Topic: Canada?
eNo |
posted 02-09-99 08:17 PM ET
I called two of my local computer stores today and asked them when they'd be getting SMAC. One of them said they would not receive it this month and the other said they didn't know. I live in Toronto, Canada..........
Lee Johnson
posted 02-10-99 12:01 AM ET
The EB I called Tuesday afternoon said they know how many copies they're going to get, and that they expect to have them late tomorrow or sometime Thursday. I would also strongly suggest getting on the reserve list of your local EB if you're not there already, because I expect that demand will exceed the immediate supply by a significant margin.I'm also in Toronto. |
posted 02-10-99 01:45 AM ET
Im about 80 clicks south a vancouver, the eb here in abbotsford closed last week  Basically, I am gonna havta get my parents to drive me into vancouver on thursday to grab it from the one eb there. I wont do that! It should be out almost everywhere in canada by the end of next week! |
Lee Johnson
posted 02-10-99 02:13 PM ET
I just picked up my copy of SMAC from the EB in the Scarborough Town Centre (in Toronto.) Any Toronto-area SMAC fans who are looking for copies should call their nearest EB, because surprisingly, the STC EB *does* have unreserved copies left over, in quantity. |
posted 02-10-99 04:42 PM ET
Anyone in a smaller Edmonton Alberta. All the people I contacted said it would be later next week. |
posted 02-10-99 04:55 PM ET
Hmm, out already? Ok, the EB at Square One is MINE! BTW, I live in Mississauga
posted 02-10-99 05:05 PM ET
Forgive my ignorance. Which story exactly is EB? |
posted 02-10-99 05:06 PM ET
whoops...that should read "Which store exactly is EB?" |
posted 02-10-99 05:12 PM ET
Electronics Boutique. Sells mostly software and a bit of hardware peripherals. Bit pricy though. |
posted 02-10-99 09:37 PM ET
Umm...for Toronto guys, I've called Future Shop, Computer City and Chapters (I know it's a book store) and they say it'll come next month. I can't find EB in the phonebook so I don't know where my nearest one is!!! Plz help!!! |
Lee Johnson
posted 02-10-99 11:40 PM ET
Here are the numbers I have:Fairview Mall: (416) 492-7181 Scarborough Town Centre: (416) 290-5780 If those aren't convenient, call them anyway: They should be able to give you the number of a store closer to you (e.g., Markville, Square One, Yorkdale, Pickering Town Centre, etc.) Happy hunting! :-) |
posted 02-11-99 06:26 PM ET
posted 02-12-99 09:20 AM ET
Got mine yesterday in Ottawa.. Computer City had a big stack of them. CompuSmart also has them, but they are about $5 more expensive...
Lee Johnson
posted 02-12-99 10:15 AM ET
So, eNo--your hunting trip was successful then? :-) |
posted 02-12-99 10:59 AM ET
I'm wondering what prices you guys are paying. $60-70 + taxes? |
Lee Johnson
posted 02-12-99 11:12 AM ET
More or less. :-/ $69.99 + taxes at the EB, unless things have changed since Wednesday. On the other hand, it's worth it. :-) |
posted 02-12-99 11:56 AM ET
Computer City was selling them yesterday for around $58 CDN..
posted 02-12-99 11:58 AM ET
I just called Future Shop, they just got it in, $59.99. Save $10...... |
Lee Johnson
posted 02-12-99 01:22 PM ET
EB will match prices, too. (And give you the 5% off on top of that, if you have a Frequent Buyer's Card.) |
posted 02-13-99 12:36 PM ET
you know if they have it at Sherway or Eaton's center (Toronto) |
posted 02-13-99 01:19 PM ET
there's an eb at Dufferin Mall, 900 dufferin st, 1block south of Bloor. (416) 516-5968 |
posted 02-13-99 05:48 PM ET
Check out your local Future Shop... 65.00 I'm in Lethbridge Alta |
posted 02-13-99 05:59 PM ET
- Lee Johnson yeah it was successful but so expensive!! "EB will match prices" does that mean if i go back, show 'em the receipt and future shop is selling for $10 less, i'll get $10 back? |
posted 02-14-99 11:37 AM ET
I think the reason FS is cheaper is b/c they're giving a mail-in rebate. I was there (FS in Surrey, BC) yesterday and they had a rebate list. I bought a printer with a FS rebate in September, and got the cheque last week, so be prepared to wait. Wen_amon, Abbotsford is east of Vancouver, and you might want to try phoning Langley or Surrey stores before you go all the way to Van. |
posted 02-15-99 04:44 PM ET
Live in Pickering, got one of the nearest Electronics Boutique they had about 8-10 copies in so if any of you local Toronto ppl want to take the journey eastwards it's well worth the drive, you'll have to look the number up in the phone book but I believe it is (905) 839-4996 anyway, happy hunting! =) |