posted 05-29-99 10:31 AM ET
By now it should be obvious to any SMACer... and judging by recent posts it is.SMAC is a TOTALLY conquest oriented game.
Diplomacy, Pacts, Treaties, factions are all only window dressing for the A notso I's blatant biasing in this direction....
It's kill or be killed
Don't get me wrong, I'm a SMACaholic, It's the best TBS game in town.
BUT !!!!!

Basically, due to weapon strength imbalance, with three tech's, you have an A4 weapon system ( If you play Spartan it's also mobile, i.e. wheeled ).
With ten tech's, that is slightly more than level one alone, you have an A8 weapon system, and don't forget,three factions already receive one of these ten tech's for free.
No, or minimal, penalties for breaking treaties, no diplomacy, other than "Give it to me or I'll take it, kamikaze factions, and an A notso I that states catagoricially that every other faction is your enemy, and then sets out to prove it.
So if we average each tech to 15 Yrs, it is only 2250 and you've been kicking butt since A4 weapons superiority, stealing tech, stealing or destroying cities, and generally creating mayhem, and by this stage of the game five elite chaos rovers can overrun almost any defense, it should be almost impossible to lose, given an even moderately adequate starting position.
No wonder the A notso I has to cheat.
No wonder the main threads of civIII wish lists are Diplomacy, real Trade, and penalties for transgressors.
If you're like me, by tech level six it's time to end the game, because the drag to transcendance with no competition is just so boring, all the fun is in the early buttkicking
Strangely SMAC has a similar feel to the original OUTPOST, NO NO NO not that crappy RTS that followed, the original, fantastic potential but mediocre execution, Sierra never got it right, at least Firaxis is trying to.
PS.... For you great MASS of DEBATERS out there I should warn you, I wear pure Australian merino fireproof suits, much better than ACME Mk4