posted 02-11-99 06:11 AM ET i just got the full game and played for 4 hours strait. IT WAS GREAT! i was have and i was being all peacefull untill i got up to " clean singularity planet busters " so i started messing around with the unit custimizer for my up comming charge on anyone but me. and i was having a ball puting drop pods on colony pods and terreformers, so i could colonize just about anything with room for me to plant a base.
p.s. planet busters make the planet VERY PISSED OFF!
posted 02-12-99 12:24 AM ET
However, thre's no way you could drop pod something into the sea... I've tried to capture enemy bases that way, no go
I really don't see why you shouldn't be able to drop pod something in the sea....
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