Topic: NELL... How do you like your hats???
chagarra |
posted 06-13-99 02:37 AM ET
You weren't very specific, who's hat you were going to eat, your's, Lal's (YUK), mine, or some other variety, and which way would you prefer it served.I did think of getting TRIPP to chargrill it for you, that would have gone nicely with the tabasco Aredhran posted you, and with Darkstar wanting to watch the epicurian delicacy. But it seems his get up and go, has got up and went.  So it seems like it's boiled Lal's, with a little extra tripe thrown in for good measure and to make sure there are no nasty little suprises  It could almost be an excuse for a party What do you think
posted 06-13-99 02:46 AM ET
Hey, I am still here. And still waiting. I have never seen anyone eat a hat... some humble pie and some crow, but not a hat.And parties are always fun. Which leads me to two other thoughts... Nell and parties - Just saw Star Wars: Phantom Menace... Oops! I had been picturing the wrong actor as Obi. Oh Well!  Parties, alcohol, and consequences - Just seen a greatly wrong thing. Again. Why is it, if a woman drinks and decides to have sex, wakes up the next morning with the someone other than her long distance or estranged boyfriend, its rape. But if she does the same thing on crack, crank, or any other non-legal drug, its not? If its murder when you get into a car drunk and kill someone, that means you took responsibility for your actions when you took the drug (Alcohol). This is borne throughout the American Legal System as a guiding rule... unless there was suppose to have been some form of sex involved. If the woman couldn't GIVE consent, that doesn't excuse the drunk guy that consented to her. Is this not a double standard? Sorry... It late at night, and Discover channel shows the oddest things... Hypocracy just pushes my outrage buttons (even when I do it). -Darkstar |
posted 06-17-99 05:01 PM ET
Chagarra: Nooooo come on, I need proof!! Hat-eating is not to be done lightly, nor without good cause!! And I'm not going to waste Aredhran's Tabasco unless I have to...Darkstar: Surely you didn't think I had some kind of fetish about Liam Neeson? He's nowhere near classy enough... Ewan is where it's at... and guess what, he's signed up for the next two films in the series as well... now all I need is some way of skipping the next three years until Episode 2 arrives! hehe Nell... rambling on  PS: A spooky thought occurs: you didn't think it was the ORIGINAL Obi-Wan Kenobi, did you? Alec Guinness may be a fine actor, but, well, you get my point! Ack! |
posted 06-17-99 05:33 PM ET
Nell - I knew it was not the actor of SW:Hope that you so enjoyed to look at. But I just thought it was the nice looking man and not the "punk kid". But then, I'm a guy into gals, so what would I know? I have never figured out how women thought men were good looking. Must be biological thing.Well, I an sure you will manage to survive until episode two. Somehow. You're tough. We've seen you beat Trippin and seen how rowdy some raves get. Not moshing, perhaps, but you can't be soft and survive those things.  And what kind of proof are you going to need? I want to see you eat that hat!  -Darkstar |
posted 06-18-99 02:29 AM ET
NellProof��???��. You want proof��.!!!!! How can I tell thee in so many ways, Shall I just paraphrase Descartes � Errr� we've had that thread recently. Shall I just state that my birthdate is ..19-04-1938 �.. Which makes me a ( MATURE ? ) Aries, or depending on which Chinese calendar you use, a Tiger or a Rat � I've been called both at various times.  Maybe the clincher� Somewhere in my ancestral home I believe that my first ever LP record I brought�Yes record, those big black disks with circular scratches all over them�A first release copy of .. Wait for it� Bill Hayley's Rock around the clock�. I worked long hours to afford that The Marconi Company wasn't even putting lights in boxes then, in fact we had just brought the first three speed record player in our street. But I digress���. No more the deponent sayeth�.On the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me, and make people think I'm old. Back to the subject matter. Which flavour of hat do you prefer�..??�.  We could cook it up in a pie, and call it humble ? 
posted 06-18-99 11:35 AM ET
chagarra: Bill Haley and the Comets? That's new-fangled. About the time you were crawling out of nappies (diapers to the unwashed), the Marx Brothers were making a movie called "The Big Store" in which Virginia O'Brien sang "Rock a Bye Baby" - and that was no nursery rhyme!The refrain "Rock, rock, rock!" was sung in a style that could have been sixteen years later for all the musical industry remembered. |
posted 06-18-99 12:18 PM ET
ZoetropeDo you know those facts from first hand, or are they from a history lecture. If first hand then "Ipso Facto" You are much older than I. Which makes me feel young and happy, but, unfortunately will not help me prove to Nell,who stated that if I were 61 she would eat her hat, or Lal's hat, or somebody's hat, That I am indeed that vintage Like fine wine, with age, we mature ...  |
posted 06-18-99 05:07 PM ET
barthelomew cubbins ??dont know how to spell it  |
posted 06-21-99 03:08 AM ET
Nell Just bringing this back up to the top for you |
posted 06-21-99 05:31 PM ET
chagarra: lol... OK, OK, I concede defeat... although I'm still not entirely convinced... hmmm I guess it's my choice, so I'm going for my hat, being unable to bear the thought of Lal's sweaty scalp! (Thanks for that, Aredhran... hehe) Nell... picking bits of hat out of her teeth...  PS: I remain to be persuaded that you're not having a laugh at my expense...! |
MikeH II
posted 06-22-99 10:11 AM ET
What is this thread about? I'm confused. |
posted 06-22-99 10:23 AM ET
Mike, I don't remember exactly which thread this business started in, but basically chagarra said he was older than dirt, Nell said he was not, "I'll eat my hat or even Lal's if you are", and turns out chagarra is 61...The rest is history  Aredhran
posted 06-22-99 10:29 AM ET
I found it... it's in the "My name is Freddz Nostradamus" thread !Nell said: If you're 61 I'll eat my hat... or even Lal's silly hat, if need be Chagarra answered: Honest injun,,, I retired a few years ago, or to use an australian euphenism, I was retrenched. I was in the middle of a directors power play, didn't like, and said so. Employment being what it is I had a few contract positions desiging PCB's but that became too boring, so yup.. A geriatric SMACer. A hat for a cat or A cat for a hat But nothing for nothing ( Jordan.... LoC ) It looks like Lal will be hatless for evermore
MikeH II
posted 06-22-99 11:09 AM ET
I think that makes chagarra the oldest poster on these boards but not by much.... |
MikeH II
posted 06-22-99 11:11 AM ET
I meant to say "the oldest poster on these boards THAT I KNOW ABOUT" |
posted 06-23-99 10:51 PM ET
NellPlease ....If you dont mind..... A full blow by blow description. A Royal wedding coverage. So we can hear the crowds and smell the roses. Which hat. A Royal Ascot type, large and fluffy but with no nourishment,---A normal Ascot type, floral or fruity, nourishing but tending to be constipatory.---Or one of those flighty bits of fluff and feathers, that would melt in the mouth and leave you looking for more. None of this nit... sorry...bit picking from the teeth...(kept thinking of Lal). WE want a watch..... We want a watch. |
posted 06-24-99 07:00 PM ET
chagarra: No no nooooo what else would you expect from a Brit, but a bowler hat?? Crispy, crunchy and utterly delicious  hehe Nell... thinking that one of those fluffy Ascot ones would make a good dessert... PS: Now come on, I warned you... ringside seats will cost ya! |