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Author | Topic: You know you play too much SMAC when... |
Tandoori |
![]() ![]() ![]() You terraform your back garden... You try to research Transcendent Thought in college... You build a lego planet buster... more anyone?? =) |
Rimmer |
![]() ![]() HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH. I almost peed on myself. You are so creative and funny. Tell me a joke about airline food. Better yet mattress tags. AJR B.S.C. S.S.C. |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() You refer to the garden fence as a Perimeter Defense. You build a sensor in your garden. You refer to your car as a Recon Rover. You check the local arcade for the Recon Rover Rick game. Every time you see an earthworm you yell "Mind worms! Where's my flamegun" and run away. You build a functioning chaos gun out of the trash in your garage. You spend hours in a forest hoping you'll see Deirdre dancing naked among the trees. |
MichaeltheGreat |
![]() ![]() ![]() Rimmer - why don't you and Hardman wander off to a little island somewhere and hose each other down, someplace where there is no internet connection for you to post your mindless, puerile, attitude. We don't really give a F*CK about your little fetish. Although I do think it would be entertaining to see a video of you buried to your neck in a quicksand of overused kitty litter. Why don't you spray some in your ear and give yourself more brains than you currently have. (Hey, anything would help you.) |
MichaeltheGreat |
![]() ![]() ![]() Stasis - you dream about dancing naked in a forest WITH Deirdre ![]() ![]() |
jimmytrick |
![]() ![]() ![]() while diddling your wife you scream: "oh Miriam " [top that one |
MichaeltheGreat |
![]() ![]() ![]() Great Lt. Col. and fellow southern boy JimmyT - If I ever THOUGHT about Miriam and diddling within a few hours of each other, I'd check myself into the seminary and give it up. I try not to even think of her when I'm SMACing, let alone any other time. Now Deirdre the babe is a totally different story, and Santiago would be nice for a hot weekend fling, assuming she'd never heard of Fatal Attraction or Lorena Bobbitt. |
LoD |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, come on people, you're surfacing an old thread... ![]() LoD |
Delgath |
![]() ![]() A fly lands on you and you go catatonic from assuming it was a locust of Chiron. You start building Zak's glasses. (Not that funny by itself, but I'm actually doing this. Although you can't see through the green lens.) You name your house "University Base". You join the NRA and campaign to change the name to "The Spartans" When voting for your nation's leader you add another box to the form and vote for Pravin Lal. You try to commune with the fungus by talking to your Tinea. -Delgath. UoP. |
Galen |
![]() ![]() ![]() post it here. |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() I agree. Post it here. |
Rimmer |
![]() ![]() Little Mike. Who is Hardman? BTW I am sorry to ruin the reality and mysticism that this site represents to you. Sometimes I forget that autistics have no sense of humor. I'll keep looking for your baseball. Jimmy, AJR B.S.C. S.S.C. |
TheMadStork |
![]() ![]() ![]() My favorite from the previous thread was: "You follow everything you say with: <Your Name>, Datalinks." May the owner of this I.P. claim it. I go now. |
LoD |
![]() ![]() ![]() By unanimous (2/2 votes) I'm posting it here: I hope this works correctly: OK, the original topic is You know you played too much SMAC when... (Top 10) Axeman In no particular order: You construct a perimeter defense to keep the neighbor's dog from "messing" in your You refer to the toilet the "recycling tank" Your fiance asks if she is going to be a You dont give your kids 'time-out' any more, lol. These are pretty good! You construct an Echelon Mirror out of old, broken solar calculators. While playing SMAC, send the wife out for nutrients in the supply crawler. You begin writing your forum name and password on any document asking NAME: Instead of turning the heat up, you build a thermal borehole to raise temperature. You begin to wonder why Lal's never intervened in Bosnia. You begin searching for mind worm boils in your backyard so you can get Planetpearls. <-:-)-K 1. You refer to a frat party as "drone riots" 2. Your promise kids to build a singularity planet buster for the 4th of July. 3. You suddenly stop in the middle of trafic thinking you just heard the PlanetVoice. 