Topic: Comments on The Newbie Terrorsts Story
OldWarrior_42 |
posted 06-25-99 04:24 AM ET
Well it was Mike who posted next not Aredhran,( I thought Aredhran was going to post next) but this is still very cool. I just figured we could keep the non story lines in here and comment as it goes along. Hopefully The Red H is putting one up soon also . I am enjoying the hell out of this story.
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 06:04 AM ET
Sorry if I jumped in it's great fun to write. |
posted 06-25-99 06:30 AM ET
Don't be sorry, you added some great stuff. Wait, take that back. You messed up my next episode, I now have to rewrite it...  Just kidding, I really don't mind, actually it's part of the fun. Carry on ! Aredhran
posted 06-25-99 06:32 AM ET
Oh, and Mike, please wait until my next post to continue your part, I'd hate to have to rewrite my episode *again*  |
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 06:50 AM ET
Alright. Sorry, I always just write straight into the thread. It means you need ten minutes in a row to write and you have to check no-one's updated in the mean time but that's not too bad. |
posted 06-25-99 08:03 AM ET
Write away people.... New episode is now up.Sorry Nell I had to do this , Mike didn't leave me much choice... but don't you worry, you're not dead yet You still have an important part to play in this story, I promise. Aredhran
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 08:43 AM ET
Yin's plan revealed! I think he's mad, RedH I hope you make it out of this one OK, you are in a lot of trouble at the moment! |
posted 06-25-99 09:25 AM ET
Not to worry, my faithful newbie sidekicks are not so far away, and Trip's still got his mini-flamer  Aredhran PS: and maybe the IIIS chopper will get there soon too ? |
posted 06-25-99 09:27 AM ET
And it seems I was following all the way to the forum. DUM DUM DUM DUMMMMMM.... |
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 10:10 AM ET
Well now you've got a bit more to contend with H. (that must be the record shortening of your name) |
posted 06-25-99 10:24 AM ET
What does "contend" mean ? |
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 10:27 AM ET
Roughly: To have a contest with. |
posted 06-25-99 11:14 AM ET
Thanks to Fjorxc the Maniac the history of the IIIS has been preserved. For those of you who are curious about it, and a look at what this forum looked like a year ago, please go to the Firaxis Games site: Look in the "Off Topic" forum for the "SMAC Addiction VI" thread dated 6/17/99. |
posted 06-25-99 12:24 PM ET
Mike... I wasnt trying to say you posted out of turn...there are no turns.. I was just assuming Aredhran was busy getting another story ready because he made a couple of posts early morning(EST)then was quiet for a bit and I figured he was readying another chapter(because I didnt want to believe he was actually doing work,how depressing). Just a poor assumption on my part, and you know what they say about making assumptions. Sorry to mislead you or make you feel like you did something wrong when you couldnt have. My bad.  |
posted 06-25-99 04:23 PM ET
Aredhran: I had to smile... "...the Rave Queen�s body fell on the floor, smoking..." Now you'd be surprised how many times this has happened in real life... although it's usually caused by whatever it is I happen to be "smoking" at the time, rather than a well-aimed laser rifle shot! hehe Nell... gone but not forgotten?  |
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 09:58 PM ET
Hello people, I'm posting to you here off my head. Life is sweet. Speak to you sober, bored and at work on Monday. Feel the gibber.Mikey H |
posted 06-25-99 11:27 PM ET
Aredhran Take good care of Tripp, he's still recovering from that blast aimed at Yin that he got in the way of. ...  LOL great series |
posted 06-25-99 11:35 PM ET
Yes... Q...sucked right in ..ROTFLMAO "Just when you think you are out of it, they pull you back in"..(or something to that effect..from The Godfather PartIII) |
Q Cubed
posted 06-26-99 04:41 PM ET
yeah.Next time, I'll remember to keep my mouth shut.  I can't believe they scratched the paint! I'm having a heart attack here! |
posted 06-27-99 01:24 PM ET
More please more |
posted 06-27-99 07:05 PM ET
jsorense writes about Aredhran fixing watches...LMFAO  |
posted 06-27-99 07:07 PM ET
