately i've been playing a guesssing game with the farms. Frankly this is very malignant especially as you progress through the game and are presented with having to provide multiple outposts with food. |
posted 02-14-99 07:59 PM ET
Well what I've done and recommend is getting to know the charts on pages 152-156 of the manual. They outline in much more detail all the different interacting effects of the various types of terrain and the things you can build to extract more nutrient/mineral/energy. |
posted 02-14-99 08:00 PM ET
I think there is an error here...Note that if you use the Resource Mode to view a non-rocky arid square it states Nutrients 0, With Farm 0. Yet you can build a farm on this square to increase the nutrient level to 1. |
posted 02-14-99 08:36 PM ET
yeah, this is definitely a bug... From reading the v2.0 changes, I'd *thought* this was supposed to be fixed, but it obviously isn't... Definitely hurts the learning curve, unless you read the tables in the book and ignore some of what the game tells you...Someone should post this on the bugs forum if it isn't done already... the next patch can fix the display problems... |
posted 02-14-99 09:19 PM ET
I posted this problem in the "bugs" forum under Resource Mode Bug. Feel free to add your comments... |