4. You actualy start writing "How to raise a nerve-stapled child." 5. When people mention cutpaper-animation hit you think they talk about the scene 6. You approach your boss with voice converter and exclaim with digital overtones, 7. You attempt to mind-control your pet. 8. You notice an earthworm and shout "Use your flameguns!" to the nearby 9a)Your wife uses pop-ups to remind you of important things, such as eating. 9b) You scorn at her attempts claiming you are about to reach transcendence 10. You refer to your work associates as "GeneJacks." 11. You rewire your company building to obtain enough energy credits to complete the 12. You are very cautious near religious fanatics because of their +25% belief bonus. 13. At a corporate meeting you suggest to elect Mr. Yang for a chairman to get the 14. You suggest to your boss to send a Probe Team to the rival's company building. 15. You reprimend people at work for refering their computers in any other way than 16. You tell your landlord you can't pay the rent because of heavy clouds and mist 17. You scout the countryside for monoliths and Unity pods. 18. You go to your bank with bags full of batteries and ask the clerk if they accept 19. You assign significan part of your budget to your misbehaving kids expecting 20. You spend significant amount of time trying to come up with an addition to this
You're trying to run over stray dogs with your car, hoping that it will become elite for When there are elections, you vote for the faction that goes for the Weather When you go on vacation, you put hypnotic trance on your caravan. There is sunspot activity, and you get lonely, because there is no one to talk to. You say to your supervisor "Vendetta upon you!" when receiving a new project at You spend all your work time lurking in the SMAC forums! You replace the hood ornament on you '89 Buick Le Sabre with a Chaos Gun. Unlike environmentally concerned citizens worldwide, you're all for melting the polar ice Before you head for the bathroom, you announce, "Boy, I've got to go cause some You snicker as you drive by the local church, knowing that the poor fools inside must You've written Playboy, requesting that they pursue a photo shoot with Deidre. You're arrested for spraying local business' walls with Spartan barracks graffiti. Ammendment to Mnich's #6: When you complete a job at work, you say "ProjectProject Completeplete" You look out the window, wondering where the second sun is. You begin to lift up 'man hole covers' in the hope that they contain new tech Manhole covers? I've been dumpster diving myself. Talk about blooms? Eeeeeuuuuuuuuu! :-( You read the forum thinking you'd definitely PB those clueless newbies when the When somebody steals your parking space, you tell them that they have violated your You disassemble your car so that you can choose different components every time You move next to a farm in order to increase your wife's chances of getting pregnant. When that doesn't work, you start siphoning energy from your neighbors to try and You put a sign on your house that says "University Base." Walk to your neighbors and show off your new "toy" and tell them to shut-up at 4 When you see a construction site you think of terraforming (happend to me!). Highways become Magtubes to you. Refer (sp?) to the internet as "datalinks". Try and make your own game named "Omega Centauri" only to realize it will suck When you have a kid you change the population number on your house from 2 to 3. Shopping carts at Kroger are now supply crawlers. You hear the word children and think of the base facalty and not your own kids. If you see someone litter you pronounce vendetta and start mumbleing about Morgan You try and launch your own satalites to get more food. When you order pizza you ask the delivery boy a series of questions to see if hes in You hear the Gilligans Island theme and think of the creative song written in the Afraid of demon-boil squirrels, you try and be eco-freindly. Mnich 20. gotag (btw, 'go, tag!' or "got a 'G'"?)
