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  what number do punishment spheres change?

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Author Topic:   what number do punishment spheres change?
korn469 posted 06-18-99 08:06 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for korn469   Click Here to Email korn469  
exactly what number does a punishment sphere change? the book says it decreases labs by 1/2. so how exactly does that effect your research? would it be the same as having a negative 5 in research? does it just effect the lab bonus? how exactly does it work? ok for example you have zero on the research scale besides your headquaters it has three structures in it. a punishment sphere a biology lab and a network node you're taking in 8 energy total and 4 energy is going to your labs and you have a librarian in your city.

ok the biology lab supposedly provided +2 research. the network node supposedly increases research at the base by 50% and the punishment shpere supposed to decrease labs by 1/2. the librarian provides +3 bonus to labs. so how exactly does the punishment sphere effect your base? i have been playing around with them lately and it seems to have no effect at all. i am begining to think it is a bug. please if anyone knows the answers (like the formula on how it calculates the punishment sphere into research) i will greatly appreciate it.


aceplayer posted 06-18-99 10:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for aceplayer  Click Here to Email aceplayer     
I think the confusion is because there are 2 types of research. You have output of labs and social factors. A social Factor adjustment would be expressed as +2 - a 50% bonus is different.

aceplayer posted 06-19-99 10:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for aceplayer  Click Here to Email aceplayer     
ok - I duplicated your result - you are right.

I had the same research output after I built the punishment sphere.

korn469 posted 06-19-99 12:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
so you found it to? punishment spheres don't work right do they? they don't decrease research with you either? Huston we have a bug! i guess we need verification


aceplayer posted 06-19-99 12:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for aceplayer  Click Here to Email aceplayer     
korn - I never used punishment sphere because -50% research was too much

LOL - so now they could solve all my drone problems - but that would be cheating....

korn469 posted 06-19-99 01:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
aceplayer i was wrong punishment spheres do penalize your research


korn469 posted 06-19-99 02:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     

yeah i changed my mind, but the reason i changed my mind is i found where the punishment penalty comes into play and it's a hidden number. i wrote a VERY VERY detailed discription of how the research system works except i lost my internet connection and i restarted my computer and lost it all! ARGGG!

ok but here's how punishment spheres work. to make it simple i'm basing this on one city. take the total research number from your city (that's the raw number plus the bonus points) then multiply that number by the research penalty/bonus for your factions social engineering. this gives you the tech per turn number on the F2 screen. now if you have a punishment sphere the game multiplies the tech per turn number by 1/2 when it adds it to the total tech accumulated in the F2 screen. so when you have a punishment sphere in your city, you actually are only going to add half the number it has in tech per turn. try it it works. but in my game it's basing the turns till discover on the tech per turn number before it's modified by the punishment sphere. so it's saying i'm going to discover a tech twice as quick as what i really am. so i did find a bug, just not a big one. but all i got to say unless you know where and what to look for you're not going to see how a punishment sphere effects you.

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