Topic: How to obliterate a base ... ?
MadKraut |
posted 02-11-99 05:43 PM ET
Does anyone know how i can obliterate a captured base ? Got some ex-hive bases that are really badly placed ... besides, who would want ex-hivers in their empire ?  Kraut
posted 02-11-99 06:02 PM ET
Let the base go to hell and then give it to another faction. Then let them eat it for a bit, then destroy it. Either way, it gets it off your hands.Regards, Strategist |
posted 02-11-99 06:20 PM ET
There is a way to obliterate a base ... but it's conisdered an extreme atrocity. Use it with caution as even your allys may turn against you if you use it. I once used it when I captured one Hive base located between their territory and Believer territory. I then had both Miriam and Yang fighting over it and it became apparent I couldn't hold it. Furthermore, it held an important secret project (I forget which one) that would have made them much more powerful than me if it fell into their hands. So I choose to obliterate it. Here's how it works...keep one military unit in the base. Activate the unit and select "Action". From that submenu, you'll see an option near the top that says "Obliterate Base". Confirm your choice and the countdown will begin .... What surprised me was that the "Secret Project" fell into the hands of the Aliens (Planet) after the base blew up (check secret projects with F5 key). I don't know if they can put the project to use or not. Anyway, that's one way to do it but, like I said, prepare for several years of sanctions if you use this option. Not a good way to make friends with other factions. Really hurts your reputation. |
Audrey Two
posted 02-11-99 09:49 PM ET
You can also remove a base without (I believe) attrocity, but it takes longer and costs more.* Definitely no atrocity: Every time you build a colony pod, the base decreases in size by one. If you manage it right, and keep the city from growing while you build the pods, you can eventually whittle it down to zero, at which point the city goes away. (If you don't want to build cities with all the pods, just move them to a city and hit "b"-- the pod will go away, adding its one population to the city. * Not sure if it's an atrocity: You can speed the process up by starving the city down-- keep its citizens from growing food, and once the food stores are used up, the city starts shrinking. I don't think you can get rid of the city altogether this way (the base square always produces some food), but you can get it down to one faster, then build a pod. Neither of these techniques is quick, so they won't help when you've just conquered the Space Elevator and want to Push the Big "Down" Button in a hurry before someone takes it away from you... --A2
posted 02-11-99 10:08 PM ET
Thanks for the replies people! Raman, that's exactly what i wanted to know. Couldn't find the darn thing in the manual, just read that it was an atrocity. Now, finally, i can get rid of those pesky cities ... wand hwile i'm at it, i'll let off a few planet-busters for effects ... whhahahaaa ...Kraut