Topic: Round of Applause....
Nell_Smith |
posted 06-23-99 07:32 PM ET
... to the Red H, for resurrecting one of the best posts on the board... The Return of the Newbie Terrorists!!  I was going to add this to the story thread, but it seemed a shame to interrupt the flow... Nell... dying to know how it ends!
posted 06-23-99 11:00 PM ET
Yes it was cool that he ressurected that thread. Some funny sh.t in there but I think we need some more characters in it. And we do have plenty to choose from. I do want to say one thing to Jam....chagarra is older than me and a couple others too you know. Why do I have to be the old weird guy(I didnt know you knew me) (actually I didnt mind it was funny) Seriously we can get some more characters involved in it and some other writers too(not me but I know for a fact from reading mp forum story threads of pbem games that there are quite a few of you out there who could write for a living ...thats how good you are) |
posted 06-23-99 11:23 PM ET
Nell..OWI just heard my name mentioned. What have I done now.... Or what haven't I done now. OW there's no need to be mean and call me old, just because I predate dirt. Where's this file, I think I remember the one you mean, I was a lurker then. Weren't there two threads. Live long and prosper ...  |
posted 06-23-99 11:32 PM ET
chagarra.....a little furtherdown on the thread board you will see that Aredhran has brought back the thread called The Return of The Newbie Terrorists(or something like that)Anyway it is a story thread and JAMiAM was continueing the story at one point and made reference to me as the "old guy". (funny stuff but I just wanted to point out that I am only old not ancient like you just busting of course. Read it ...its fun. |
posted 06-24-99 12:11 AM ET
OW,Well... with a user name of Old Warrior... Need I say more? JAMiAM who's only a few years behind you at 36. |
posted 06-24-99 12:21 AM ET
LMAO.....yeah I know ....maybe I should go back to that alter ego YoungWarrior thing..Nah And I knew you werent too far behind from The Anyone Here Over 40 thread.Actually there are quite a few old guys on these forums. I'm feeling younger already.  |
posted 06-24-99 04:25 AM ET
Thanks Nell <blush>Aredhran
posted 06-24-99 10:35 AM ET
With my alter ego Chrisk gone (er...), maybe the newbies can breathe easier soon. Heh.. Maybe... Hey Aredhran, is the sequel coming up soon? I've starting to warm up my mind to writing again... |
posted 06-24-99 11:10 AM ET
Freddz,Yesterday was really slow at work, so I had time to brush up the old stuff, and write the first two episodes. I started on the third, but today is rather hectic and I have not been able to finish it. I'll probably post it tomorrow, though. In the meanwhile, warm up, my friend, warm up... There's nothing like multiwriter creative novelling ! If you decide to just go ahead and post, I'll try to adapt my stuff to what you wrote. Aredhran PS: I don't think Chrisk is truly gone, he had a parachute, remember ?
MikeH II
posted 06-24-99 11:31 AM ET
Do you mind me invading with the creative powers of the vets? |
MikeH II
posted 06-24-99 11:32 AM ET
I wish we could edit posts....I tried not to progress the story of the newbies but introduce some more carachters. |
posted 06-24-99 11:40 AM ET
Mike, by all means, be my guest ! You're a good writer, and I'm sure you can truly add something to the story. I liked your post, I'm looking forward to adapting my story plot to what you'll come up with. Aredhran PS: Some people who haven't been around the forums for as long as I have might need some subtitles and explanations if you use certain references (like IIIS for example) |
posted 06-24-99 11:43 AM ET
New characters is good, especially if they can evolve independently for a while before meeting each other. This way I can finish with my ideas with the existing ones before we step up to DEFCON 3  Aredhran
posted 06-24-99 12:00 PM ET
Ehn, I just jumped in(who's side will I join though). |
MikeH II
posted 06-24-99 12:01 PM ET
Whoops. I tried to introduce everything but I forgot that the IIIS isn't a household name. |
posted 06-24-99 12:12 PM ET
Picker, I like the "vets" too... don't get this wrong, it has nothing to do with liking someone or not (well, except Chrisk maybe)Just be creative, and add to the *story* Aredhran
posted 06-24-99 12:15 PM ET
(as a matter of fact, I think that with over 650 posts I could consider myself a vet, but it just does not mean that much to me) |
posted 06-24-99 12:27 PM ET
Actually I've considered entering the war on my own side. My goal being to drive everyone as insane as I am. I'm thinking this might not be as funny as I thought it was(at least not to others, I still think it's hilarious). What do you Aredhran? |
posted 06-24-99 04:25 PM ET
So come on then... what *is* IIIS?? We newbies demand an answer!! Nell  |
MikeH II
posted 06-25-99 06:01 AM ET
The Institute for Irrefutable and Irreproducible Sciences. We never write it out in full because it's too hard to spell. Just a few guys who like Strategy games, beers and a bit of immoral torture based research into strategy game addiction which leaves it's vict... subjects insane or dead. The usual thing really. |
posted 06-29-99 01:09 PM ET
First > Bump <New characters are on the horizon. Any character brought in by me will have no malice toward the "real screen name". Multi-author storytelling is as good as MP SMAC. The adventure has only begun. and the Outrider moves on. Goob |
