Topic: A Fungicidal Laser Skimship????
xknwn1 |
posted 06-15-99 10:53 AM ET
The AI came up with a new one I'd never seen (or can even produce if I wanted to!), a Fungicidal Laser Skimship (2)-2-4! SM armor, laser weapon, on a Foil, with a gold fungicidal tank on either side of the laser...weird! Don't even know what the heck you could use it for. Have read here about the "Clean Missle" Bug. Any other strange combinations the AI has come up with? :-P
posted 06-16-99 04:00 AM ET
The question is, does it actually clear fungus ?Other than clean missiles (which make sense, come to think about it), I've never seen any weird units myself. Aredhran
posted 06-16-99 04:15 AM ET
AAA transport is the one that pisses me off. I have a save of that bug too. (I have a big bug save file). |
posted 06-16-99 06:32 AM ET
AAA transport also makes sense, it's just aggravating that the AI can design them, but *you* can't.  Btw, the reason I experienced the clean missiles thing was in my first game when I had the auto-design units (later on, I have always finished the game either before anybody could build them, or nobody but me was in a position to ) Aredhran
posted 06-16-99 11:20 AM ET
You too can have AAA transports  Just open alpha.txt in notepad and change this - AAA Tracking, 1, MilAlg, AAA, 00010001011, x2 vs. air attacks To this - AAA Tracking, 1, MilAlg, AAA, 00010101011, x2 vs. air attacks Rather easy really  ~Rackam
posted 06-16-99 11:47 AM ET
Rackham, I know I can edit alpha.txt... but my point is with standard rules (which is what I like to play) *I* can't do it, but the AI can.Thanks for pointing out the details though. Aredhran |
posted 06-16-99 09:59 PM ET
Never did see if this aborition did anything. It came into play at 2377. Even though I'm a "Builder", the turn after it appeared, I blew it away with a Needlejet. LOL Kick myself for not having the foresight to save the game so others could see it! Didn't realize how odd it really was until much later, and by then, too late. |
posted 06-17-99 11:21 AM ET
AAA Tracking, 1, MilAlg, AAA, 00010101011, x2 vs. air attacks AAA Tracking, 1, MilAlg, AAA, 00010001011, x2 vs. air attacksAhh... I see the difference.... BTW, they're inverted now. |
Teve Torbes
posted 06-17-99 04:07 PM ET
I've managed to get my own fungicical missle foil by mind-controlling it from the Believers. It doesn't clear any fungus, it functions just like a regular ship. |