You try to classify weather forecasts into Cloud Coverage: sparse, average, Real conversation: you wonder 'Alpha' Centauri shouldn't get 'beta' tested you talk with your cousin woking for Physics PhD at Stanford, and you tell him: Breakfast: wondering if you'd pour the second orange juice mug "Have I drunk my fill?" urgent need ...mmm, Pi$$Keeper when I disagree with my (friendly) boss, I tell him: forgot how do you call the car plaques/labels with identification code (letters and/or
Here are a few more... You start lobbying your government to start work on "submersable carriers." Every time you see Bill Gates, you do a double-take because he is causcasian. You confuse your son's Transformers video with his Construction Machines video, You annoy your fiancee by repeatedly stating, "but even 500 would be pretty nice!" You know you're addicted to SMAC when.. You're actually happy when your wife says "sorry hon, I have a headache," because You're on your 9th beer, it's late, the lights are dim, and you start thinking that maybe You're a teacher and you spend your non-playing SMAC time trying to figure out how You call your Jeep scout rover and wish you have a gravship instead. 10) You've been on these forums since October Imran Siddiqui - You take your rover (..er car) in for service and insist on an upgrade to a fusion L8r when you are eating spaghetti. You forget what you are doing, and start yelling: You watch a movie about archeollogy, and wonders what on earth that Thermal stands in the middle of a Highway, and wonders why the mag tubes doesn't work. You try to pet up your spaghetti, so that it eventually might become Demon Boil once. You do permanent damage to your bladder by forgetting to pee (how many of you You start a game at night and then become bewildered at why the room is so bright all Both true stories, no attention-deficit here. You have nothing funny to add, but you reply to this post anyway. You avoid KFC because you're afraid the food is cloned. You get in a fight with your boyfriend and declare "Vendetta" on him. Your laptop hard drive is full... of nothing but saved games. You attempt to grow moind worm DNA in your refrigerator. When asked why you're building an extension to your house you reply, "maximum When you're mad at someone and you tell them to, "go play in the Xenofungus" It's 4.30 am, you're dead tired and have been lying in your bed for a few minutes. You -Aredhran Your bargaining position when shopping for a house is: "$200,000 for that wretched You are certain that if you could get that fire hydrant into your house and hook it up This is something that happened to me in real life. I was walking down to get some You stomp on bugs to get Planetpearls Whenever you see a mushroom outside your house, you feel you need to reduce You hear about global warming and write to your representative asking for a pressure
lol... I cant stop thinking of giant squid filling out his application for work! lol... I cant stop thinking of giant squid filling out his application for work! 1) You move your family to the west coast because it is easier to grow nutrients you check the toy section for Recon Rover Rick action figures. you never eat Spaghetti anymore when your stuck in traffic, you imagine yourself as part of a great Rover Run. you call the auto parts store a design workshop. you call you wife Deidre while making woopie (no, I didn't) - You try to bargain with the bank by telling them if they'll give you $500 you'll pay - You inform your wife that you now know the names of your first 7 children. - You don't read the directions when putting together your new computer desk....you - You refer to sex as "Orbital Insertion" - You buy a frame for your Technology Tree poster When your making a post, and you bring up the game screen to verify some info, and you buy a bunch of small pools to put in your backyard so you can have you own When you meet someone from the States, who you 'met' on the SMAC forums, for a True story. What do you mean? Whoops, I forgot this open for awhile...!!! Great forum Axeman! 1) The letters 'r', 'l', and 'h' have had the transfers warn away on your keyboard. 2) You never finish the Gaians off because the idea of Deirdre in a Punishment Sphere 3) You've got a pair of sun glasses like Academician Prokharov... 4) You've started talking in an accent similar to the leader of your chosen faction. 5) Your dog, Scout Rover, has learnt to switch off the power to your computer when 6) You've compiled copy of 'We must dissent' from the voice overs... 7) You play a few 'warm-up games' at talent level before trying to break your record 8) You have a save file of the map of planet where you terraformed your name into a 9) Your login password at work is De1rdre...(Okay, how many of you have just 10) You stay behind fifteen minutes after everyone else has left the office compiling your dog Scout Rover!!??!! ROFLMAO. Your game CD has become so thin from use that it only has one side. -While mowing the lawn you find your dog's chew toy and hook it to your computer to -You're afraid to carry grafiti because you think the lasers from the Self-Aware Colony -You refer to your umbrella as The Weather Paradgim -You're afraid to go to church because of the Believers' 25% attack bonus -You romp naked among the trees hoping to meet Dierdre When you leave for the day, you try to upgrade your dogs to police units. You wonder, sitting behind a SUV in traffic, if any combination of special abilities in You read about the Cold War and think "If the USSR had downloaded 3.0, they'd have You call the local National Guard station the Bioenhancement Center. You start to research the history of the United States Marine Corps after taking all of Hey its me again. Oh yeah btw never set your new topic to "e-mail when someone responds", i learned Talon 10.You remember the old forums -Talon
