Topic: Firaxis: I Demand You Make a Multiplayer SMAC!
posted 06-21-99 10:21 PM ET The back of my Alpha Centauri box prominently advertises "UNPRECEDENTED MULTIPLAYER". I admit that this is technically true; since no one has actually ever successfully played a multiplayer game of SMAC, it may fairly be said that multiplayer is "unprecedented". However this was not what I thought you meant when I bought the game.
Actually I don't really care if you fix it or not. I just thought I'd gripe about it a little.
posted 06-21-99 10:51 PM ET
I have over forty PBEM's going with no significant problems, after a few, repeat a few starting glitches. I've also had no trouble with IP play, though I don't do it as much.
So your gripe is not entirely accurate, but it's your gripe.
The Builder
posted 06-22-99 06:56 AM ET
I played a few games with a serial cable, that hasn't been a problem ever. The only thing I miss there are the stops at colonies which finished building something.
What I dislike whith Hotseat-Games is the steadily repeating question for a password.
Up to the Sky! The Builder
posted 06-22-99 09:57 AM ET
Yeah, well I haven't played one cause I can't get the damn multi player to work.
Q Cubed
posted 06-25-99 11:37 PM ET
Only done a PBEM.
DAMN, but it's slow!!!!!!
posted 06-26-99 06:20 AM ET
I've almost stopped playing single player SMAC (Except for when someone sets up a new interesting faction ) It's almost totally PBEM for me now.
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