Topic: Nell: you need a zippo.
Picker |
posted 06-10-99 10:39 AM ET
You'll never not be able to find it. They are so expensive you always know where they are.
posted 06-10-99 10:48 AM ET
I lost a zippo, once. |
posted 06-10-99 10:57 AM ET
Me too, I wasn't pleased. |
posted 06-10-99 11:06 AM ET
I don't smoke... but if I had your problem I would just buy a bunch of disposable bic lighters, and have them all over the place. pocket, kitchen, car, PC, work, you name it, there's a BIC in there...Just my CHF 0.05 Aredhran -but Eris, you should quit smoking anyway - |
posted 06-10-99 11:16 AM ET
I usually have at least 2 lighters and one pack of matches around, but sometimes they're all hiding.Eris (unrepentenant smoker). |
posted 06-10-99 11:20 AM ET
Hey Hey. I am also an unrepentant smoker. And I have asthma, so if anyone should not smoke, it is me. |
MikeH II
posted 06-10-99 11:32 AM ET
A friend of mine lost 2 Zippos in 2 days, bought one, lost it, thought I can't do that again, bought a replacement, lost it, bought some matches. Aredhran: If you were a smoker (or an ex-smoker like me) you'd know that that approach whilst sound in principle doesn't work in practice. You end up with a load of cheap lost lighters. The thing to do is get one and never let it out of your sight for a second. Either that or chain smoke, then you only need one light a day. |
posted 06-10-99 11:59 AM ET
Why? Won't his flamethrower work just as well ? Oh, I forgot, he'll need that new kind of asbestos cigarettes to go with it . |
MikeH II
posted 06-10-99 12:04 PM ET
Mmmmm asbestos cigarettes! I can't think of a more efficient way to give yourself lung cancer. |
posted 06-10-99 12:08 PM ET
I don't know, tar works pretty good.(For those who don't know its the tar that cigarette companies put in their cigarettes that causes lung cancer) |
posted 06-10-99 12:09 PM ET
Well, to quit smoking is quite easy. I do it nearly everyday.Don't forget that *hiding* your lighter gives you an excellent excuse to approach someone (hehe, I actually restarted smoking twice after 8 months this way, what an idiot). Only one today... <cough, cough> |
posted 06-10-99 12:10 PM ET
3 so far. |
posted 06-10-99 05:33 PM ET
Its also the filter. When it starts to heat up, it gives off nasty stuff.Then again, tobacco WILL do it with its natural stuff if you suck down enough of it's smoke. Lots of stuff will upset your lungs... -Darkstar (Enjoying being on the other side for a change...) |
posted 06-10-99 05:38 PM ET
hehehe Aredhran -who doesn't smoke but works for R. J. Reynolds -
trippin daily
posted 06-10-99 06:00 PM ET
Why is everybody here assuming that everyone else is smoking cigarettes? You know you all are just trying to play nice. You all think each other are bombed out potheads. Now me, I have 4 lighters, ALWAYS. I have one on me, one in the car, one in my room, and the car lighter itself. That way I never am without a lighter. One is always a short distance away if I lost the one in my pocket. Now me, I can't smoke cigarettes (well I can smoke them, but I can't breath in second hand smoke, if I do I get sick as a dog... pretty ****ed up there), but I smoke 'herbal' remedies for my migrianes. So a lighter is crucial. Picker: Cigarette companies don't put tar in their cigarettes (I think ). Tobacco has tar in it. Most plants do give off some sort of nasty **** when they burn. Tobacco happens to leave tar, so does the wacko tobacco. Trippin Daily -I have nothing to say in this little line today - |
posted 06-10-99 06:11 PM ET
R.J. Reynolds was an outfielder for the Dodgers, but, I didn't know he was Swiss???? |
posted 06-10-99 09:21 PM ET
