Topic: What games are you looking forward to most???
The Great Sephiroth |
posted 06-27-99 05:58 PM ET
Civ 3 SMAC 2 Tiberium Sun Age of Kings FF8 
posted 06-27-99 06:22 PM ET
1.Home World 2.AoE2 3.Tiberium Sun 4.Quake3 5.Civ3 |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-27-99 06:25 PM ET
Shogun,without a doubt. Why? Because it is apparently finished but won't be released until next year. Bug free? Resource Consumer - Mr Mild who has finally had it with the infinite missiles - |
posted 06-27-99 06:37 PM ET
AoE2..Age Of Kings Braveheart TA:Kingdoms(I know it is out but I dont have it yet ...) |
posted 06-27-99 07:33 PM ET
1. Diablo II (out late this year, hopefully) 2. Diablo II 3. Diablo II 4. Diablo II 5. Diablo II 6. Diablo II 7. Diablo II 8. A possible add-on to Diablo II (mid or late 2000?) 9. Civ 3 (a bit too early yet!) 10. Morrowind (the sequel to Daggerfall, not out until 2001)Honourable mention: Shogun Valtyr Level 49 Warrior, level 43 Rogue, level 42 Sorcerer |
posted 06-27-99 07:40 PM ET
SMAC, if it is ever finished of course.Civ2 BTW, did anybody play Baldur's Gate and if so, did you like it? |
posted 06-27-99 08:14 PM ET
Baldur's Gate is a good game, but the maps and dungeons are pre-rendered and therefore identical in each game (unlike Diablo). The items (except the money) are identical, too (unlike Diablo). The story is much deeper than Diablo's (not very hard to do ) and you get to manage a party of adventurers, not just one character. The game is huge, though: 5 CDs. There is even an add-on: Tales of the Sword Coast, with 3 extra maps and some items and spells. |
posted 06-27-99 08:28 PM ET
Jimmy: Baldur's Gate is, IMHO, one of the best games of the last year, and in my all-time Top Ten. Beautiful bright graphics and really smooth animation, good storyline, no impossible-to-solve problems, quite a few surprises, loads and loads of different monsters, good characters and, most important of all, totally faithful to the genuine AD&D rules and spirit - real AD&D spells to cast, real character classes to choose from, etc etc. I guess it wouldn't rate so highly with someone who isn't a fan of AD&D, but I rate it on a par with SMAC, CIV2 and Quake (i.e. top of its genre). My only tiny criticism would be that the storyline is a bit too linear, i.e. you must do x before being able to do y or z... I do prefer games which manage to be non-linear, such as Might & Magic 7 (which owes a LOT to Daggerfall, another non-linear game which, despite awful graphics and the fact that it crashed every 10 minutes, was addictive enough to keep me enthralled for three solid months). Everything about Baldur's Gate is AD&D... anyone who's ever watched in horror as their 15th level cleric/fighter gets sucked into a sphere of annihilation would love it. Nell... wishing all her AD&D-playing friends hadn't moved away... sigh |
posted 06-27-99 08:28 PM ET
Yeah, I stopped BG b4 I finished, so that I could add TSC b4 beating the game, and then got hooked on SMAC. I have bought TSC, but its still in shrinkwrap. Will finish it all sometime I hope. |
posted 06-27-99 08:42 PM ET
Nell: Lets put an adventurer's party together, made up of SMACMASTERS:jimmytrick=Human fighter, Lawful evil Nell_Smith=Elven thief, true neutral? Michael the Great=? HelloKitty=?(afraid to speculate) aceplayer=? who would be the leader? Gotta be Nell!  |
posted 06-27-99 09:35 PM ET
1) Jagged Alliance 2 2) Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings 3) SMACX (yeah, I said it!...S.M.A.C.X. !)Back to kicking some Hide butt..with Deidre, no less! |
posted 06-27-99 10:16 PM ET