And making hot chocolate....funny sh.t I swear this is great and smacjunkie's thread is another great one too.  |
posted 06-28-99 07:09 AM ET
Q�, I'm very disappointed in you. Hot Chocolate. How boring... I have to think of something better. What about cheese fondue ? I could melt the cheese using Trip's flamethrower...Aredhran
posted 06-28-99 07:17 AM ET
Nell, quote from your e-mail: "it's been very dull on the forum without any more updates to the Newbie Terrorists thread... Red H, your public needs you! )" I was preparing the "Hi-Tech" Challenges, played about 7 hours on Saturday, plus almost 10 hrs straight Sunday (with a small laundry&ironing break, thinking about you Nell ) I know, but as we say in French, "On ne peut pas �tre et au four et au moulin" (literally, one cannot be both at the oven and at the mill). There have been a few unexpected twists to the storyline. I have to adapt my ideas for the next episode. Wait & See ! Aredhran
posted 06-28-99 10:40 AM ET
Aredhran: Well I did think that the Hi-Tech Challenges were probably holding your attention... can't wait to start playing  Even so, you see what's happened in your absence?... matters have descended to the nadir-like point where I've started writing in story threads... for God's sake, do something before anything any worse happens!! hehe Nell... waiting.... and waiting... PS: Glad to see your thoughts were pointing in the right direction during all that {shudder} washing and ironing...  PS: Beware of C&Ping my emails... my smileys in emails are of the : and o and ) variety... |
posted 06-28-99 11:04 AM ET
Yes, I noticed that. It showed up as instead of ... Maybe you should ask Firaxis to create a special one for you : o ) heheheAredhran |
posted 06-29-99 01:32 PM ET
The storylines do seem to be merging somewhat, though I have some ideas to expand with other characters.I am not advocating this idea but merely suggesting it, Does anyone want to email their near term ideas to the other major contributors so that they can be taken into account, or is the fun of having your stories subverted and having to adapt just to great to lean towards conformity? Just a thought. Goob |
posted 06-29-99 01:36 PM ET
I don't really spend any time thinking about it. When I am reading it I just immediately get an idea from someone else was saying so I write it down. |
posted 06-30-99 05:36 AM ET
First of all, (pardon the scream) *I DON'T WANT TO MERGE THE STORIES*There. I feel better now, thank you... If someone wants me to include their ideas in a post, I don't mind them sending them to me, but as far as coordinating, I must say I quite enjoy reacting to and developing on other people's ideas. Even if it has forced me to rewrite a post twice and dump another one altoghether  Aredhran
MikeH II
posted 06-30-99 05:48 AM ET
I much prefer reacting to what has gone, it makes you think a lot harder. I know what I wanted to happen but what actually happened was a lot cooler. I say we stick with this format. |
posted 06-30-99 08:09 AM ET
Calm down dont have to merge the stories if you dont want to. It was just a suggestion...nothing written in granite. Didnt mean to upset the flow of adrenalin and thought in you. Now get back to work and write some more.  |
posted 06-30-99 11:15 AM ET
Aredhran, I was talking about the storylines within newbie terrorists, is that what you meant as well or were you thinking the two story threads?Agreed on just writing with the flow, even though the Outrider was totally subverted. Things may change though. |
posted 06-30-99 11:19 AM ET
Goob, I thought you meant the "Terrorists" and the "Newbie meets vets" threads. Because I can count more than 2 storylines in the Newbie Terrorists adventures, and reconciling them could help. It's getting hard to follow the story after too much sidetrackingAnd Your outrider has been more than subverted... he's been captured ! mwahahaha  Aredhran |
posted 06-30-99 11:59 AM ET
No, he has only been captured if he were someplace he didn't mean to be in the first place... MuuWhahaHAahaahahaha...Goob |
MikeH II
posted 06-30-99 12:01 PM ET
I'm in a bad way. I'll get that Yin. |
posted 06-30-99 12:15 PM ET