Hey that's why I was so upset about the lighter... it IS a Zippo, one of those nice engraved ones, and what's more, my sister gave it to me years ago as a present... and the hinge broke, so I mended it with a paperclip... and it's been with me ever since, through thick and thin, to raves and home again, all over the world... erks I'd better stop before I start crying This horrid disposable just ISN'T THE SAME... though it does light things, which I guess is what a lighter should do. I haven't given up hope though... my Zippo isn't lost, it's just hiding from me right now.An old colleague of mine worked for the Wills tobacco giant for 20 years, and he told me that there are at least 56 discrete harmful chemicals in the average cigarette, including those that are in the tobacco anyway, those added to make it pack better, to make it burn better, to make the paper stick, and so on and so forth. This depressing knowledge never stopped him and me from lurking in the smoking room, though, where (as non-smokers are sadly unaware) all major corporate decisions are made and all worthwhile gossip exchanged!! Nell... who's never even tried to give up smoking... I mean, what else is there to do after a really good, er, meal? PS: Trip... good point... and another reason to love Zippos, which keep burning on their own without needing to keep your finger on the gas button... leaving your hands free to deal with those herbal remedies!! hehe |
posted 06-10-99 11:58 PM ET
As a matter of fact trip, cigarette companies do put tar in the cigarettes it is what gives them their so-called flavour(ewwww, man they taste like ****). |
posted 06-11-99 01:16 AM ET
Picker: It may be uncool, but my answer to it is to smoke hand-rolling tobacco... far fewer chemicals added, and the main one you avoid is the saltpetre that gets put in the paper of ready-made cigarettes in order to keep them burning. Oh and, if you live in the UK, where cigarettes are over �3 a pack (errr something over $5??), it's about 5 times cheaper to smoke hand-rolled... for some reason, the Govt. never whacks up the duty in the Budget!Nell... REUNITED WITH ZIPPO!!!!!! YAAYYY!!!!! |
posted 06-11-99 02:47 AM ET
I love chewchew loves me Me and skoal make a happy family! BarnyPig |
posted 06-11-99 03:37 AM ET
Jimmy: Reynolds is an American company (I should say was, since they were sold to Japan Tobacco earlier this year by the parent company R.J.R. Nabisco). The Worldwide headquarters are here in Geneva. And don't ask me what they put in their cigarettes, I won't tell you (NDA). Aredhran PS: Nell, no smoking room here, people can poison themselves at their desks, in the cafeteria, in the WC, anywhere ! Gossip does not stay in one room anyway, and I'm just a lowly programmer, so I don't care much for executive decisions |
MikeH II
posted 06-11-99 04:56 AM ET
I used to smoke rolling tobacco. The tobacco in packed cigarettes tastes so nasty and gives me terrible asthma in the morning. I had a great conversation with a bloke in the pub about the difference in the temperature of a burning pack cigarrette and a rolly, apparently the temperature the pack fags burn at is hot enough to burn the little hairs in your lungs. Mind you in the end before I gave up I could only smoke Cutters Choice, the best of all rolling tobaccos as the others are too tarry and rancid. It is cheap though. I used to make a pack last about a week. That's a bargain at �1.96. It's relaxing too rolling your own fags, (and great practice ) even if an American once told me that he thought only "ex-cons" smoked rollys. |
MikeH II
posted 06-11-99 05:00 AM ET
Forgot where I was for a second. Fag is British slang for cigarette, a friend of mine nearly got himself in a lot of trouble with a load of American jocks in Spain when he asked them if anyone could give him a fag.