posted 06-29-99 08:57 PM ET
Nice to see Goob back posting and putting his creative writing talents to work. A side note to SJ and other exlurking now posting potential smac fiction writers. (that was a mouthful). There are many other posters on this forum who are more respected and revered as dare I say status than myself. I for one was flattered that SJ put me in his story but I really have not been here long enough to make the impression that others have. I find I respect guys like these from the game forum... Shining, tfs99,Goobmeister,MoSe,jimmytrick,Khan Singh,JAMiAM and others......and from off topic forum guys like...MikeH,Valtyr,Snowfire,JohnIII,DanS. I dont always agree with what everyone says or does but that is the nature of things right? It is just that I guess I just dont want to a vet.  |
posted 06-29-99 10:46 PM ET
Kudos to Freddz for killing me off within the first five minutes. I'll be back. |
posted 06-29-99 11:10 PM ET
I didnt mention the names of quite a few other people that I have tremendous respect for because they are already in the story...Darkstar,Aredhran,Yin et all. Just dont want anyone to feel slighted if I missed you there are others also...just not at the tip of my tongue now. |
posted 06-29-99 11:53 PM ET
Much in the way of congratulations on this wonderful story. Just finished reading straight through and I am very impressed. But where will it end? How can it end? I don't want it to end.Your faithful and obedient servant |
posted 06-30-99 12:16 AM ET
Nell: And more popular than G.D.I.R.S (or Generally Dangerous and Irresponsible Recreational Sciences), which never really seemed to catch on... |
posted 06-30-99 02:23 AM ET
"There are many other posters on this forum who are more respected and revered as dare I say status than myself. I for one was flattered that SJ put me in his story but I really have not been here long enough to make the impression that others have." Nonsense, Old_W. It was my pleasure to put you in. My goal is to get everyone in that I can. So far, I have 3 segments involving people: You, T. Daily, and HelloKitty. There will be other's (as long as there are interested readers) and as long as everyone takes my stories with a grain of salt (please, take 'em with some SALT!)
Perhaps I should explain why I choose people that most consider newbie's as Vet's in my segments (or at least those who are considered 'Not Vets'). In my opinion, anyone who beat me to finally posting on this Forum is a Vet. I just got SMAC about 2 weeks ago. Remember, I don't play a lot of hard-core strategy games like SMAC. The majority of you have. Therefore, you are all Vet's to me. That's why I put Resource Consumer in there as well (the wacky wanker) though all of you would probably consider him a newbie. Anyways, it's just fun to write about stuff regardless of what their 'forum status' is. We're all equal in the sense that we like to be entertained...whether it be by SMAC or by reading stuff like this. Now, back to thinking up really tasteless stuff! HEE HEE! |
posted 06-30-99 02:25 AM ET
...and please, anyone feel free to slam dunk me in their stories as well. I can take it! Trust me, I have a sense of humor. Hell, I live in the South...we get it all the time. |
posted 06-30-99 03:09 AM ET
SJ...just a little background history...there have been several real to do's on this forum over this newbie- vet status. As many people here would know stance on this subject is one of "There are no newbies or vets, only posters". You are not a newbie and I am not a vet. Now as far as my post that I dont want to be a vet...It was me just joking on being considered something I dont believe in by someone else. A joke.  About how I really feel...people who treat others the way they would like to be treated themselves whether it is their first or one thousandth post is how I judge them. If you argue and disagree with someone in a non condescending manner ,I can respect that. As many of the ones I mentioned above have done. Of course we all have our moments but then that is what apologies are for. I guess I give out "vet status " in a different manner than others. Going by what used to be the norm for vet status,(i.e.number of posts and date registered) then I could not call resource consumer a newbie and me a vet. He registered before I did and probably has the same or more posts than I.(I dont know ,I didnt check). But you see how ridiculous that sounds. At least to me anyway. I interact with people and judge them on content, humility,and humor. That is all. So you are not a newbie to me because you present yourself very well under those conditions. That was what I was getting to by mentioning others whom I felt were even more worthy than I. Dont get me is flattering to be recognized by your peers and I dont really hate it(on the contrary I especially liked the way you ended our conversation in that one skit you did....very funny stuff...and I enjoy it) I was just making a joke about the vet stuff and actually using that to just give praise to other respected posters IMHO. You are very right in the sense that we are all equal and that we do enjoy being entertained. I know I have been. Anyway ..I just thought you might like a little background from one of your "characters". Keep on writing |