Ummmm...this has nothing to do with the story going on but I figured I would post it here anyway because it is weird... I went to the heart Dr. today to go do the treadmill test...I have been ill lately and out of work with pneumonia and they thought there might be something wrong with my heart also. Anyway I finished the treadmill test with flying colors so I am sorry guys I aint dyin' yet.I will be out of work for another week though  Anyway...this is the weird part,..I am sitting in Dr. C.K. Lai's office waiting with my wife for him to start the test and I pick up a copy of Sports Illustrated that was sent to him...and I read the name on the mailing label and it is a misprint...It reads Dr. C. K. ,I saw that and figured thats it I am dead. But everything worked out well so my next smac game will be me as Lal. I usually play Gaians but I have to give the good Dr.? another chance. |
posted 06-30-99 12:40 PM ET
Don't worry, Outrider. We have faith in you and your super elite forces. I'm sure this is some Vorsikan trick of yours anyway.Aredhran... I've had to dump MANY posts. I probably should have dumped the one that made it as well, but such is life.  Thanks gang. Been having a blast reading this stuff. Keep up the fun! Old Warrior - Glad to here you are ok. And stay away from those cigarettes. -Darkstar |
posted 06-30-99 09:32 PM ET
Been 16 days now. Thanks for your support DS.No more cigs,no more cigs.And I am finally getting better too thanks. |
posted 06-30-99 11:08 PM ET
Old_Warrior:I'll buy your lunch at that steak house over in Mocksville off I-40. I'll bring a couple of good cigars and we can talk about this newbie-vet thing while we smoke em! jimmytrick Lord of SMAC, SMACGOD PRIME, and native Tar Heel (seldom this nice to Yankees, but, what the heck!) |
posted 06-30-99 11:21 PM ET
jt....thanks for the invite..I am sure my wife wouldnt mind...she might even send along some Italian family and friends to bring us the really good cigars. (yeah right) Oh and I prefer the Outback in Hickory...awesome food steak house I have ever eaten in. Thanks I will meet you there.  |
posted 07-01-99 12:11 AM ET
What about some place in Winston. Hickory is a bit out of the way.(how did these Yankees ever win the war? can't even read a map for chrisakes!) Feel free to bring Italian wife and her friends. I have a half Cherokee squaw that I could bring if you like. |
posted 07-01-99 12:12 AM ET
posted 07-01-99 12:50 AM ET
We won through attrition....just too dammed many of us. . We will have to find middle ground ..although Winston is only 45 min. so it could do but do they have an outback? |
posted 07-01-99 05:02 AM ET
So, OW, since you're still alive and going to be out of work for another week, why don't you write something for us, you know, about the poor destitute thinker in his shop or something ?Aredhran
posted 07-01-99 11:06 PM ET
Oh most wise and humble Red h man.....I cant write sci fi or any fiction for that matter to save my life. Sorry...If I do come up with something then maybe...but I doubt it guys are all way above me in that department. |
posted 07-02-99 06:18 AM ET
Imran is back! And he has most certainly read what I have written. Can someone protect my character Freddz now in the story... |
posted 07-02-99 06:29 AM ET
By the way, NIM?? Should I know what that stands for? |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 06:42 AM ET
No-body knows what NIM stands for, please let's not start all that AGAIN. |
posted 07-02-99 06:44 AM ET
If everybody starts giving their characters some super powers, this creative writing thing does not interest me anymore. What's the point ? Everybody could do that; it is like a teenage AD&D player with all characteristics at 25, kicking the ass of every god in the multiverse, then writing to TSR "Please make another Deities & Demigods, I've killed all the old ones and I need more". Boring.Imran, I'm sorry but you did not add anything to the whole story with this "powers of NIM" crap. The least you could have done is expand on it a little; just bringing BG and TAS back does not make a good post. So, I apologize to all the story fans out there, but there will not be any more "Newbie Terrorist" posts from me. I'm out. Sorry. I guess I could start another story, but right now I really don't feel like it. Aredhran  |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 07:06 AM ET
