Topic: Dammit, stupid formers!!!!
Tandoori |
posted 06-27-99 08:42 AM ET
I just finished a game where I cheated to see what mad technologies I could come up with and just to muck about... I came up with some Clean Singularity Gravship Super Formers, pretty cool eh? but anyway I automated one and it proceeded to do nothing for ten years, meanwhile some other auto ones filled a remote island with mag tubes and just ran into mind worm fields... How dumb... Thanks for helping me though guys, i only automate 1 in 4 formers now.
posted 06-27-99 01:18 PM ET
Are you doing shift a or ctrl shift a? I find the latter works better when I'm lazy. Kitty |
posted 06-27-99 05:31 PM ET
Hmm can't remember which command is which, but I find that Auto-Improve Home Base works better than just Auto-Improve Anything, which is the one to use when you want your formers to be spectacularly stupid. When it's late in the game and I really am fed up, I do sometimes let the little guys Auto their own bases, although even then they sometimes do stupid stuff like harvest forests and replace them with farms, when the base is short on minerals but has lots of food... sigh Nell  |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-27-99 05:41 PM ET
As a late convert to micromanagement, I don't want to wave the heavy flag here. I mean, there's nothing worse than the newly converted is there (I always suspected that about Miriam by the way - Janey come lately to this fundamentalism that she is).Anyway, automated formers in principle suck. However, late in the game when there is littel for them to do wrong they're a godsend. Actually, I've never noticed them uprooting anything that already exists so I think they're pretty safe. I agree with Nell. Autoimprove own base reduced their scope for daftness considerably. Actually, when I autoed everything this was what I used for all formers - only later on when the formers had done home to death did I let them run wiser. I suppose, I was running a set of serially managed cities rather than an empire. |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-27-99 05:41 PM ET
Actually, that was "wider" rather than "wiser"Well, I dunno....... |