posted 06-11-99 05:38 AM ET
Mike... Fag. ROTFLMAO . I only knew the American definitino for the world (though I guessed what you meant from the context)Aredhran -hehehe a pack fag -
posted 06-11-99 05:39 AM ET
DEFINITION.I want to EDIT my posts ! Aredhran |
posted 06-11-99 08:48 AM ET
I can't believe there are people who don't know what the british mean by fag, although I guess you should expect that from an american. |
posted 06-11-99 08:49 AM ET
BTW, congrats for finding it, where was it?The Notorious P.I.K. "The fool thinks he is wise, the wise man knows he's a fool" |
MikeH II
posted 06-11-99 09:13 AM ET
and I thought Aredhran was swiss... |
posted 06-11-99 09:25 AM ET
Mike, Yes I'm Swiss, but I learned most of my English in the US (lived in LA for 2 years). So the British English that I know was taught to me when I was in high school, and believe it or not, they don't spend too much time on slang in these classes... Aredhran
posted 06-11-99 09:29 AM ET
Geeeeeezzzz, your kidding, you'd think they'd spend at least a year on just slang |
posted 06-11-99 01:43 PM ET
Here's a hint for those of you who lose your lighters: If you value your eyebrows, don't try to light one up with a gas stove burner. BTW, it wasn't me, it was my college roomate, the same guy who went sled riding in his underwear and boots at 2 am. after a bottle of JD. God I miss those days. |
posted 06-11-99 02:02 PM ET
Aredhran, I live on Tobacco Road so I know what RJR is. OTOH, R.J. Reynolds was an outfielder who played for the Dodgers. I was just checking to see if there were any baseball fans among the SMACERS. Apparently not. But, lots of SMACERS do know all about fags. Disconcerting. Anyway, do you notice that Nell draws posts like bees to honey. |
posted 06-11-99 02:23 PM ET
jimmytrick,"...bees to honey..." You should have seen her "Girlies" thread. Fastest runup in forum history. So many posters got in on that action, it crashed the multiplayer forum and it wasn't even on that forum (it was on the game forum.) Messed them forums up so previous user name went into forum limbo, ne'er to be seen again. Yep, you young whippersnapper, them were the days. JAMiAM & JAMstillAM |
posted 06-11-99 11:35 PM ET
jimmytrick.. I knew who you were talking about and also that it was a joke. I am a smacer who is the biggest baseball fan ever in the history of baseballdom. Ask me and yee shall be enlightened. |
posted 06-12-99 01:20 AM ET
Old Warrior_42,Okay, baseball fan and gamer.... For ten points each define these acronyms: a. SOM b. APBA |
posted 06-12-99 01:39 AM ET
Strat-o matic game APBA baseball game...had the board version(have)bought in 1969.Cool game...going to look into the comp. version soon |
posted 06-12-99 01:40 AM ET
jimmy...that was way to easy can do better |
posted 06-12-99 02:51 AM ET
The "tar" in tobacco isn't the same stuff you use for roofing, etc. - well, not exactly, anyway. Tar in tobacco and other plants is just a descriptive name for groups of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PACH's), a specific family of resinous compounds which are carcinogenic, and are a part of the leaf's natural defenses against insects, which are among the strongest in nature.The other tar is from heavy oil bottoms - the stuff that isn't good enough to be asphalt. It IS chemically related, since crude oil is just a special form of decomposed plant matter. Trivia question: did you know that tobacco, do to its insecticidal properties, is one of the most effective primitive cures for intestinal parasites? It kills 'em real fast. Cigarettes don't kill you acutely only because they are such an ineffective delivery system for the PACH's and nicotine. If they were a 100% efficient delivery system into the bloodstream, two to three in 24 hours could easily be fatal, and would be to most people. PS Jimmytrick - after R.J. left the Dodgers, he went to the Pirates for a while. There are some baseball fans here. |
posted 06-12-99 02:58 AM ET
Nell: I understand the survived raves thing. GOOD call.Dancing for more than a hour at a time always seems to invoke some king of pocket wormhole - it's easy to see why nipple rings are so popular at these things (you can attach keys to them, and they don't get lost). |
posted 06-12-99 03:18 AM ET
MtG.. I just had a smoke and now I am not feeling too good...those pach's are gettin to me I think. Just goofing but yes you are right about what you said about them being deadly in a short period of time with an excellent delivery system. Kind of glad they cant upgrade their tech so as to accomplish this. I am a smoker. Trying to wife has quit for 4 months now and she is trying to help me. My problem is not the chemical addiction to nicotine as much as the physical know,right after a the morning with that first cup of brew...etc.. It is tough to change habits to limit the "smoking situations" but I am trying. I think all this talk about it right now has made me want to have another one though...dam..must resist...... |