Yin started it! I guess I am guilty of that as well. Imran also brought me back to conciousness when I was going to let the Newbies have the run of the story for a while but there we go.Think of Brother Greg and TAS as great thinkers, mythical in reputation if not in real power. Their awesome reputation makes vets hold them in higher regard than they actually deserve. What happens when Yin gets hold of them could be interesting especially as TAS and BG have never really seen eye to eye. I'm sure Yin could drive a wedge between them or just defeat them. Or something, maybe we'll all find out that the Vet's vaunted powers don't really amount to much more than illusion and bravado. Anyway before I read your post here I posted a new section which is a bit of a challenge really, a challenge to see who can get out of writing one of BG's rants.  |
posted 07-02-99 07:20 AM ET
Mike, It was OK for Yin to have some special power, as he's the Archvillain. What you pulled with the mind fight was cool, it allowed the rest of the story to continue on. I have read your addition to the story. It makes things a little better, but I still feel like everything relies on these two superpowers. All the others (including you) are relegated to the status of names in the credits at the end of the movies, whereas before we were the heroes of a story. It's not that I could not write my way out of it, because I know I can, but can't find any interest in it (it's like playing SMAC on Citizen) Aredhran |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 07:25 AM ET
You could turn the story around to get rid of them as quickly as they appeared that way they would be bit parts, if I hadn't posted before I read your comments I would have done it but I don't want to post twice in a row. Maybe sunspots disrupt the power of NIM for the next 20 years.  |
posted 07-02-99 07:50 AM ET
Goob send me an e-mail in which he said something about a Firaxian Vorpal Bunny Rabbit biting their heads off. This is exactly the kind of "Deus Ex Machina" that I refuse to do. I won't be the one to press CTRL-K. If someone wants super-powers, let them have it, I don't care. (Actually, I do care because I feel that "my" story is ****ed up now) Aredhran |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 07:59 AM ET
We can't have that, let's see if I can sort it out without resorting to magic. |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 08:20 AM ET
Better? A bit corny but it gets us back to reality. Come on Red, don't leave us.  |
posted 07-02-99 08:48 AM ET
Mike, you're good. The holographic projector idea is excellent, I would never have come up with that myself.Aredhran
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 08:50 AM ET
Let's just say I'm a genius and then never mention it again.  Back to your regular program.... |
posted 07-02-99 09:22 AM ET
Dam Aredhran.... dont let that stop you now. I will be very dissapointed Please dont go , We need you, us drones look up to you. . If you want I can write a short piece killing anyone you want off. I dont mind pressing the delete button.  |
posted 07-02-99 09:46 AM ET
Mike: Have to agree... your post is really good... very difficult to pull the story back on track from where it's got to, but looks like you could manage it... I haven't posted in the Newbie Terrorists thread, leaving it to people much better at this kind of thing than me, but I still want to know what happens... are we going to let the vets beat us? Surely not...  Aredhran: Awwww c'mon... don't bail out on us... can you really leave the helpless Newbies to their fate? Mind you, I can see the difficulty... these threads take on a life of their own (which is half of their charm, when it works), but it can be hard to keep the story going when so many different ideas are being chucked into the melting-pot. Much the same thing is happening with the Newbie Meets The Vets thread... there are so many sub-plots there now that I can't (at the moment) come up with anything worth adding! Like the Newbie Terrorists thread, all the instalments are good, but it's getting hard to keep the storyline running. Nell... thinking that surely Red H won't quit on us now...? |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 10:28 AM ET