1> YOU start stuttering. 2> You have a seperate folder on your HD called Bugsaves. 3> You blame problems on someone's system, when it is obviously a game problem. 4> You finally admit that you are never wrong. 5> When you turn your body, you use a stop and go motion doing it. 6> You use a solid blue wallpaper on your desktop, because that is what your use to. 7> Your favorite quote is: 'Damnit, not again!?!" 8> You buy Activision stock. 9> Your doctor gives you medicine to treat masochism. 10> You think the boogyYin is hiding in your closet. someone is obviously unsatisfied Carnivean Talon: You know YYYH personally? I'm so sorry. 1. You wonder if Santiago would like to inspect YOUR Artillery :p 2. You hook up a nutriant drip by the side of your PC to try and prevent fainting due 3. You wonder why students don't have white flags on their back. 4. You can't spell anymore. Whoops. you're having a running dialogue with the computer. CPU: "Perhaps a careful review of your op--" Me: [hitting return, annoyed] Thank you, Mr. Data. You can quote word for word everything that is said for each advancement To Voices in your head are starting to talk like Morgan You refer to the Washington Monument as the Monolith 1) You refer to your religious leader (priest, minister, rabbi, etc.) as Sister. <=O=E I was walking outside the other night when I saw a bright star. My immediate reaction Talon do we have a constitution? I thought it was Green Army not BoS... Anyhow, you know you'll have to go to school early tomorrow, and you just keep Yes, Jay! I'm suprised at you! I wrote the Constitution myself (of course I've forgotten Imran Siddiqui You rupture your bladder playing SMAC, AND make a post to the forums while waiting You edit your Software Engineering textbook, substituting SW lifecycle with MW You start quoting quotes quoted in SMAC in everyday conversations: "Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators You put Friedrich Nietzsche on your reading list and Baraka on your must-see list. You keep the game running in the background to have the Datalinks available for You start referring to weeds as Xenofungus, and weeding as "clearing fungus". You replace your Gregorian calendar's "A.D." with SMAC's "M.Y.", as in "the Y2k bug You think by building an Echelon Mirror in Ireland, moving to Scotland, and building a You see an offshore oil rig and think, "6 energy credits!" You see a News Helicopter and think, "1-1-12 Police / Clean Probe Copter". You see a Police Car and think, "1-1-2 Police / Clean Scout Rover". You see a surveillance camera and think, "We Must Dissent! *** ZAP ***" You build Special Projects just to watch those cool movies. Then you run "PlayUV" to You see a politician from another country and wonder what his country's SE settings You see a politician from your country and wonder what SE settings he would like You walk into your local bookstore and ask for a copy of "The Ethics of Greed". When you say a quote from SMAC you credit it to the faction leader who said it. You where mentioned in the story. You stay up to 4am, posting on the SMAC forums (true story). You start reading the suggested science fiction from the back of the manual. Manual? "I would like to have is Raquel Welsch (sp?) dropped on my head. She's got a big sandworm - If someone has to stop playing your multiplayer game, you say out loud, "Please - When your roommate is hogging the bathroom or phone you contemplate turning off - When a car cuts you off in traffic you think to yourself: "Stupid AI" - You start referring to anyone who disagrees with you as "Yin" - You start humming that catchy "Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum ... dum dum dum - You get a bunch of mossy rocks, paint them red and put them in your front yard, - You look forward to bribing your neighbors to vote for you in the next Council - You tell your boss that the new Recreation Commons are nice, but unless they - You call up Swingline and ask if they sell Nerve Staplers - You start looking for your favorite faction leader's books on Amazon.com - You send birthday cards and gifts to faction leaders that were born before the year - You start thinking that if you go to Kosovo and become a mercenary, you might get - You find yourself suffering from the JOMP syndrome (Just One More Post) - You find yourself compulsively clicking on the little forum sunglasses so you can - When life gets rough you start contemplating starting over again on Citizen difficulty - You find yourself suffering from the JOMTTL syndrome (Just One More Top Ten Line) - You sign your posts with some cute little saying about the game SMAC n ... Ted S. How about, you threaten your friends by saying, "I will terminate you as a matter of This has become a regular saying of mine now... =) You use prahses like "Sorry, no cheque no tech!" in everyday conversation. hehehe...
(You then go to jail for child abuse) Nahh, you just get UN sanctions imposed on you. You have gotten a suntan from all the computer radiation You have the tech chart memorized You are trying to drill to the aquifer in your backyard so you can get more water YOu call your TV a Hologram Theatre You start playing Friday Night and finish just in time for school monday The binding that holds the pages of the manual are wearing out. New TV Show "Where in the Planet is Col. Santiago" You notice that the Believer symbol looks like Kenny from South Park. Couple more The members of Firaxis has to issue a restraining order on you. When steping outside, you get scared by the bright warm yellow ball in the sky. -You tell the new neighbors that it is customary of smaller, weaker factions to pay a -You miss your wedding because of JOMT (just one more turn) sydrome. -You keep starting new games with the UoP just to hear Zhakarov say his name. (i do) - you start submitting words with the word "SMAC" in daily conversations - you actually think "SMAC" is a word - after reading the previous 76 posts, you still have something to contribute - you spend a lot of time replying to a thread, submit your reply, and get the "you You continue to supply posts even though the premise has worn thin. You see a Ford Probe drive by, and you assume they're going to break into your home You stop taking baths in order to recreate Xenofungus growth.