Jimmy: True neutral for sure (that way you can do anything you like without contravening alignment... hehe) but it would have to be a thief/magic user... with 18 Dexterity and 20 Charisma... and Elven goes without saying  Hmmm as for what games I'm looking forward to... can't really think of any offhand, although I'll buy SMACX if and when it materialises. The CIV2 expansion packs were really good and got me interested in the game again, and I'd hope that SMACX would do the same... it's surprising how new units, new techs and so on, though not fundamentally changing the game, can add a lot of interest. But then again, I love SMAC anyway, so errrrr I've run out of things to say. I'm also wondering what Quake 3 will be like... I heard it would be multiplayer only, but then I heard that id were considering adding a solo play mode, so I dunno... I always get slaughtered in multiplayer (slow modem = REALLY high ping ) and so I probably wouldn't rush to buy it unless it has a single player mode as well. I've bought quite a few games recently (Colin McRae Rally, Half-Life, Unreal, Baldur's Gate, Might & Magic 7, Settlers 3, Caesar 3, Dungeon Keeper 2, SMAC - only had SMAC for three months y'know), so I'm all gamed out just for now... unless something really wonderful comes along! And after all that cash investment, I still sit and play Minesweeper sometimes. Oh well. Nell... running out of hard drive space |
posted 06-27-99 10:57 PM ET
Nell, do you want to marry me? Yes, I know you get lots of proposals, but, I can afford lots of hard drive space , am fully functional, can appear completely Ewan when you are under the influewance of various mind altering subtances, and i can promise, we can rock, baby, !!(post under direct influence of both legal and illegal mind altering substances) |
posted 06-28-99 01:33 AM ET
Jimmy don't you dare try to steal my Nell away.I would be a preistess of love. WIS 18 COM 25! you remember comliness from 1st ed right lots of all natural ways to play with your mind roar kitty |
posted 06-28-99 08:02 AM ET
1. SMACX, but of course! 2. Diablo II 3. Jagged Alliance II Hey you guys also into AD&D? Once my favourite and it's somehow overtaken by Diablo imitations. I especially loved the Thri-Kreen in AD&D 2nd edition 
In furture it will be the necromancer (Diablo 2) that I'm looking forward to.
posted 06-28-99 08:03 AM ET
Coz Lord Soth will always remain my dear champion - Knight of the Black Rose.
posted 06-28-99 09:38 AM ET
SMAC of course (Patch 4 anybody ?)Aredhran -Neutral Good Human Ranger-
posted 06-28-99 09:43 AM ET
1. Tiberian Sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Jagged Alliance 2 3. Civ III 4. Starfleet Command 5. Star Trek: Voyager 6. Final Fantasy VIII(hopefully for PC!) 7. WWF Attitude(hopefully for PC!) 8. Warcraft III-007 |
posted 06-28-99 09:44 AM ET
1. Shogun 2. Diablo 2 3. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4. Civ III |
posted 06-28-99 09:44 AM ET
Nell: I still prefer half-elves to full elves. |
posted 06-28-99 10:19 AM ET
1. Fallout 3 2. Civ3 3. SMAC 2 4. The Great Unnamed Sid Game 5. CTP 2 |
posted 06-28-99 11:14 AM ET
Picker: What's so good about half-elves? IIRC, all they get is a smaller infravision radius and a lower resistance to sleep/charm spells... and Elves get to live for 2,000 years, which really helps against undead monsters that age you when they hit... and anyway, Elves are cool  Kitty: Doesn't having a COM/CHA rating of 25 (or any other attribute at 25) make you into a deity, or something? Then again, I suppose you would be, if you really *are* a love goddess... can I go out to play now, please?  Jimmy: Beware... for like so many Obi-Wan candidates before you, You Will Be Assimilated... Nell... with her Borg Queen head on...  PS: Just to remind you...I have a +5 Planet Rating against all Psi attacks, and that includes Jedi mindtricks...