Nell you are still thinking in terms of Newbies against vets, we've united against the evil Yin.Current positions of everybody. MikeH, Nell, DG, Q^3, Imran:- IIIS stealth chopper heading to IIIS headquarters to treat wounded. Other Newbie terrorists in their own chopper with outrider, Maybe heading back following IIIS but that's never been formally stated. Yin? Unknown Picker? Last seen fighting Victor G, current location unknown. Victor G banished to Firaxis forever. Or is he? Outrider's troops? Unknown. The DG's Vampires in Black? Unknown presumably locked up in the IIIS research facility or dead. Brother Greg and TAS:- waiting for our heroes at the IIIS base preparing sickbay for the wounded. |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 10:30 AM ET
Sorry, The DG's Vampires in Black:- Not maybe dead I meant Definately Undead |
MikeH II
posted 07-02-99 10:31 AM ET
And Venom is probably in the IIIS chopper but he might be with the NTs. I wish I could edit posts. |
posted 07-02-99 10:56 AM ET
Hey Hey, mike, read it again. Last location talking to trip just after aredhran left, and before the chopper showed up. |
posted 07-02-99 11:28 AM ET
Okay, I have changed the track a bit more. Still gotta learn to use those ' a bit better when writing fast it appears. But, otherwise, spelling's getting better(shut up, everyone!)...  |
posted 07-02-99 11:48 AM ET
I haven't read the story since I read Imran's addition last night that prompted me to write a disgusted email to Aredhran.My feelings pretty much match his. (I will read to see where the story goes.) Overall I agree that half the fun of collabrative writing like this is to see where others take the story and what you can do with it from there. The problem will lie with people who do not take the story with the same regard as the multiple posters. And when people decide to give "their" characters outrageous powers. I had come up with the theory that there was an energy Nexus at that particular site that had allowed Yin and MikeH to explode in a metaphysical battle of wills, I thought that would be a good out to the problem of egos run amuck. But things kept spiralling away. Lord knows I want to keep writing fiction pieces here, and hope that others will too including our Swiss friend. So now I am off to read what has happened in the newbie Terrorists. Goob |
posted 07-02-99 12:59 PM ET
I hope this helps get things back to a manageable egalitarian anarchy. Please don't mind Irman too much. He has always been a loose cannon. You should have seen him go ballistic when he didn't get his way in the old SMAC Fiction fourm. Please keep posting everyone. |
posted 07-02-99 01:05 PM ET
Fortunately I checked the thread just before I posted my addition and saw jsorense's. I needed to make a couple of changes to my piece, (like edit out jsorense from being in the other chopper )Agreed, that we can try to ignore the power crazy when they post. Goob |
posted 07-02-99 02:08 PM ET
Seems my time-warp stuff didn't work out in the thread... Sorry if I bogged down your plans but I thought we needed more freedom to find new grand designs in the story. Maybe one or two extra story lines too... No matter. booG, tihs ynnuf  |
posted 07-02-99 08:29 PM ET
Thanks to my dislexic reading skills I was this time able to read Freddz post... never to be fooled again I think.  |
posted 07-02-99 11:35 PM ET
First off...I'm confused. Haven't we been exercising "unrealistic" or "SupraNormal" abilities? Whatever fit the writer's whim? Not that its the best way to do multi-writer stories, but its just a just. I welcome Imran. And MikeH II. And everyone that contributes something to the story. So what if they go overboard? Happens all the time. And for those of you who missed it... YIN Was being SARCASTIC. No wonder he rarely posts... Arch-villian of three threads? I hope that he has a few IDs that aren't picked apart and beaten on as if he was Hardman. [Hell, I mean no disrespect to even the Big (or little as your point of view goes) H. I try NOT to hold a grudge against anyone here. Not for long. We are all here to have fun and talk with others that have (or had) an interest in SMAC.] MikeH II... that was a nice thing with the projector... but it shouldn't have been necessary. Really. Are you guys COMPLAINING about suprahuman powers in "A Newbie Mets the Vets"? No. Why? Talk about the range of taste! From the gentle to obnoxious. But we aren't jumping up and down about it. So, why? I am sorry, Aredhran. I have enjoyed your posting. But if you and Goobmeister are