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Author Topic:   Mysterious city growth and Drone Riots
SkyBlue posted 06-21-99 11:58 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for SkyBlue   Click Here to Email SkyBlue  
Supposedly, the only time your city increases in size is when your food "clicks over" or you have cloning vats. I have a game in which cities mysteriously increase in size for no apparent reason. I know I must be missing something, but I can't figure out what. I would be happy to send anyone the save game who would like to help me figure this out. email: [email protected] - Thanks
jimmytrick posted 06-21-99 01:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jimmytrick  Click Here to Email jimmytrick     
Pop growth out of a clear blue sky?

You are probably experiencing a pop boom.

This occurs when you reach +6 growth.

Example: SE choices DEM/PLAN = +4
children's creche = +2 = +6

Population will increase one per turn as long as you have nutrients available. Each pop point requires 2 nutrients.

Check your game for these circumstances. If not in place please feel free to send me a save.

Some folks think pop boom is a curse. I count it a blessing and would be glad to find another way to induce it.

SkyBlue posted 06-21-99 01:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SkyBlue  Click Here to Email SkyBlue     
Thanks JT, I'll take a look.

please explain:

Example: SE choices DEM/PLAN = +4
children's creche = +2 = +6

Are these the only circumstances that trigger a pop. boom? Is the +6 related to the population 6? or will it keep going as long as there is food? If I have a pop. <6 but have dem/plan/creche will it wait until pop 6 to snowball?

So many questions, so little time.

- SkyBlue

Mongoose posted 06-21-99 01:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mongoose  Click Here to Email Mongoose     
SkyBlue JT refers to +6 GROWTH. SE = Social Engineering. Democracy choice gives a +2 modifier to GROWTH. Planned economy gives a +2 modifier to GROWTH. These SE determined modifiers are faction wide. Any base which has constructed a Children's Creche gets +2 GROWTH at that base, on top of the +4 derived from SE if both Dem. and Planned are in effect, for a total in that base of +6.
Popoulation Boom occurs when a base has +6 GROWTH. See also the datalinks, GROWTH.

Additionally, there is a random event that I think only occurs in bases with creches - 'population surge in xx base' Perhaps this is what happened and you missed the message.

SkyBlue posted 06-22-99 09:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SkyBlue  Click Here to Email SkyBlue     
Thanks for the tips, you were right, +6 growth was causing it.
DilithiumDad posted 06-22-99 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DilithiumDad  Click Here to Email DilithiumDad     
Don't forget Golden Ages. They are also +2. When I play Peacekeepers, I like to build Research Hospitals, go Dem/Free Market/Wealth with 10% to Psych, then get pop boom from Golden+Dem+creche (2+2+2).

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