posted 06-28-99 11:20 AM ET
So what do we have so far ?jimmytrick=Human fighter, LE Nell_Smith=Elven thief/magic-user, NN HelloKitty=Priestess of Aphrodite (has to be CN ) Aredhran=Human Ranger, NG Michael the Great has to be a warrior, veteran of many battles. aceplayer, I don't know... Aredhran |
posted 06-28-99 11:23 AM ET
Nel - only 3 months on Daggerfall? I estimate I logged 3000+ hours playing it.My favourite combo in Baldure's gate was Elven fighter/mage Oh, staying on thread subject. There's only one game that I am looking forward to most, TES3 Morrowind. |
posted 06-28-99 11:29 AM ET
QUAKE 3!!!! Morrowind... |
posted 06-28-99 01:10 PM ET
Sid Meier's Space Pirates! Of course! Oh, wait a minute. That's not even on the drawing board. Is it?I'm afraid to get Baldur's Gate, since I haven't played D&D or AD&D for about 20 years now. Gosh, I'm feeling old now. Nurse Kitty, will you push my wheelchair back up to the computer station now? JAMiAM |
posted 06-28-99 02:14 PM ET
AD&D? Well, its not White Wolf's Mage, FASA's Shadowrun, or Game Designer's Workshop Traveller, but it was the Briar patch I was BORN in.Comliness 25 IS just possible as a (almost) mortal... if that Hello Kitty Love Priestess was a High Elf. Not that they were ever allowed to be priestesses without expansion, but a person with a 25 Comliness can only be resisted by a person of 19+ Wisdom anyways... that's about 1 out of 10 dieties, and 1 out of 4 old cranky wizards.  Well, since we have EVIL in the party, I suppose I will have to set aside the Paladin... humm... how about Magic-User/Assassin ? Great Combo for the serious kill target freaks... who has healing again? Err... (Its one of the few games that brings out my team instincts.) Otherwise, let me know what the party needs, and I'll fill the slot with a character. Nell, Half-elves are superior to full elves in that they have a lifespan as darned long as the DM wants, and get more range of classes available. They can also have full range infravision. All up to DM. I used to enjoy making the half-elf players end up with balding, fat humans with full elf senses and life spans versus highly elf featured halfies that lived a little shorter than humans and had strange problems. It just depended on which way the Whim Of Murphy struck. And truth is, I rarely played split class. Unless you were a theif, there was no reason to waste the potiential on a character that would only be able to get so far. Made me feel cramped. By the way Nell, I HATE YOU! (Well, not really ) We are still waiting on Dungeon Keeper II here in the States! Games I am looking for? Very few. They are: Dungeon Keeper II The Sims SimMars SMEG/Sid3 Waiting on price to drop: Imperialism II Will buy if in the bargain bin: SMAC X Civ3 -Darkstar |
posted 06-28-99 02:26 PM ET
Nell: Half-elves are much stronger than elves, and much less full of them-selves . |
posted 06-28-99 02:40 PM ET
Oh yeah, almost forgot...THE SIMS!!!! That game is gonna be SOOOO funny! I can't wait to set my little sims on fire, or watch teens..... oh never mind.... -007
posted 06-28-99 03:53 PM ET
Rackam: Two things happened... I got fed up with Daggerfall crashing every ten minutes... and I got hold of a copy of SMAC. The end.Aredhran: Hmmm well we NEED a cleric... so maybe Darkstar could take that slot? No party gets far without a healer... Darkstar: lmao... so you were a DM after my own heart? When I used to DM, we just binned all the race/class/age limitations... my players could be any race they liked and as multi-classed as they liked, with no limits on level advancement (although keeping the usual limitations on multi-class characters taking forever to advance due to needing so many more experience points). Could never see the point of level advancement limits, or why certain races couldn't play certain character classes, or be multi-classed. Never mind SMAC, DMing is where it's at if you want to develop a fully-fledged power complex...  Picker: Who needs strength when you've got a 90% Hide In Shadows rating and can cast 15-dice fireballs?? You should see those beefy fighters go down like ninepins... Nell... thinking that this would be the ultimate AD&D party... how about Aceplayer as an assassin, or another M-U? Can never have too many M-Us... the cleric doubles as an extra fighter, so no problems there... PS: JAMiAM... you really should get Baldur's Gate. It's great  PPS: Darkstar: DKII is brilliant... full 3-D... although largely the same game as before, with a few nice new touches and gorgeous graphics. I won't say too much or else it'll ruin the surprise... but at least I now have some petty revenge for you guys getting Star Wars ages before us! hehe |
