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  To whomever is killing threads

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Author Topic:   To whomever is killing threads
trippin daily posted 06-04-99 11:58 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily   Click Here to Email trippin daily  
Why the **** are you doing it? WHat the **** is the point. The whole idea of smileying a thread to death is stupid. It obliterates the thread, making it impossible for most people to read. Nobody gets to see who you are, or even here your reasons for being such a complete moron (ie. being dropped on the head repeatedly as a child). Forum Terrorism doesn't really exist without html code. The only thing you can do, well i won't say, because then a ****up like you will learn a new trick. Terrorism, that is what you are doing, if not that, you are just being a complete dick, not just a partial one, is best done to where one can SEE the results of the damage, you know, the fear factor bull****. There is one problem, you are like a terrorist armed with a gun that destroys all evidence that the terrorism even happened. You just kill the thread outright. So you accomplish nothing meaningful out of this. In conclusion, I just wanted to say, you are a ****ing idiot.

Trippin Daily
-I only made the first thread, the one that taught whoever this inbred is how to do this, I apologize for that. Knowledge in the hands of the ignorant is a dangerous thing-

Darkstar posted 06-05-99 01:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     

Smiley death just kills the thread FOR IE 5. I run IE 5 at work, and the Smile of Death kills that IE instance. But at home, I am running IE 4, and it just makes me WAIT forever to see it. I can still post and read. Fun fun.

I don't know about Netscape. I haven't used it since they started to claim they invented the Web browser. Take a Public Domain program, and claim its your intellectual property. Right. And they have the nerve to complain about Micro$oft. There is a special place in hell reserved for Plagerists...


tfs99 posted 06-05-99 03:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for tfs99  Click Here to Email tfs99     
I thought I read that NS was started by the same person who created Mosaic. Not that it makes claims like that anymore legitimate but it does give them some bragging rights.

It looks to me like someone name Kapitan is doing the smiley bombs, but I can't be sure.

SMAC n ... Ted S.

Darkstar posted 06-05-99 03:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Not true Ted. Not that it would give them ANY rights either, as I believe it is the University of Washington that retains ALL rights to Mosaic and everything related to it. Holding the rights to it, it has place Mosaic in the public domain only as a tool for browsing the net. And improving the code. And its a violation of their license to add a little something and then CALL IT YOUR OWN! Sorry, but they use a GNU Copy-Leftish sort of public domain. Netscape just ripped it off. This returning the code is not a humanitarism thing on their part. Its that Sun and Microsoft was offering UoW money and laywers to OWN Netscape's illegal and plagerising ass. And they had lost the browser war to Microsoft. Microsoft LISTS UoP in its credits, and paid them SOMETHING for the license privaleges. Newtsuck can't claim the same.

That sort of behavior is absolutely deplorable and I will NEVER support the Newtsuckers for as long as I can get away with it. Since they are now part of AOL, this isn't a position in danger for a long time.


Nell_Smith posted 06-05-99 04:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nell_Smith  Click Here to Email Nell_Smith     
Yeah, it is Kapitan who is (or was, as he/she seems to have stopped) killing threads with smileys. I have IE5 and can't load these threads, but I know it was Kapitan because I received the email stating that Kapitan had replied to my thread, at which point the thread became undownloadable.

Oh well... there's always one, I guess


PS: Trip: Hey you wanna mail me and tell me your thread-killing trick? Strictly on a need-to-know basis, you understand

Rackam posted 06-05-99 05:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rackam    
I extracted this from the 'about' box in IE5

"Based on NCSA Mosaic. NCSA Mosaic(TM); was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
"Distributed under a licensing agreement with Spyglass, Inc."


Freddz posted 06-05-99 05:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freddz  Click Here to Email Freddz     
Kapitan isn't the only powderhead doing bombing and thinking themselves funny... Several small bombs and destructive posts have been dropped here lately and I guess the geekshow will go on for a while longer.
Xuenay posted 06-05-99 05:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Xuenay    
What exactly is "Smileying A Thread To Death*?
LoD posted 06-05-99 06:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
DS: No offence, but I think you've played to much SMAC for today. Look at your post between "Microsoft LISTS" and "in its credits".


LoD posted 06-05-99 07:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for LoD  Click Here to Email LoD     
Xuenay: "Smileying A Thread To Death" means posting a message with hundreds (thousands) of smileys in the thread. It either makes it *very* long to download, or hangs up the browser.


Kapitan posted 06-05-99 07:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kapitan    
Darkstar posted 06-05-99 11:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Well... I stand corrected. Guess I should have gone and looked. It wasn't like it was more than a couple of clicks away.

Good catch Rackam.

UoP? Wow! Must have.


seth5454 posted 06-06-99 07:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for seth5454  Click Here to Email seth5454     
man Kapitan go get a life and stop smoking what ever.
Stasis Archon posted 06-06-99 10:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stasis Archon  Click Here to Email Stasis Archon     
I can't load these smilied threads with Nescape (I have Communicator 4.51), but IE 4 seems loads them just fine.
Jay posted 06-07-99 07:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay  Click Here to Email Jay     
<font type="dungeon" size=8 color=red><b>Someone get Kapitan's IP address and m@ilbomb him! This is getting really annoying!</b>

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