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Author Topic:   Diplomatic Victory Challenge
DilithiumDad posted 06-22-99 02:09 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad   Click Here to Email DilithiumDad  
This is the flip side to the conquest challenge, and the one I've been working on hardest.


MAP = Huge Map of Planet (Much easier to compare scores and dates if eveyrone uses the same map)

Level = Transcend or Thinker

Settings and preferences = open

Goal = Earliest Diplomatic victory, with high reputation (noble or faithful), without eradicating any faction (better still, with all 7 factions intact --rescue failing factions by giving them a base).

Bonus conditions: Latest first battle/conquest, all 7 factions survive

DilithiumDad posted 06-22-99 02:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad  Click Here to Email DilithiumDad     
Here's my game:
Peacekeepers (naturally!), Thinker
Diplomatic victory in 2246
902 votes for myself, 278 against (177 hive, 72 Spartans, 29 U of P), 17 abstain (thanks, Miriam!)

Score 3488, 261%, top book = "27 Habits of Highly Effective Talents" (447 population, 129 commerce, 35 tech, 225 SP's)

I wan't happy about my score, so I reloaded my last save and played until 2250 and got the Hunter-Seeker.

1,052 votes for myself, 293 no (189 H, 72 S, 31 U)

Score 3600, 270%, "Critique of the Critique..." (492 population, 120 commerce, 38 tech, 250 SP's)

DilithiumDad posted 06-22-99 02:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad  Click Here to Email DilithiumDad     
Strategies for Quick Diplomatic Victory

Peacekeepers are the obvious choice with their double votes and higher hab limit. But don't count out the University, who can get the critical techs fastest. Also Dierdre has the ability to manage huge empires with her +2 or higher efficiency. The Hive is another choice with +1 growth form the beginning. Morgan is out of the running with his low hab limit.

Critical tech: Mind-machine interface is required for diplomatic victory, so you will have to research at least that far (quick conquest is out). Interestingly, this is the 'copter tech, which "enables" conquest voctory, too.

Other key techs: Environmental economics for Tree Farm (increases nutrients), and Planetary economics for Hybrid Forest (more nutrients), Global Trade Pact and the Ascetic Virtues (+2 hab limit and +1 police). Also key are Centarui ecology and the otherformer techs --get them early. Orbital Spaceflight for the Sky Hydroponics should be good, but probably only the U of P can get to it in time to do any good.

SE: Demo/Planned with creches built as the second facility (after recycling tanks) --this give syou pop booms. BUT you will need periods of Free Market to pump energy and research. Later on, you might want to go Green for brief periods for efficiency. Wealth and later on knowledge are good Values choices.

Secret Projects: Then Empath guild, with 50% votes bonus is a must. If you're the Peacekeepers, you now have triple votes. Also crucial is the Weather Paradigm and the Planetary Transit System. Having bases start at 3 is a tremendous boost to pop growth. Research the MMI, mass-produce Drop Colony Pods, and you've won.

Also nice to have are Human Genome (golden ages are also +2 growth), and longevity vaccine (-2 drones if you have a planned economy).

Basically, this is a population growth game. Your final scores will not be as high as with Trasncendence, but the game will be much quicker.

DilithiumDad posted 06-24-99 10:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad  Click Here to Email DilithiumDad     
Well, no one is taking me up on my challenges, so I will have to just beat myself !
New record: Diplomatic victory in 2239
Peacekeepers, started on fertile West coast south of Uranium Flats in Huge Map of Planet. The big break here was having the continent to myself (until Yang invaded, anyway).
Some dates:
2187: Built Empath Guild. Traded and sold tech and sold comm frequencies for the next five years. Total take: 600 credits and 6 new techs. Empath Guild is definitely an underated SP! The key is NOT to call council right away, but to monopoloize the comm links for a few years first.
2192: In the election of '92, I had 122 votes for myself. Yang had landed in Monsoon Jungle (Danger, Will Robinson!) and had 58 (I had a population of 41 but with tripled votes, so Yang had me beat on population big time). Dierdre was next with 39, then Miriam with 23, Zach with 19, and pitiful Morgan with 12.
2195: 140 votes
2202: 198, having just completed the Planetary Transit System
2207: 222 --entering Demo/planned-creche pop boom
2213: 284 --switch to demo/FM/golden age (10% psych) pop boom
2218: 320 (not bad growth on FM!)
2222: 410 (back to Planned)
2224: Yang runs for govenor, loses 494 to 96 Zach, (who likes my Knowledge values), gave me 26 votes and Morgan gave me 22.
2231: 650 votes. First sky hydroponic satellite launched, which will prove to be a key to victory (now I can put a base almost anywhere and the people won't starve).
2231: First battle victory (against Yang's 6-2-2 invasion forces) first conquest (recapture). Amazingly, Morgan was the first to conquer a city, against Miriam in 2197. Morgan repeatedly had Miriam on the run, mind controlling and outright conquering her cities (I was feeding him tech, of course, to fight for me by proxy). From this point on, I am all-out fighting Yang in Monsoon Jungle, because I can only get 3/4th's of the votes but subtracting from his total as well as adding to mine. I use drop colony pods to get island stepping stones, drop garrisons, and chaos needlejets (no copters --too overpowered). This is tough, because the Jungle is 4 turns away from my main bases in Uranium flats (distance of nearly 40 tiles).
2235: 706 votes.
2239: I now have two of Yang's size 7 cities. This tips the balance.
870 votes for myself, plus 55 from Santiago (we spoke pact to defend her against Dierdre), and 30 from Morgan (he was bribed with 3 new techs) for a total of 955 yes votes and "no" votes from Yang (96), Diredre (70), Zach (33; he was my pact buddy but we weren't that close, I guess (sniff)), and Miriam (22; she was being stomped upon by Morgan!).
Score = 4010, 200%, pop = 491, commerce = 277, tech = 40, SP = 275
Book = Will to Power...

MichaeltheGreat posted 06-24-99 10:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
DD - I'll give it a try, but it may take me a little while, given my schedule and recent habit of forgetting about some of my PBEM's in my mailbox.

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