posted 06-28-99 04:24 PM ET
Nell, I know DKII is more of the same with a few new toys and twists added in. I LOVED DK. And I hope I think the same of DK II.As far as AD&D went... I got tired of certain people complaining that they couldn't do what they wanted to. So I wrote up my own custom rules that allowed you to design your own character classes. Set it down in a High Magic realm called the Sky Realms (Remove all ocean between the lands... you are getting clued in. Imagine the whole plane like that. Now, keep in mind "continental drift". Let me make all sorts of major events.). And the final seasoning was... It was set in the "Time Of Legends". My pc's came to understand that meant that there was NOTHING before. And no pesky dieties to bother them. That a few lucky ones would be the deities in games to come... The Sky Realms was my most successful Campaigns ever. It was a blast watching people go "I want a MU/Thief class my way" and end up with a JOAT (Jack of all trades) where about the only differences between half the characters were hit die size (I allowed up to d30). The perenially "Not Happies" stayed that way, of course, but they had to admit it was their own damned fault. The ladies and gentlemen that stuck to their guns ended up with EXACTLY what they wanted and had a blast. TSR was even thinking of publishing it as a new setting, so I think I must have done SOMETHING right. But then they went Belly Up, and I got into other things. (Yeah, I was real proud of that sucker... Can't tell, can you?) A bonus for getting this far... the reason that demi-humans were handicapped was to help make sure Humans didn't become extinct as a player chosen race. And this was still a close call in most of the campaigns I PLAYED in. Most people liked their JOAT (MU/T/Cleric) that let them goof off the way they wanted. How many kleptomaniac halflings did you see in your AD&D play BEFORE DragonLance was published? There was always at least one in my games. And that number went up after "Kinder" became a known word to the unwashed masses of AD&D. Ugh. Betting Nell gets to play Theme World Park before I do to... its another BullFrog Productions game in the making... -Darkstar |
posted 06-28-99 04:30 PM ET
More than TPW- we get Black & White first too!Games I am eagerly awaiting: <li>Quake 3: Arena <li>C&C: Tiberian Sun <li>Shogun <li>FIFA 2000 <li>Morrowind <li>Middle-Earth Online <li>Civ III <li>Half-Life 2 (?) <li>Force Commander <li>A game from Elixir <li>GTA 2 (GBH?) <li>TA 2: Kingdoms John III |
posted 06-28-99 04:32 PM ET
Eh? Damn no HTML, AND I excluded Black & White. John III |
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-28-99 06:23 PM ET
What is The Sims??? |
posted 06-28-99 06:29 PM ET
Drakar (what else?)  |
posted 06-28-99 07:31 PM ET
Darkstar: Well we may disagree on the subject of TPM, but we are obviously 100% in agreement on AD&D!! I still wish my group of players hadn't grown up/got married/moved away... I had a whole campaign world, with maps, political system, histories, new spells, new character classes and races, the works... it was possibly the best fun I ever had (apart from the odd rave or two!). And now all I have is pale computer imitations... oh well...Nell... wondering whatever happened to Gary Gygax? |
posted 06-28-99 08:23 PM ET
Oops - dyslexic is I am whatDrakan, Drakan, damn, damn.... |
posted 06-29-99 02:45 AM ET
Nell...I have a buddy of mine that used to work with me who has his icq user name as Gygax..Also is his user name on The Zone but with 2 x's on the end .Apparently some one beat him to it for the zone user name. If you guys get the need for an old guy to join the party then I volunteer....seeing as how I always seem to be the old guy anyway.You know like a really old elf or warrior or wizard or someone as long as he gets to take naps.  |