so offended, then ignore the thread. And thank you for sharing with us. Goobmeister, the same goes for you. I respect BOTH of you guys, but before I'd get outraged about a little ego clashing or super men and women and running around, I'd get mad about the nastier posting about other things. There are plenty of them. Besides... as song as they have posted, one can rewrite things as one chooses. And you can always smack their bottom or twist things about. Freddz, I loved your time warp piece. No apologies needed. But Jsorense seems to wish to continue with other things. (No, Jsorense, I am not picking on you. You think it would be interesting to fill in between. Let's hope that works out then.) Finally, once again, allow me to say that I have enjoyed reading the thread. Even the silly bits... sometimes especially the silly bits. (Depending on my twisted sense of humor, of course.) -Darkstar |
posted 07-03-99 11:06 AM ET
Darkstar:"YIN Was being SARCASTIC. No wonder he rarely posts... Arch-villian of three threads?" ... Yin certainly has transcendent powers... he's an ArchANGEL in one of them!  It's a shame Yin doesn't post very often... his contributions always get a great response, whether enthusiastic or outraged... which can't be a bad thing, even if storylines do sometimes get disrupted. Hey what do I know? I really AM a newbie, having only been here three months. I'm just sorry to see Aredhran leave the list of story contributors. Nell... sigh |
posted 07-03-99 12:28 PM ET
God do I feel like an idiot now.  I just reread my posts above, then re-read the Story. Can't believe I wrote this. I just made a fool of myself... I guess that will teach me not to get on my high horses over some silly post. I could tell you that I was having a bad day (which is true), but the fact is, I was just being stupid. So please ignore what I said earlier about not posting. I will be back. Aredhran PS: But I still feels that superpowers are out of line in this story. |
posted 07-03-99 12:29 PM ET
I still feel (without "s").I WANT TO EDIT MY POSTS !  |
posted 07-03-99 07:22 PM ET
Hey, Oldwarrior, how was that for an apology ?  |
posted 07-03-99 09:13 PM ET
I am impressed with the humbleness of your speech you masterful creative writing running red H. Glad to see you are going to continue writing even if some turns in the story go awry.... just write around it. And the offer still stands if you want me to write a story line here to kill everyone and anyone. Just say the word my friend. |
posted 07-04-99 02:44 AM ET
Shining1 - HAHAHA! Damn. That hurts when I laugh. Last time I trust equipment in the Castle though.Go gang go! -Darkstar (Don't make me laugh! It hurts! MEDIC! :-) |
posted 07-04-99 02:48 AM ET
Aredhran: Imran must be stopped. You were right on that count alone.The superpowers thing isn't an issue of how much power each character gets, but instead how well it fits the story. I think both MikeH and Yin are fine so far. And I needed mine in order to get back into the story at all, after freddz killed me off (well, trip actually) without a second chance. P.S Apologies for the injuries to Darkstar and Bossman in that last post. I know they'll get their own back in due time... |
posted 07-04-99 03:12 AM ET
Why not... he can just grow another arm...after all its just a wacked out story.. nothing for us to get bent out of shape over . Post, write be crazy.. be Radio Free America.... Yeah I'm jamming right now all alone at home family in NY. Party at Tom's house |
posted 07-04-99 04:19 AM ET
Alright one wants to come to the party?....screw you all then..I'll just jam on my own...Good thing we own some land here, so neighbors are'nt close, although my one neighbor is like one of my best friends so I don't have to worry too much about noise. Anyway I will give you all just a little more time to get here then I am gonna lock the front door. :p |
posted 07-04-99 04:26 AM ET
Old Warrior!I'll party with you. How long a drive from Northern Alabama? -Darkstar |
posted 07-04-99 04:29 AM ET
Lets see.. Huntsville to Statesville ...Probably less than 6 hours ...Really I dont know without looking at the map but you know we really arent that far away from each other. Maybe when I hook up with jimmytrick and his wife for that steak dinner we can include you. That would be really cool.  |
posted 07-04-99 06:44 PM ET
