Topic: SMAC Cited in Divorce Proceedings
Resource Consumer |
posted 06-29-99 07:12 AM ET
Mrs Resource Consumer returned from Riga this morning. Noticing that I was even worse for wear than usual she asked me what I�d been up to and, being an honest person I told her.�Well, there were these three women, you see. Santiago, a cool Latin American babe who only had eyes for me � it was me and her against the world. Deidre, a woman who runs around with no clothes on. And Miriam, who�s just a religious pain in the butt." "Anyway, Miriam kept showing me undue attention and I had to get rid of her, Santiago wasn�t feeling that strong so I invited Deidre to get into bed with us in the hope that would make Miriam go away and.�.� At that point Mrs Resource Consumer went out and slammed the door screaming in an East European accent �I am ashamed of all of these doings and goings. All of these strange girlfriends you are having in my absence�. Doesn�t she know anything about SMAC? Resource Consumer - still doesn�t understand women -
posted 06-29-99 07:20 AM ET
Phew! Just as well you didn't tell her about having to fight off the advances of two asian guys and then how you hooked up with a Russian scienist for the sole purpose of obtaining 'biological knowledge'. Man, she would have really flipped out! |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-29-99 07:37 AM ET
They were all rubbed out early. It was just me and the girls which really offended her. |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-29-99 06:13 PM ET
Just to let you know that I explained everything to Mrs Resource Consumer who was, after several tantrums, quite understanding.She has undertaken not to leave providing I do not ally with Deidre or Santiago (Miriam is regarded as safe, though, as she's a dog - although I'm sure she has a lovely personality and never PBs small children and animals). Maybe this constraint could represent a TI++ challenge especially for married men? I'm not allowed to play Tomb Raider or any FRP game that has females in erotic clothing either. Young men - be warned, this is what marriage means. Don't do it or the mindworms will get you. Resource Consumer - under the oppressive yoke of self-centred feminism, discuss - |
posted 07-02-99 02:57 PM ET
RC: "Self-centred feminism"? We fiendish women don't need to discuss it... we just demonstrate it  Actually, it's not just female partners who are tyrannical... my boyf has taken rabid exception to the wonderful collage of Obi-Wan JPGs that I laboured over for so long in Photoshop so I could put it on my desktop... but I suppose some sacrifices have to be made... hehe Nell... JPG-less  |
posted 07-02-99 03:21 PM ET
Wow!!! I was gonna come here and bitch about my wife, but seeing as how she lets me get away with Lara Croft Wallpaper and two Barbies perched seductively on my big 15 incher (monitor, that is) one naked and greasy, the other in a short silk mandarin style silk dress and perpetually dangling her black mules, and only complains because I'm getting fat from sitting on my rump for 18 hours a day playing SMAC, writing poor fiction and poetry, trawling the forums and not doing a damned thing around the house, utterly neglecting her and my two daughters, that I now feel obliged to go home and give that woman a bona fide Jedi foot rub!JAMiAM I am sooooo unworthy. |
posted 07-02-99 03:28 PM ET
Damn, I wissh dis furom hed sum editing calpabilitys. A long winded run on sentence was intended, but I wish I could have gotten rid of the redundant silk.JAMiAM whose number of posts varies inversely proportional to the number of pbem turns he receives. Hint, hint. |
Resource Consumer
posted 07-05-99 07:25 PM ET
Nell,You are of course a clued in Westerner (i.e., Bristolian!). Mrs RC, though, is from the unenlightened part of the world that doesn't understand cricket and thinks that basketball and ice hockey represent the path to enlightenment. Thus, she overreacts to all stimuli - quite enjoyable most of the time it is too.  |