posted 06-13-99 03:06 AM ET
You can do it Old Warrior! Got to quit! Got to quit!Hey, I had to give up playing some of my favorite games to smoke by for a while... these TBS games give you a chance to form serious habits. Try a pinball game or something simple that will hold your interest to help avoid hitting any "lit up points" to quickly. Keep at it Old Warrior! I know you can do it! -Darkstar |
posted 06-13-99 04:59 AM ET
Great thread, happy it came back. have nothin smart to addjust wanna say, MtG for me the biggest temptation is SEEing others smoke. In the weekend, if I'm alone, I never smoke. But at work, where my colleague & many users smoke, or if I go out with friends, well, their smoke puffs, I can't resist, I say "Please...", "OK, you want me to stop", "NO, I want you to GIMME one!". Or while I install NT or MS Office on crappy PCs, and just have to watch the slowly creeping advancement bar.... the hardest moments. You know, if you happen to not be smokin for few days, the first one you take actually has some flavour... thereafter it's just the habit. OH, how I tasted thos no-filter Lucky Strikes... aahh, forget it! bac to smac |
posted 06-13-99 10:13 PM ET
jimmy....I have 2 smac answers for your baseball questions also. SOM= Snack On Mindworms (cash cow) APBA= A Planet Busting Asshole (thats me) DS...thanks for the encouragement.I need all the help I can get. Hardest thing so far in my life to do. It was easier to quit smoking pot 10 years ago, then friggin cigs. But then a doctor friend of mine told me that next to cocaine ,nicotine is the most addictive drug there is. |
trippin daily
posted 06-14-99 02:49 AM ET
Hey Oldwarrior, if you don't mind me asking. How hard was it for you to quit smoking pot? How often did you smoke? I'm giving up my girl mary jane (slang for pot) for a new girlfriend. She doesn't like this mary jane girl to much. So mary has to go. She will be missed.Trippin Daily -For those of you who never want to lose your zippo, use super glue and attach it to a money clip (you then keep your money on that clip)- |
posted 06-14-99 03:28 AM ET
Trip....I moved from New York City to North Carolina which really helped alot because it wasnt readily obtained anymore. I know that is a sh.t answer but that was the biggest help to me , change of environment. Also I noticed no real cravings for it as I just substituted cigs for it. Another sh.t answer for you that I am sure wont help. You need to see if first you can do without it then get over the chemical addiction, I think you can do it. You seem strong willed and strong headed...that will help.The only weird thing I noticed was some odd "marijuana dreams" I would have once in a great while I was still smoking it or got caught and was some sort of loser, liar. You know how freakin weird dreams can be though so I just blow them off as some deep psychotic BS problem I might have but dont know about or care. My serious best advice..Just Do It (Nike). Easier said than done though...look at me and cigs. |
posted 06-14-99 03:34 AM ET
Oh yeah as far as answering your two questions....How hard?...not too bad but like I said the biggest help was change of environment. How much?often?...From 16 to 32 years old every day at least one time. Yeah I might have missed a day here and there over 16 years but pretty much a daily user. Also must say my wife helped me too with quitting so get some positive response and encouragement from your girlfriend(and some understanding) it will help. |
posted 06-17-99 04:53 PM ET
Trip: hehe... she must be quite some girl! Nell... unable to use a computer without smoking... oh and drinking gallons of Coke too... healthy habits! |
posted 06-17-99 05:04 PM ET
OldWarrior_42,You are just an hours drive away from me. What do you know! On the other hand, you came from NYC. I can't get too enthused about another damn Yankee carpetbagger! Maybe we should run a game of multiplayer Gettysburg? jimmytrick |
posted 06-17-99 08:39 PM ET
jt....I noticed that the other day when you were talking about RJ Reynolds and tobacco(sp?) road and baseball et all. Sorry I am a Yankee but I am one of the good ones not the carpetbaggers. Besides , I had nothing to do with the war between the states and my ancestors were still in Europe killing themselves over there. |
posted 06-17-99 10:00 PM ET
ya know, I don't smoke (even I've lived w/ a smoker, my mom, since I was born) or drink or do any kind of drug except caffeine and my life sucks. That's it, I'm smoking a joint the size of Montana and drinking 40 40s............. |