Bossman: Immortality is fine, but I did not appreciate that. Good work .P.S - trip's flamethrower isn't Korean, is it? So how can I be killed again by 'another Korean artifact...' Oh well. Bury me at the crossroads with a steak in my stomach. And I'm considering changing my name to Kenny . |
posted 07-04-99 06:51 PM ET
Shining... love the Kenny line. LMAO....Did you wrong some people in another life that makes them want to keep killing you off? ....why is everybody always picking on me.... |
posted 07-04-99 07:37 PM ET
OldWarrior: Another life? Which one? You have at least two to choose from already...  Ah, southpark. IceTV (N.Z prog) ran a southpark marathon last night. The best six episodes - including the one where everyone turns into zombies. "Oh my god! I killed Kenny! You bastard!" So I don't really mind right now... |
posted 07-04-99 08:00 PM ET
Bossman: On second reading, actually, that sucked. You should be arrested by the continuity police for gross violations of plot and characterisation. Not to mention excessive retaliation .Don't do it again! |
posted 07-04-99 09:25 PM ET
Actually Shining , I thought we all had nine or something wait ,thats my dam cats. Never mind. .. Good edition to the story... please find a way to come to life again. Some more funny sh.t can be derived from it. This story is crazy though. and lovin' every minute of it. |
posted 07-05-99 12:56 AM ET
Shining1 - No! No one ever pays attention to those signs! NO! He will be back!Sorry about that attacking you. Sometimes I just go insane like that. Must be all the Mindworms and Meatballs I had in school. Bossman - Nicely written. Light Saber? Who told that I use to be a Jedi? And is that Lord Yin of the Sith? I hope I haven't turned into Dark Vader or something... hold that... better to be Vader than Dumb Maul. I'd be so embarassed at showing off with a flashy weapon and cutting myself in half. I don't know if I could post again due to embarassment. And I loved your other story threads... 4 Emporers and your Random Thread. Just thought I would plug them here... -Darkstar |
posted 07-06-99 06:36 PM ET
It's beginning to look like a splatter movie now...  |
posted 07-06-99 06:49 PM ET
Oh my God! They killed Kenny!!... great quote... lmao The Newbie Terrorists thread is brilliant... although I had to pull N.E.L.L.'s plug out of the wall to stop her getting involved the moment she spotted the lightsabre reference... hehehe Nell... really enjoying the story (and don't worry, nowhere near brave enough to add to it!) PS: Welcome back Aredhran  |
posted 07-06-99 06:55 PM ET
Of course you should add. Nell! What has happened to Nell and the newbies these past weeks after Freddz has betrayed them...? Hmm?  |
posted 07-08-99 07:06 AM ET
Ah, but did Freddz betray the newbies? Or was it all just a bad dream... or a bad misunderstanding on my part.Darkstar: Not to worry. At least you know I'm not likely to stop to talk again. At least, not if I keep having these unexplainable psychotic turns... Better get an american made lightsabre, though, like luke had. It seems you can't trust anything foreign these days. Nell: You can join, so long as you don't add to my body count (or, at the very least, don't mess up the continuity while adding to my body count ). And it does seem the newbie writers could use an extra hand at the moment. |
posted 07-08-99 07:22 AM ET
How annoying, I have never killed anyone as cruelly in my story life....  |
posted 07-08-99 07:58 AM ET
Sorry. But if Goob has you jumping into battle in the midsts of Barbie chat (or however that ends), it seems odd that you are also rampaging through hospitals at the same time (whether it's the same time three weeks later or not isn't relevant. They were consequtive posts). And Bossman's already lost enough limbs this week...  |
posted 07-08-99 01:24 PM ET
Sorry Freddz, but you were with the group and I wanted to get to a point that you could easily leave to get off to your story-line.Goob |
posted 07-09-99 03:40 AM ET
Freddz: How annoying, I have never killed anyone ***as cruelly*** in my (story) lifeHow about *less* cruelly  Aredhran
posted 07-09-99 04:42 AM ET
Aredhran, you see to perceive me as the forums Genghis Khan or something... Have I really killed or chased off that many forumers? I have? Great... I will continue the bloodshed... |