LoD |
onepaul |
![]() ![]() ![]() case closed... ![]() |
Stefu |
![]() ![]() ![]() You are hysterically afraid of fishing. I mean, first you take can of mindwrms and THEN you go to potentially meet Isle of the Deep? You only eat apples, and even when doing so call them 'nutrients.' You whistle Network Node song in public. You wonder why YOUR television doesn't show Morgan doing aerobic. You now pronounce 'complete' as 'conclete' You have used WinAmp to make some quotes of your own. Your insults always have Big First Letters. |
icosahedron |
![]() ![]() HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! - ico |
lucifer |
![]() ![]() ![]() you impose 10 years of sanctions against your kids for using "nerve gas pods" (farting) you swear to never build the hunter seeker algorithm (after all you wouldn't want your "probe" team to be a thing of the past) you try to nerve staple your teenage kid for rebelling/"rioting" you have dreams of xenofungal blooms only to wake up and find the only thing that has bloomed on "planet" is your hemoroid problem |
Resource Consumer |
![]() ![]() ![]() So what. Truth for you....... I went into our local stationers and asked for Nerve Staples. They suggested that I tried at the Post Office..... So, between tears of laughter, I even paid my phone bill. No NSs though........ Resource Consumer |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() You refer to your cable modem as the Bulk Matter Transmitter. |
Wank |
![]() ![]() ![]() Your speech at a company board meeting includes the words: "Results show that we have a Paradigm Economy but our Labs output is -10%." As a teacher, your opening day speech to your physics class consists of: "Zee substructure of zee universe reegresses eenfinitely tovards smoller and smoller components. Behind atoms ve find electrons, When you arguing about the US's stance in the wars between various other countries, you mention something about singularity needlejets, drop probe teams, and planet busters, citing "that'll teach that religious bitch". Instead of celebrating your 18th birthday you announce: "I have achieved Mature Boil Status!!" While arguing with friends or coleagues you find yourself saying: "Oh yeah? Well Morgan says that (insert something here)" You call up Bill Clinton and say: "President Clinton, your so called 'Democracy' is godless and wretched. True freedom and happiness are only to be found in God's love, and I urge you to repent your sins and open your heart to the Lord." Ok, thats it for now, I'm busy, be back with more later. Wank |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() Someone tries to sell you something for $100 and you say "Perhaps 50 credits would take care of our little problem." |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() Every time you quote someone you end with --(name), Datalinks. |
Resource Consumer |
![]() ![]() ![]() When your kids ask you for additional pocket money, tou reply either : "I am not your personal moneylender" Or "50 it is, then, but if you rob me you will feel my wrath" |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() You visit the Washington monument and actually DO get a morale upgrade. |
Wank |
![]() ![]() ![]() RC: You forgot: "I'll lend you half of that, and no more" ![]() You spend 50K on plastic surgery to make you look like Deirdre......and you're male. As a teacher, you split off 5 students from your class, telling them that they're talents and should paint their faces white, grow tentacles, and wear robes. You buy a Tyco offroad remote controlled pickup, and make it run over earthworms, shouting "Take that Planet!" You develop a SEVERE hatred of all redheaded women. During conversations with other people, you involuntarily say "OK" after they say each sentence. Wank |
Stasis Archon |
![]() ![]() ![]() You try to research nonlinear mathematics so you can be the first guy on the block with a particle impactor. When depositing money in a bank you say: "Would you find a modest sum of energy credits helpful?" You almost get a divorce trying to explain what happened between you and three women called Deirdre, Miriam and Corazon when your wife was away. You then manage to persuade your wife to play SMAC. I think maybe we should make a top 50 or top 100 of these and get it posted on some SMAC page. That would rule. |
edgecrusher |
![]() ![]() ![]() you've named your twins "nessus" and "chiron". "edgecrusher" ~ Spartan Probe Team 'angelis' |
itdoesntfit |
![]() ![]() When you capture worms in your garden and set them free... "Go my pets!" |
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